Get CA College Portfolio Planning & FAFSA Application Support For Sole Traders

Get CA College Portfolio Planning & FAFSA Application Support For Sole Traders, updated 7/13/22, 8:41 AM

If you're a business owner earning less than $75,000 per year, you might be eligible for financial aid for college education through FAFSA. For help getting you or your kids on the right career path, talk to College Planning Experts. (818-201-4847) More details at

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Get CA College Portfolio Planning &
FAFSA Application Support For Sole
If you run a business and you've always assumed
your kids wouldn't be eligible for college funding,
think again!
College Planning
Experts can help you
claim the financial aid
you're entitled to.
Talk to the team
today to give your
kids the education
they deserve.
The company's application
support program for business
owners provides a range of
services to help you access
college funding solutions
including Federal scholarships.
Millions of dollars of financial
aid go unused every year with
many families unaware of the
help they are entitled to. Does
this sound like you?
The team offers your children personalized career assessments,
discussing interests, hobbies, skills, and goals to help determine
which academic route is most suitable.
Go to
for more details.
Find out how College Planning
Experts can help your family today!