One Core has released a 14-day strong core activation exercise guide to improve surgery recovery after a C-sections, hysterectomy, and other abdominal surgeries. The guide features exercises to improve abdominal muscle tone, boost energy levels, and improve posture. Visit for details.
Regain Great Muscle
Tone And A Flatter
Tummy After
Abdominal Surgery
Are you looking to achieve or regain a flat tummy after your C-section?
Do you want simple yet effective exercises to help you prevent knee
and hip problems, correct imbalances, and improve your posture?
The good news is that by training
your abdominal muscles, you
can regain control and prevent
long-term stability issues.
One Core can help you achieve this through a 14-day core
training exercise regimen.
The One Core Program core muscle
activation guide features simple, no-
equipment exercises to aid your
recovery from a cesarean section or
other abdominal surgeries.
These exercises are designed to strengthen all your core
muscles, improve mobility, and build stability.
The One Core 14-day core activation
guide recommends four major
exercises to prevent back pain, poor
posture, knee pain, snapping hip
syndrome, spinal compression, and
other post-surgery complications.
Activating and toning core muscles helps you get a stronger and
flatter stomach, boost your energy levels, and recover faster.
The One Core Program is a free and
effective alternative to spending
thousands of dollars on personal
trainers, chiropractors, and massage
The benefits of the program are evident within 24 hours,
allowing you to speed up post-surgery recovery.
One Core Program is a full core
activation regimen designed by NSCA-
Certified Personal Trainer and Muscle
Activation Techniques (MAT) certified
PICP Coach Dustin Schaffer based on
20 years of experience.
The One Core illustrated exercise guide helps you learn and
achieve the correct form quickly and avoid injury.
Experience faster recovery,
better muscle control, and
posture after your C-section.
Download the new core activation guide at
Tone And A Flatter
Tummy After
Abdominal Surgery
Are you looking to achieve or regain a flat tummy after your C-section?
Do you want simple yet effective exercises to help you prevent knee
and hip problems, correct imbalances, and improve your posture?
The good news is that by training
your abdominal muscles, you
can regain control and prevent
long-term stability issues.
One Core can help you achieve this through a 14-day core
training exercise regimen.
The One Core Program core muscle
activation guide features simple, no-
equipment exercises to aid your
recovery from a cesarean section or
other abdominal surgeries.
These exercises are designed to strengthen all your core
muscles, improve mobility, and build stability.
The One Core 14-day core activation
guide recommends four major
exercises to prevent back pain, poor
posture, knee pain, snapping hip
syndrome, spinal compression, and
other post-surgery complications.
Activating and toning core muscles helps you get a stronger and
flatter stomach, boost your energy levels, and recover faster.
The One Core Program is a free and
effective alternative to spending
thousands of dollars on personal
trainers, chiropractors, and massage
The benefits of the program are evident within 24 hours,
allowing you to speed up post-surgery recovery.
One Core Program is a full core
activation regimen designed by NSCA-
Certified Personal Trainer and Muscle
Activation Techniques (MAT) certified
PICP Coach Dustin Schaffer based on
20 years of experience.
The One Core illustrated exercise guide helps you learn and
achieve the correct form quickly and avoid injury.
Experience faster recovery,
better muscle control, and
posture after your C-section.
Download the new core activation guide at