AffordableFamilyHealthcare to Promote Affordable In-Home Preventative and Primary Health Care

AffordableFamilyHealthcare to Promote Affordable In-Home Preventative and Primary Health Care, updated 5/18/23, 12:38 PM


AffordableFamilyHealthcare will promote award-winning coaching and affordable in-home preventative and primary care designed to help families cut healthcare costs while at the same time elevating wellness outcomes. The new company is a DBA of innovative health and wellness company, Hilke Enterprises LLC of Highland UT.

Hilke Enterprises, LLC 5513 W 11000 N 426, Highland, Utah 84003, United States Website Email

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Hilke Enterprises LLC Announces its New
DBA, AffordableFamilyHealthcare
Information about the new
AffordableFamilyHealthcare business is
available at this website: The
focus of the new DBA business entity is to
provide individuals and their households with
affordable preventative and primary
The program offers amazing award-
winning coaching as well as in-home
preventative and primary health care
solutions, previously available for
businesses only, and brings it to the
consumer... individuals and their
As an affiliate reseller of the new
program called Orriant Life,
AffordableFamilyHealthcare offers
discounted pricing to individuals for
Orriant Life subscriptions. The
discounted pricing is available at
Orriant's consumer results data show
an average of 50% reduction in
healthcare claims trend within three
years of implementing the Orriant
wellness program, while at the same
time improving their consumers'
average biometric health statistics.
Individuals and families seeking coaching and
lower cost preventative and primary care with
no deductibles and no copays will also enjoy
the convenience of in-home primary care,
virtual care, and over 550 free prescription
medications... all for less than $4 per day per
AffordableFamilyHealthcare is a strategic
addition to Hilke Enterprises... "Having
worked more than 30 years in the Health
Insurance and Wellness industry, and seeing
healthcare costs rise dramatically for so
many years, we now have an affordable
solution to offer families."
Examples of Who Will Benefit:
Individuals who don't have
adequate health insurance, who
want an affordable subscription
for preventative and primary
Individuals who have high-
deductible health insurance,
and who wish to avoid paying
deductibles and copays for
preventative and primary care.
Who Will Benefit: Individuals who have
health insurance, and who wish to elevate
their wellness and healthcare experience
with award-winning coaching; and in-home
and virtual primary care, mental health,
physical therapy, and prescriptions with no
deductibles or copays.
Individuals who have health insurance,
and who wish to reduce their overall
healthcare claims by 50%, consistent
with Orriant's subscriber 3-year
improvement statistics.
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