4 Petals of Mooladhara Chakra Meditation - Sahaja Yoga.pdf

4 Petals of Mooladhara Chakra Meditation - Sahaja Yoga.pdf, updated 3/4/19, 5:26 PM


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Meditation on 4 Petals of Mooladhara Chakra
The Deity (Divine Personification) of the root centre, Mooladhara, Shri Ganesha, is of
Humility, Innocence, Purity, Fearlessness, Patience
Jai Shri Ganesha!!!
Jai Shri Mataji!!!
After the initial cleaning process of your Spiritual body, this set of prayers will enormously heal you!!
Hold your right hand on, or towards Earth to drain negative energy from the left channel (Ida Nadi) and Mooladhara, and
with left hand to Shri Mataji's photo, and after asking Shri Mataji for each Blessing then allow your attention to hold the
desire and request in your top chakra (Sahasrara), and do all this with a Pure Desire through your 'heart of hearts'.
The petals are like catchment areas for the Blessings bestowed upon us by our Holy Mother.
Remember always, after the prayer, to wait with your attention at Sahasrara until you
can feel the attention to the prayer.
The first petal goes in a downward direction towards the ground.
It folds the Joy of the Brahmanand the Pure and Absolute Joy of Divinity.
So here we pray:
"Oh, Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the Joy of the Brahmanand."
The second petal goes towards the left. It holds two Blessings the first is that He (Shri Ganesha) removes the obstacles
to our ascent. So here we pray:
"Oh, Shri Mataji, please let Your Shri Ganesha Tattwa remove all the obstacles to our ascent."
Secondly, it holds the Majesty and Dignity of the Pure Spirit.
"Shri Mataji, please fill each cell of our Being with the Majesty and Dignity of the Pure Spirit."
The third petal goes to the right. Here there are three qualities.
First, the absolute dedication and surrender of Shri Ganesha to His/our Holy Mother.
Here we pray:
"Shri Mataji, please fill every cell of our Being with the complete dedication and surrender of Shri
Ganesha to Your Holy Lotus Feet."
Secondly, the Wisdom, which Shri Ganesha endows, and thirdly, the Pure Knowledge of Divinity.
So here we pray:
"Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the Absolute Wisdom of Your Shri Ganesh."
"Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the Pure Knowledge of Your Divinity."
The forth petal then goes upward. Here there are two Blessings which the petal holds.
Firstly, the complete Fearless which Shri Ganesha has in the Knowledge that He is the Child of the Adi Shakti, and
therefore at one with Divinity nothing can harm us when we are at one with God's Will.
Here we pray:
"Shri Mataji, please Bless us with the complete Fearlessness of Your Shri Ganesha."
Secondly, this petal collects the Amrut that trickles down from Divine when the Sahasrara is open and a person is at one
with the Holy Spirit of God.
Here we pray:
"Shri Mataji, please fill each and every cell of our Being with the Nectar of Your Divine Love."
Jai Shri Ganesha!!!
Jai Shri Mataji!!!
4 Petals of Mooladhara Chakra
Jai Shri Mataji!!!
Excerpts from 'The Mooladhara Chakra' Lecture
"This centre was created first, at the very outset of creation of Kundalini in the Virata, to bestow on it the only Son of Adi Shakti, Shri
Ganesha. Mooladhara Chakra means the centre, which is the support of the root of the Creation.
As human beings are created in the image of God (Virata) this centre is also expressed first in every human being. Shri Ganesha, who is
manifested in this chakra, is the symbol of eternal childhood.
The Mooladhara Chakra is placed in the lowest region of the trunk of human beings about one inch above the centre of the 'seat'. This most
vital and important centre is in a subtle form. The gross expression of this centre is the pelvic plexus, as described in medical terminology.
The plexus surrounds the subtle centre.
The swastika represents the four dimensions of awareness and the meeting point in the fifth dimension, which moves diagonally ascending
above the clockwise and anticlockwise movements of the chakra.
Pranava is transformed into the ocean of holiness by Shri Ganesha. The waves spread along the petals of the Mooladhara Chakra. A person,
who is much higher, in the state of God realization, has a very evolved formation of its pattern. In such personalities, the Mooladhara Chakra
acts like a very highly evolved living organism.
The petals of the chakra have arrow-like lines, which appear as small ripples. Gradually they grow with the purity, i.e. identifying with the
sense of dignity of chastity of the seeker in many lives. These arrow-like patterns catch in their folds the all-pervading Power that flows down
from the top of the head of a realized soul as grace. Such a person may not be an artist but he will enjoy art because of his absolute aesthetic
values. They form a network of catchments in four directions. The analysis is done by Shri Ganesha. The petal which is pointing downwards
has three such arrows. By the first one it expresses the harmony the seeker enjoys. By the second one is expressed the sense of balance. By
the third arrow it expresses the sensitivity of the subject to innocence. He becomes so virtuous that he abhors sinful acts and exhibitions. All
these three are developed fully by the complete dedication, innocence and chastity of the seeker to Shri Ganesha. The subject, through the
grace of Shri Ganesha, which is awakened and steadied, achieves ascendance by doing proper self-cultivating penance. This penance is done
under the guidance of a Guru after realization. It is as if all the patterns get threaded together. By this new achievement the seeker can feel as
if he is identified with the Joy of Creation.
The second petal, which is facing towards the left hand side, also has three patterns of waves. By the first wave one achieves the complete
mastery over evil enticement. The temptations within ones self are overcome by the second ripple, which suggests that the seeker can expel
the spirits who are outside his personality or hovering over other fellow beings. The third ripple when developed, gives one the power of
spontaneous victory, overpowering the spirits hovering on other people. Merely the sight of such a subject would make the possessed person
shake. When these are threaded into one integrated manifestation, one feels the complete glory of one's own majesty and divinity and its
effects are evident in the humble, confident personality of a very powerful identity.
The third petal, facing to the right side, has also the growth of three patterns of ripples, appearing one after another. By the first, a person
develops humility to God (Shraddha), by the second, develops wisdom, and by the third, becomes one with knowledge. When all these three
are threaded together into one integrated expression or manifestation, one feels the all-implicit, witnessing experience of awareness. The
knowledge of inner being and all that is unknown becomes known as if the seeker enters the library of knowledge: whatever he wants to
know he has just to turn his attention to that subject.
The petal that is facing upwards has also three patterns as waves. The first one gives the seeker fearlessness because of the essence of
security caught by the fold. The second one makes the seeker aware of the collective consciousness, and the third one grants power of
Dharma. When fully developed, the subject assumes the complete identification with the sustenance (re1igion) within. All these, when
threaded together, give you a dynamic personality, by which the seeker experiences the nectar of existence (Amrita). He never commits sin.
Whatever may appear wrong to ignorant people, his every movement and doing adds to the universal music of love.
This subtle centre (chakra) is the root of all the subtle centres. It is placed outside the spinal chord to emit, through Shri Ganesha, the Divine
Power of Holiness and sublimity (Pranava) in its pure and integrated form in the Void. Another function of this chakra is to record everything
that is happening in the Void (Bhavasagara). The recorded events and problems are communicated to the Mother Kundalini. Here they go on
accumulating as karmas and when the subject dies, he is born again according to his karmas. Shri Ganesha, as corrector, guides the subject by
sending symbols in dreams.
The realized personalities have to ascend gradually in their surrender to the innocence of Shri Ganesha. The people who are simple, chaste
like small children, achieve very quickly spontaneous salvation (Sahaja Yoga).
Shri Ganesha looks after the protocol of His Divine Mother. He is very forgiving but cannot at all tolerate anything against His Mother. He
enters into the human intellect and imbibes the qualities of reverence. He gives the Light of Wisdom to the egotistical intellectuals when they
bow to His innocence. He enters into the superego when He is prayed to by the people who are conditioned and are suppressed. He kills the
demons or evil forces that are overpowering the seekers. He has an army of angels and evolved sages. He is respected and worshipped by all
the gods, and His own Mother, Adi Shakti, worships Him, as He is the highest.
Adi Shakti is the Power of God Almighty (Parameshwara), but Her Power is Shri Ganesha. He resides as Unconscious, and after Self-
realization as awareness (Pranava), in every particle of Her Creation, which is expressed in His four dimensions. His symbol is the swastika,
which rotates in the clockwise manner while creating, and while destroying, moves anticlockwise. While evolving it is equal and opposite in
force, giving steadiness. The four arms of the swastika are like His four arms, which are carrying the symbolic weapons and accessories at
their ends. In the life of Jesus Christ, the swastika is symbolized as a cross. Actually, the cross is the swastika, which is manifested (Vyakta).
The crossing point is higher, because Christ came at a point when Creation was at a higher point of evolution and the human beings were
born with greater awareness." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Holy Mother Immaculate Goddess Holy Spirit / Shri Adi Shakti Incarnated)
4 Petals of Mooladhara Chakra - www.sahajayoga.com