New Book Cracks the Code on Motivating and Managing Millennials in the Workplace

New Book Cracks the Code on Motivating and Managing Millennials in the Workplace, updated 10/12/20, 6:42 PM

Ryan Vet has launched his brand new book, “Cracking the Millennial Code,” geared towards helping business leaders more effectively market to and manage millennials. More information is available on Amazon:

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New Book Cracks the
Code on Motivating and
Managing Millennials in
the Workplace
Vet launched his brand new leadership book,
"Cracking the Millennial Code".
The book has had
tremendous success since its
launch in November 11, 2019.
It is available on Amazon and many other online book retailers and is
expected to become a big hit with fans of the management, leadership,
Millennials and business world.
More information on the book
can be found on Amazon.
Readers will likely find a particular interest in the fact that his book
does not solely focus on the millennial generation but instead
focuses on all the generations over the last century.
Specifically the book dissects
how each generation influences
the next and how that works in
today's society.
The book was released by izymu WORDS.
Ryan Vet has a background in
executive leadership,
management and firms ranging
from start-ups to Fortune 500s.
These experiences helped shaped the creation of
the book.
When asked about why they wrote the book , Vet
said: "After hearing so many people complain about
the Millennial generation, I set out to better
understand what makes the generation tick while
simultaneously providing clear strategies to more
effectively manage millennials." Vet has hopes that
the b
At one point Ryan Vet decided to completely restructure the book from
being just a management and leadership book to one that included key
moments in history.
In a recent interview, the author made a point of
thanking all of those who took a chance on him
as a member of the millennial generation for
their part in the creation of the book, saying:
"There is an endless list of individuals I could
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