New Inspiration Holidays by give us a reason to be inspired in 2021

New Inspiration Holidays by give us a reason to be inspired in 2021, updated 1/23/21, 9:27 PM


New Inspiration Holidays for 2021 by featuring daily fun holidays that celebrate and honor the people, stories and moments that inspire and create positive change.

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Inspiration Holidays by give
us a reason to be inspired in 2021
HolidaySmart has just released
the Inspiration Holidays List for
2021 and you are going to love
celebrating these unofficial
national holidays.
Inspiration Holidays are for
celebrating positive
inspirations in our society and
to unite us in our passions and
in common spirit.
CEO Patti Jewel has created
and listed hundreds of daily
holidays that are celebrated
both nationally and
Daily fun holidays such as
foodie holidays like Cupcake
Day and Cheesecake day
trend on social media and add
fun in our daily lives.
With so many daily holidays being
added to the calendar every year,
Patti Jewel wanted to add days
that honored people in a way that
celebrates their inspiration to
CEO Patti Jewel says, "In order to celebrate
their inspiration, Inspiration Holidays aims to
honor the influence of people and stories and
celebrate the passions they ignite in others."
Being highly influenced herself by the people
on this years list, she is dedicated to paying it
HolidaySmart's mission is to
"Unite the World through
Holidays" as it is their belief that
nothing brings people together
in a unified spirit as holidays do.
Whether it is a religious
holiday, a national holiday or
a fun daily holiday, we come
together to celebrate and
The days chosen as
inspiration holidays are voted
on by the HolidaySmart
Mastermind Group's Voting
Board Members.
These holidays are most
commonly celebrated on the
birthday of the person who
inspired it, or on the release
date or event that inspired the
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