The Cutter Wedge by Cutter Golf Makes Your Short Game Fun Again

The Cutter Wedge by Cutter Golf Makes Your Short Game Fun Again, updated 6/15/20, 8:58 PM

Cutter Golf has defied convention in the Golf Wedges market with the release of The Cutter Wedge. Further information can be found at and

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The Cutter Wedge by
Cutter Golf Makes
Your Short Game
Fun Again
Cutter Golf today reflected on its release of The Cutter
Wedge, which was originally designed and conceptualized
by Dickie Walsh.
Dickie began to play around and
tinker with wedges and later saw
when the toe was turned
downward it had the ability to cut
through the surface.
He also found that it reduces dragging AND increased the
size of the sweet spot.
Alongside Dickie is Jeff Sheets,
of the world-renown golf firm of
Jeff Sheets Golf LLC.
Jeff has worked with more than 60 of golf's Majors winners
and two dozen golf Hall of Fame members on their most
important tools - golf clubs.
Jeff's work on the Cutter Wedge legitimizes and
validates it's innovative design and uniqueness
because he's kind of a Big Deal in the Industry! The
Cutter's Secret Weapon is the Crescent Shaped
Sole that distributes weight to the CENTER of the
face for improved strikes and better contact.
Cutter Golf chose to make this move because Dickie Walsh noticed that a
wedge club performs better with a downward toe, cutting through surfaces
flawlessly and increasing your accuracy.
The Cutter will allow golfers to hit
closer to the hole, providing a better
chance to 1 other words,
"Get up and Down".
The triangular shape minimizes turf resistance in the rough and
on side hill lies and allows the club to "CUT" through the
surface vs.dragging the club.
Apart from the face shape the
Cutter is a traditional sand
wedge in every other aspect.
Start changing your golf game today. Come visit us to learn how
this revolutionary club can help your short game.
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