Netflix's innovation strategy, a force in the streaming service industry, reflects a commitment to relentless and strategic innovation. It began as a DVD rental service and evolved into a leading producer of original content.
Key aspects of this strategy include:
Cultivating a Creative Culture: Netflix fosters a culture of creativity and non-conformity. Their work environment attracts diverse talents, encouraging freedom and innovation. Policies like flexible vacations and the 'keeper test' ensure a highly effective team. This culture embraces failure as a learning opportunity, fostering risk-taking and agility in decision-making.
Balancing Innovations: Netflix focuses on both incremental (refining technologies and processes) and radical innovations (industry redefining changes). Incremental innovations include patenting their business model and enhancing streaming quality. Radically, they shifted to streaming services and started producing original content, reducing reliance on licensed content and diversifying revenue streams.
Global Expansion: Recognizing the international future of streaming, Netflix produces region-specific content, balancing universal appeal with local customization. This strategy involves navigating diverse regulations and preferences, supported by a robust content delivery network.
Technology and Market Expansion: Netflix invests in AI and machine learning to enhance content creation and delivery, indicating a focus on technology-driven innovation. Expanding into gaming and interactive media, they cater to varied consumer preferences and adapt to media consumption trends.
In summary, Netflix's strategy demonstrates the power of disruptive thinking and strategic execution. By fostering a progressive work culture, embracing technology, and expanding content, Netflix navigates the future of entertainment.
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The Costs and Benefits of Video Streaming
Jillian Scott
University of Miami
The purpose of this paper is to explore the growth of the video streaming industry by analyzing
the costs and benefits of over-the-top services. Specifically, the paper will portray the rapid
growth of the video streaming industry and what the future of video streaming may look like.
The major benefits of streaming services were identified as follows: accessibility, variety, low
subscription fees, and the ability to reach niche audiences. On the other hand, the major costs
found were identified as follows: subscription costs of bundling services, the cost of high-speed
internet, negative social implications, the threat to multichannel video programming distributors,
the impact on small content providers, and over saturation of services in the marketplace. Factors
to consider in the future include MVPD consolidation, increased cord-cutting, and the
reconceptualized video bundle. Other predictions include increased prices for streaming
subscriptions and the growth of original content. The author concluded that the future of
streaming will evolve along with changing technologies and the reactions of consumers.
Keywords: video streaming, streaming services, over-the-top services
If someone heard the phrase “video streaming service” 10 years ago, they likely thought of
Netflix. If that person heard the same phrase today, they might think of Hulu, Amazon Prime
Video, HBO NOW, Disney+, or others. These are just a few of the over-the-top services that
have emerged in the last decade. Over-the-top, commonly referred to as OTT, is on-demand,
non-broadcast, Internet-streamed video content viewed on a digital display (Seel & Dupagne,
2010). Across these services, viewers can watch television, film, sports, and other special
The video streaming industry is booming. According to a report by the Motion Picture
Association of America, there were 613.3 million online video service subscriptions in 2018,
which was a 27% increase from 2017. This increased number of online subscriptions surpassed
the number of cable customers for the first time, which was at 556 million in 2018 (Liptak,
2019). More recent data from 2019 validates the strong viewership in streaming and OTT.
Forbes states that as of 2019, 61% of Americans owned a Smart TV and 52% used OTT services.
OTT usage was 65% for viewers aged 18 to 34. On average, an OTT customer owns three
devices they can watch content and subscribe to three different services (Salkowitz, 2019).
The first three pioneers of OTT are typically recognized as Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon.
Although these companies are still prominent, they are struggling more than before because all of
the growing competition. This competition, aside from the few services mentioned above,
includes Sling TV, Watch TV, Apple TV+, CBS All Access, and many more. It is important to
note that the growth of OTT would not be possible without the growth of fast, reliable internet
connection. Additionally, the growth of smartphones and other devices was a key factor in
As a result of the growing video streaming industry, multichannel video programming
distributors, abbreviated as MVPDs, have been greatly affected. MVPDs include cable operators,
multichannel multipoint distribution services, satellite services, and satellite programming
distributors that provide television channels for purchase. These once-key players in the video
industry have been in steady decline. Although the decline in traditional television is no surprise,
as it has been happening over the past years, the rate of the decline has been quicker than many
suspected it would be. For years, it was believed that live sports would maintain the life of
MVPDs and allow them to compete with streaming services. That is until, however, streaming
services made live sports accessible to viewers for a lower price. For instance, ESPN’s streaming
service, ESPN+, launched in 2018 and offers a monthly rate of $5, further threatening the future
of MVPDs.
Therefore, it is important to evaluate the costs and benefits of the growing video streaming
industry with regard to consumers, MVPDs, and all other companies competing for market
space. This topic is important to investigate because society is currently undergoing a
revolutionary change in which the way companies make and distribute content, as well as the
way that individuals view that content. Streaming has become fully embedded into many
people’s lives due to the growth of devices and services, and it has come to affect most of our
present society across the workforce, schools, and peoples’ pastimes. Thus, regardless of the
positive or negative factors associated with over-the-top services, the current growth of these
services will change the future of video and the way the industry operates forever.
This paper will first cover the benefits, or advantages, associated with over-the-top services
to portray the way that these services have changed the lives of consumers. Next, the paper will
break down the costs, or disadvantages, for consumers and companies. After weighing the costs
and benefits, the final section will present predictions on what the future of video streaming
might entail.
Benefits of Video Streaming
The first major benefit of over-the-top video streaming is the accessibility. Content is
easily accessible from anywhere and on any connected device. This accessibility, coupled with
technology advancements, has led to a viewing habit referred to as second screen usage. Second
screen usage occurs when a user is simultaneously active on multiple devices, or screens, while
viewing video content. Streaming has facilitated second screen usage because people can receive
content on their smart televisions, smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, or any other device
with a screen and internet connection. Additionally, many services allow users to download
shows and movies to their devices so that they can watch the content offline without an internet
connection. This feature is particularly advantageous during times of travel, power outages, or in
locations with poor internet or service. As an insight from Consumer Reports highlights,
individuals must have enough storage space on their devices for the media file to download.
However, if they opt for standard-definition download, a two-hour movie consumes less than
half a gigabyte of data (Bufete, 2018). This is a significantly low amount, especially since the
data consumption is typically stopped once a user watches the movie and deletes the download.
Because content is available at any time, viewers are not limited to a schedule as they are with
traditional television. Instead, they can re-watch specific episodes or movies whenever they
choose to or pause a program and return to watch it later. This flexibility has popularized the
hobby of binge-watching. Binge-watching is the act of watching video, typically television
programs, for a long period of time in one sitting. (Birch, 2019). For many viewers, consuming
content over a long period of time is a great part of streaming. According to a study done by
Harris Interactive on U.S. adults who watch Netflix, 76% of US adults reported that
bingewatching is an escape from their busy lives. Additionally, 79% stated that binge watching
makes shows more enjoyable.
In 2018, Nielsen conducted studies to better understand over-the-top services in relation
to demographics and devices. As Nielsen (2018) states, the methods in which consumers receive
their content is evolving, as more than two-thirds of U.S. homes have connected devices that are
capable of streaming video. Furthermore, Americans spend almost eight billion hours every
month viewing content on connected televisions such as Amazon Fire and Apple TV. With the
evolving media landscape, it is valuable to analyze what the audience and their behavior looks
like when consuming content. Nielsen’s results in Figure 1 summarized audience composition
across the different categories of a connected device, live television, set-top-box video on
demand, and digital. Before examining the results, it is crucial to know the definition of each
category. Connected televisions, also known as smart televisions, refer to any television that can
be connected to the internet and access content beyond what is typically offered by a cable
provider. Connected televisions have interactive Web 2.0 features. Set-top-box video on demand,
or STB VOD, is content that is consumed by the viewer whenever they want after its original air
date and time. The VOD feature comes from the hardware device on the television that allows a
digital signal to be received, decoded, and displayed on a television (Techopedia, n.d.).
As seen in Nielsen’s table, 3% of live television viewers were aged 18 to 24. This
demographic also made up 8% of connected devices. For the 55+ demographic, live television
was the most popular category at 59%, while live television was the least popular category for
those aged 13-17, 18-24, and 25-34. While live television has the majority of viewers’ time
spent, connected devices have substantial consumption. These devices are likely growing due to
their convenience, and it appears that OTT offerings are more appealing to younger
Another benefit of over-the-top services is the variety of content. Most streaming services
have a library of original programs and content from current or past shows, leaving subscribers
with many options for content. This content is typically ad-free and, if not, is almost always
contains shorter ads than traditional television. In 2019, the popular streaming service Hulu even
took a stance to limit advertisements to 90 seconds. Prior to the limitation, Hulu’s commercial
breaks could run from 180 seconds to 240 seconds (Sloane, 2019). This shorter format is
attractive to many consumers who see advertisements as interruptive or disengaging.
Low Subscription Fees
An additional benefit of video streaming is low subscription fees, as individual services
are considerably less expensive than traditional television plans. Figure 2 portrays some of the
key streaming providers and their fees (Jones, 2018). As the figure shows, monthly prices for the
mentioned services range as low as $5.99 for CBS All Access to $40 for Sling TV, which
includes add-on content. These prices are much lower than the average monthly cable bill of
$107 (Pressman, 2018). Cheaper subscription rates are advantageous for college students, young
adults, or any individuals who want to cut down on costs from cable.
Niche Offerings
The last major benefit of streaming is the ability to cater to a niche audience. Although
major services such as Netflix or Hulu contain a vast library of content appealing to different
demographics and interests, some services have found success in catering content to smaller
audiences who share an interest. These services populate a library full of content related to a
certain hobby or genre. For example, DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Digital Networks
launched DC Universe, a streaming service catered to fans of comics and superheroes. Niche
services have grown significantly in popularity, allowing smaller companies to stay alive in the
increasingly competitive and populated marketplace. Instead of competing with the mass-market
OTT services, companies have figured out how to target and appeal to passionate, loyal
individuals. Niche services also typically charge a low fee, adding appeal for subscribers. Fans of
comic books can subscribe to DC Universe for just $7.99 a month. Niche audience should not be
overlooked in the competitive landscape, however. A testament to these services’ popularity is
Crunchyroll, an OTT service focused on streaming anime. As of February of 2017, the service
had approximately 1,000,000 subscribers. By November of 2018, the service managed to double
its number of subscriptions to have around 2,000,000 subscribers (Statista, 2019). Another key
player in the niche market is Disney. After recently launching its highly anticipated streaming
service, Disney+, the service gained more than 10 million people in a little over a day. In
comparison to mass-market OTT services, HBO NOW took almost three years to gain five
million subscribers (Sorrentino & Solsman, 2019). In addition to these streaming platforms,
adbased video on demand (AVOD) platforms have emerged to give consumers more niche
offerings. These programs offer free video content for consumers with advertisements. One
AVOD platform, Pluto TV, has channels dedicated to specific genres such as art-house and
Westerns (Bylykbashi, 2019). These niche services will likely to grow, as companies perfect the
art of curating high-quality content for specialized audiences.
Subscription Costs
With all of the benefits associated with OTT services, it is crucial to point out the costs
that exist as well. A large disadvantage associated with streaming is the subscription costs.
Although the individual subscriptions are relatively inexpensive as compared to traditional
television plans, most people have more than one monthly subscription. According to a study by
Vindicia, the average American subscribes to 3.4 OTT services and pays an average of $8.53 per
service, for a total payment of $29 a month (Fitzgerald, 2019). SNL Kagan’s data validates this
point in Figure 3 through their research of the percentage of OTT subscribers having one or more
multiple subscriptions (Video Advertising Bureau, 2018).
As shown in Figure 3, Millennials are the most likely to have more than four OTT
subscriptions at 65%, followed by Gen X at 22% and Boomers at 13%. It is interesting to see the
percentage increase for Millennials for each added subscription. While the percentages are lower
for the other generations, a considerable amount of Gen X and Boomers still have multiple
subscriptions. These percentages will likely continue rising as streaming becomes more popular
and more services are launched.
The growth of niche and mass-market OTT services is a major driver of costs because
consumers do not want to be limited to the content on one service. Thus, consumers have an
inclination to subscribe to multiple services simultaneously. In this sense, the OTT industry is
reconceptualizing the video bundle. With traditional television, the video bundle was a common
choice in which consumers would pay for a bundle of channels to increase variety and content.
Now, people have compiled bundles of streaming services. Some companies have further
reconstructed the bundle by selling a package of streaming services. For instance, Disney offers
offers a bundle containing its streaming service, Disney+, along with Hulu and ESPN+ for
$12.99 per month (Hein, 2020).
Cost of High-Speed Internet
An additional downside to streaming is that high-speed internet is required to guarantee
higher-quality, uninterrupted streaming. If a user’s internet connection is not fast enough, their
video will likely buffer and freeze. Thus, since high-speed internet is more expensive than a
standard internet speed, customers must consider this factor and take on the additional cost to
stream content in the most enjoyable way.
Social Impact
OTT services can also be seen as having a negative effect on people and relationships by
being a distraction. Research from the 2019 Consumer OTT Report found that people spend
more time watching OTT content than they do driving a car or talking to friends and family
(Salkowitz, 2019). This sheer amount spent watching video content could lead to diminishing
social skills and less human connections. Binge-watching, although discussed earlier through a
positive lens, can have negative outcomes by distracting people who spend long amounts of time
streaming. For instance, a person may fall into a rut in which they are spending their time
watching television programs and, as a result, lose the motivation to work and be productive.
Threat to Multichannel Video Programming Distributors
Aside from the price and negative social outcomes, video streaming has hurt MVPDs.
According to research from Convergence Research Group, 34% of households in the United
States will not have a traditional television subscription by the end of 2019 (Roettgers, 2019).
These households are categorized as cord-cutters, referring to people who cancel their pay
television subscription in order to switch over to viewing content available on the Internet. A
step further in this direction are cord-nevers, meaning people who have never paid for a cable or
satellite subscription and likely never will. With many MVPDs struggling to survive, some are
staying afloat by realizing the revenue potential in OTT and providing individuals with the
broadband connection needed to access their streaming applications and services. Some
television providers have increased prices for their bundle plans with the goal of pushing away
subscribers to that they pay for the company’s more expensive internet service.
This negative impact has also led to the creation of virtual MVPDs, or vMVPDs, which
are services that deliver live and on-demand linear television through the internet. In other
words, vMVPDs do not supply any infrastructure such as coaxial cable, fiber, or satellite
technology. Examples include PlayStation Vue, fuboTV, and YouTube TV. These services have
grown in popularity as companies have found a way to reach cord-cutters and cord-nevers
without needing the resources to go directly to customers. The content from vMVPDs is
sometimes called a “skinny bundle” due to it containing fewer channels than traditional
television subscriptions and at a reduced price than what consumers pay for traditional television
(Engleson, 2018).
Other MVPDs are battling streaming by joining the game. Comcast launched Xfinity
Flex, a streaming dashboard made available to cord-cutters who pay Comcast for broadband but
not for television. Flex comes with a 4K set-top box to stream content and a voice remote, and it
is free for qualifying households. MVPDs will likely have to continue innovating to keep up with
the age of streaming. Although the lifespan of MVPDs is unknown, it is certain that they are in
continuous decline while the OTT industry is expanding exponentially.
Small Content Providers
The growth of OTT services is challenging for small content providers and those unable
to scale. On one hand, there are fast broadband networks around the world right now making it
one of the best times to launch an OTT service. However, not everyone can succeed in the
crowded marketplace. People may be willing to subscribe to multiple services at once, but the
competition for their subscription is fierce. New companies entering the game must be able to go
up against the established services and differentiate themselves from the rest of the industry. This
increased competition may lead to consolidation among smaller content providers, in order to
scale their content to larger audiences. Although some companies have found success in catering
to niche audiences, companies must continue to plan out the right content, layout, and price in
order to stand out to customers.
Arguably the largest drawback to streaming services is the sheer amount out there. Many
believe that there is an oversaturation in the market. This high volume of services makes it
difficult on the individual services to distinguish themselves and draw in subscribers, as
consumers might be overwhelmed on which services to choose. Hub’s Research’s online survey
emphasizes this oversaturation. Hub found that 24% of survey respondents said they have too
many video services, and 36% said they would drop a video service or two before adding a new
service. These findings do not have hopeful implications on companies looking to compete in the
space. However, it is valuable to reiterate that niche services are helping to combat the
oversaturation by catering to different market. For example, DC Universe will not be directly
competing with Netflix for customers, because DC is going after fans of comics and superheroes
while Netflix is going for the mass-market of consumers. This diversification of companies
improves the chances of OTT services continuing to thrive. As for the perspective of the
consumer, it will be interesting to see if consumers continue to keep subscribing to more and
more services, or if they become stagnant and maintain only a few services at a time. There is
also the possibility of consolidation of streaming companies that would make the choice less
overwhelming on consumers.
In sum, the rise of video streaming and over-the-top services comes with several benefits
and costs. The major benefits are the accessibility, flexibility, variety, and ability to reach niche
audiences. On the other hand, the major costs are the subscription costs which add up, the
required high-speed internet, negative social implications, the impact on MVPDs, and over
saturation of services in the marketplace. These advantages and disadvantages can help form
predictions on what the future of video streaming looks like.
There are several factors to look out for in the coming years during the evolution of the
media landscape. First, as MVPDs continue to be in decline, consolidation may become more
prominent. One example is the acquisition of 21st Century Fox by Disney in 2019. More
companies may start consolidating in order to grow in size, power, revenue, and to prolong the
survival of MVPDs against OTT services.
Additionally, the phenomenon of cord-cutters and cord-nevers is likely to increase.
Research indicates that the number of pay television subscribers is falling as the number of
streaming subscribers is increasing. As discussed before, streaming through vMVPDs will likely
grow in popularity due to the appeal to customers and content providers. Also, as people get rid
of their pay television subscriptions, the content industry will see much more of the
reconceptualized video bundle. It is likely that the norm will be having multiple streaming
services at once, replacing the once-popular video bundle.
The growth of OTT will likely have effects on the job force as well. With the recent
growth and demand for streaming services, there will be more jobs for people who want to work
in the streaming industry. However, there will be heightened competition between the companies
since consumers have many choices when it comes to streaming. Content providers must now
compete for attention and money if they want to last in the industry.
Aside from increased competition, consumers may see a hike in subscription prices.
Netflix has already raised its rate for its subscribers, and other services will probably follow.
Customers are willing to pay more for streaming, especially since the individuals services cost
considerably less than traditional television packages, so companies will likely capitalize on this
high demand. Additionally, streaming services are incurring more costs through producing new
content, employing workers, and maintaining the quality of streams, so companies will need to
increase their rates to keep up with the costs.
Another prediction is the growth of original content. More and more streaming platforms
are producing original shows and movies, which allow them to differentiate themselves from
their competitors. Consumers often enjoy original content since it brings variety and high-quality
It is clear that consumers have more choices than ever. Just as the last generation saw the
rise of cable, society is in a current wave of streaming. There is ambiguity as to what will come
for consumers and media companies in the future, but as a result of OTT, the world of video and
streaming will never be the same as it was just a few years ago. The future of streaming will
ultimately evolve along with changing technologies and the reactions of consumers.
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Figure 1
Audience Composition Varies Across Platforms
Note. From “The OTT Experience: Understanding Connected Living Room Audiences”, by
Nielsen, 2018. (
Figure 2
Guide to Streaming Video Services
Note. From “Guide to Streaming Video Services”, by Jones, M., 2018.
( Figure 3
Percent SOV Users by Generation
Note. From “Percent SOV Users by Generation”, by Video Advertising Bureau, 2018.