London Private Clinic: Best Long-Term OA Knee Treatment For Pain Relief & Flexibility

London Private Clinic: Best Long-Term OA Knee Treatment For Pain Relief & Flexibility, updated 3/30/24, 1:00 AM

Sore knees? Instead of short-lasting relief from a typical injection, why not try a treatment that lasts? Arthrosamid is similar, except the relief from pain and stiffness can last for years, with just a single injection. You don't even need a referral. Just visit

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Best Long-Term OA Knee Treatment For
Flexibility & Pain: London, UK, Specialist
When you're in pain, and it's hard to move your knees - I know, you just want
it to stop, but wouldn't it be better if you could get a solution that lasts more
than a few months?
That's what
Arthrosamid is, in a
nutshell - a knee
injection treatment,
that lasts.
The best part is, you
don't even need a
referral, and there's no
waiting list. MSK Doctors
lets you book online,
Unlike traditional knee
injections - Arthrosamid
has been clinically
proven to last up to 2
years - and it could last
much longer.
That's because it uses
a unique formula that
doesn't bio-degrade,
allowing the cushioning
effect to last for
significantly longer.
While clinical trials ended at 2 years, experts believe Arthrosamid may
even have the potential to provide a permanent solution to knee pain
and stiffness.
Stop living your life in pain - just call MSK Doctors, and book an
appointment for consultation, diagnosis, or treatment, with no referral
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