An Alq 218.pdf

An Alq 218.pdf, updated 6/23/21, 10:28 PM


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AN/ALQ-218 Tactical Jamming Receiver
Force Protection: Real Time Situational Awareness
for Tactical Cueing of Jammers/Onboard Sensors
Northrop Grumman’s ALQ-218 fully
satisfies the unique requirement for a
tactical jamming receiver system. In
battle, the ALQ-218 tactical jamming
receiver is the first system “on the scene”
to detect the enemy. The ALQ-218 provides the
initial verification for the correlation between the
planned Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) and the
actual “on the scene” EOB. The ALQ-218 enables
aircrews and/or commanders to make quicker and
more intelligent decisions to ensure the maximum
protection of the friendly forces.
The ALQ-218 successfully meets the required
probability of detection and response time necessary
to provide situational awareness for reactive
(surgical) jamming. High-powered jammer energy
can be concentrated on specific threats and as a
result of the jamming, the ALQ-218 follows the
changing enemy radar tactics.
The ALQ-218 features two independent receiver
assets (primary and auxiliary). The primary
receiver is composed of a channelized and a cued
receiver which operate in tandem to provide
immediate signal acquisition, accurate parameter
measurement, timely updates and precision
direction-finding/geolocation. The auxiliary
receiver provides an extended frequency capability,
offloads the primary receiver from long dwell time
measurements, and aids in the recognition of
intrapulse modulation plus the updating of range
estimates for geolocation.
The ALQ-218 utilizes a unique combination of
short, medium and long baseline interferometer
techniques with a patented passive ranging
algorithm to provide geolocation of emitters for
cueing jammers and other onboard sensors such
as electro-optical/infrared sensors and radar.
RF Combat &
Information Systems
RF Combat &
Information Systems
AN/ALQ-218 Tactical Jamming Receiver
Force Protection: Real Time Situational Awareness
for Tactical Cueing of Jammers/Onboard Sensors
For more information, please contact:
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Electronic Systems
RF Combat & Information Systems
Director of RFCIS Business Development
600 Hicks Road
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-1098
Phone: (847) 259-9600, ext. 6909
Fax: (847) 870-5713
Specifications and features subject to change without notice.
CS_SERV1 ProdCard
Unique, Demonstrated “Look Through” Capability
The ALQ-218 is the world’s only tactical jamming receiver system with proven “look-through” software
to permit periodic surveillance of the threat environment while jamming is in progress. The “look-
through” capability allows the ALQ-218 receiver system to operate in close proximity to onboard high
power jammers.
The ALQ-218’s “look-through” capability was successfully demonstrated during the EA-6B ADVCAP
(Advanced Capability) program which reached full scale development in FY93. This program provided
the technical basis for much of the current upgrade program, the EA-6B Improved Capability III
The Heart of EA-6B ICAP III
The ALQ-218 onboard the EA-6B ICAP III, is the latest in a series of upgrades to the venerable EA-6B
Prowler which flies the electronic warfare (EW) mission for the U.S. Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps.
Often described as the “Heart of ICAP III,” the ALQ-218 provides the upgraded Prowler with the ability to
precisely identify and pinpoint the location of enemy radar sites for a more effective use of HARM missiles.
The EA-6B ICAP III equipped Prowler made its first flight in 2001 and is expected to enter production in
the Fall of 2003.
The Navy’s Choice for EA-18
The ALQ-218 receiver is the U.S. Navy’s choice for the new EA-18 Advanced Electronic Attack aircraft, a
derivative of the F/A-18F Super Hornet, currently in production. The EA-18 will use virtually the same
EW suite being developed by Northrop Grumman for ICAP III. The ALQ-218 receiver electronics will be
repackaged and installed in the EA-18’s nose gun-bay, with the antennas mounted on the wingtips.
Northrop Grumman anticipates producing ALQ-218 shipsets to support both the EA-6B and EA-18 fleets.
The ALQ-218 has a spiral development improvement roadmap that allows for installation on any air, sea
or land based platforms.