
30_Sentai_Encyclopedia.pdf, updated 11/17/18, 10:28 PM


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30 Sentai Encyclopedia
The title card for the 30 Sentai
The 30 Sentai Encyclopedia (30????? ,San-
j Sentai Dai Zensh) which when literally
translated means "30 Squadron Great Com-
plete Works" or "Big Gathering of the 30
Squadrons" is a series of video clips that
aired at the end of each Task (or episode) of
GoGo Sentai Boukenger that pays homage to
each of its predecessors in the long-running
Japanese Super Sentai franchise, which cel-
ebrated its 30th anniversary with Boukenger.
30 Sentai Encyclopedia is also the title of a
book that commemorates the series and fea-
tures information on all incarnations of the
Super Sentai series.
In Task 3, it was announced that starting
with Task 4, this series will be playing a mini
featurette for each of the previous Sentai
teams. In each of these segments, one of the
Boukengers starts everything by saying
"Today's Super Sentai is..." usually followed
by the whole team saying the name of the
series and performing that previous team's
henshin (transformation) pose and the theme
song of the series is played in the back-
ground. They then talk about that day's Sen-
tai team, and at the end, at least one of the
Boukengers does something related to that
day's Super Sentai.
Each featurette is started by one of the
Boukengers. From Goranger to Zyuranger,
this sequence took place with the core five in
the DaiBouken cockpit. Starting with the fea-
turette for Dairanger, Eiji joins the others in
the area of SGS Headquarters where Mr.
Voice is usually seen, but they are in front of
a wall of photos of the previous Sentai.
At the end of Task 33, Boukenger looked
back on itself shortly, but then it was stated
that the segments will shift focus from the
different series to important points and firsts
in the history of Super Sentai called the "30
Sentai Encyclopedia Special Files (30????
? ????????? ,Sanj Sentai Dai Zensh Supe-
sharu Fairu)."
The song used to initially introduce the
segments at the end of Task 3 was "Burn! Su-
per Sentai Spirits" (???!???????!!
Sp Sentai
performed by
Ichirou Mizuki and Mitsuko Horie, which was
the ending theme song to the direct-to-video
movie Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super
Himitsu Sentai Goranger
Task 4
Satoru started this segment.
Song: "Proceed! Goranger" (??! ??????
,Susume! Gorenj) performed by Isao
Sasaki and Mitsuko Horie
Natsuki eats a bowl of curry rice, Kiranger
Daita Ooiwa's favorite dish. None of the Gor-
anger vehicles are referred to. Only the Gor-
anger Storm is seen with all Goranger
J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai
Task 5
Sakura started this segment.
Song: "J.A.K.Q. Dengekitai" (????????
,Jakk Dengekitai) performed by Isao
Sasaki and Koorogi '73
The Boukengers mimic the team pose of the
four main members of J.A.K.Q. At the end, all
of the Boukengers except for Sakura play a
trump card game in which the Joker, which
Satoru draws, is a bad card (probably to echo
the fact that J.A.K.Q. is the first series to fea-
ture a non-red leader because Gorou Sakurai/
Spade Ace stepped down from his leadership
to give it to Soukichi Banba/Big One). None
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30 Sentai Encyclopedia
of the JAKQ mecha are mentioned. Big One
and Big Bomber are seen.
Battle Fever J
Task 6
Masumi started this segment.
Song: "Battle Fever J" (????????J ,Batoru
Fb Jei) performed by MoJo and Columbia
Cradle Club
They start the segment by imitating the team
pose of the Battle Fever team. They mention
that Battle Fever J was the first to use the Gi-
ant Robo also that the members were all dan-
cers. The Boukengers wave the national flags
of their respective Battle Fever Squad coun-
terparts (Natsuki, however, waves the Russi-
an flag since the Soviet Union, which Battle
Cossack represented, no longer exists) in the
Denshi Sentai Denziman
Task 7
Souta started this segment.
Song: "Oh Denshi Sentai Denziman" (?????
?????? ,Aa Denshi Sentai Denjiman)
performed by Ken Narita and Koorogi '73
Souta, Masumi, and Natsuki eat some anpan,
favorite snack. DaiDenzin
mentioned and as acknowledged as the first
Henkei robot.
Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan
Task 8
Natsuki started this segment.
Song: "Taiyou Sentai Sun Vulcan" (???????
??? ,Taiy Sentai San Barukan) performed
by Akira Kushida and Koorogi '73
Satoru holds up a plush eagle, Souta holds up
a shark hand puppet, and Natsuki holds up a
plush panther (specifically, a jaguar), refer-
ences to the three members of Sun Vulcan.
They then begin to briefly play with the plush
toys around Masumi (probably a reference to
the Sun Vulcan's enemy, Black Magma). They
also use the other meaning for san, the
Japanese pronunciation for "Sun" and also
the Japanese word for the number three. The
first combination robot, the Sun Vulcan Robo,
is mentioned. At the end, Sakura is in front of
the controls at the end of this featurette, say-
ing goodbye.
Natsuki: "One plus" (??? ,Ichi tasu)
Souta: "Two plus" (??? ,Ni tasu)
Satoru: "Three" (?/?? ,San)
All three: "Vulcans!" (????? ,Barukan!)
Dai Sentai Goggle V
Task 9
This is Satoru's second time starting a
Song: "Dai Sentai Goggle V" (???????????
,Dai Sentai Gguru Faibu) performed by
The team mimics Goggle V's team pose at the
start of the clip, during which they make
mention of the first three-piece robo, Goggle
Robo. From there, Satoru holds up a red
rope, Masumi holds up a pair of black-tipped
clubs, Souta holds up a blue hoop, Natsuki
holds up a yellow ball, and Sakura holds up a
pink ribbon; each item is one of the five ap-
paratuses involved in rhythmic gymnastics
and is a weapon for each of the Goggle V.
The Goggle V's special attack Goggle Victory
Flash is mentioned as well.
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman
Task 10
This is Masumi's second time starting a
Song: "Kagaku Sentai Dynaman" (????????
? ,Kagaku Sentai Dainaman) performed by
MoJo and Koorogi '73
The Boukengers start the segment by imitat-
ing the team pose of Dynaman. After the
Boukengers shout out the Dynaman battle
cry, dynamite goes off in the DaiBouken
cockpit, referencing the immense amount of
pyrotechnics involved in the said series. All of
the Boukengers get covered with soot, and
the male Boukengers pass out from shock
(Satoru even takes the brunt of the explo-
sion), leaving their female counterparts in
charge of the closure. DynaRobo is men-
tioned as another three-piece robo.
Choudenshi Bioman
Task 11
This is Souta's second time starting a
Song: "Choudenshi Bioman" (????????
,Chdenshi Baioman) performed by
Takayuki Miyauchi
The segment begins with the five performing
Bioman's transformation pose. Natsuki and
Sakura appear in a heart on stock footage of
Yellow Four and Pink Five (separated by an
imaginary line, of which the heart in right in
the middle), referencing the fact that the Bio-
men were the first Sentai to have two female
members. Natsuki then bear-hugs Sakura,
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30 Sentai Encyclopedia
who tries to break free. The male Boukengers
are in front of the controls in this featurette.
BioRobo is mentioned.
Dengeki Sentai Changeman
Task 12
This is Sakura's second time starting a
Song: "Dengeki Sentai Changeman" (?????
????? ,Dengeki Sentai Chenjiman)
performed by Hironobu Kageyama
The segment begins with the five performing
Boukengers set off a confetti-firing bazooka,
referencing that the Changemen were the
first to use an actual shell-firing bazooka in
battle, before that, Power Bazooka is seen.
ChangeRobo is not seen in the clips but the
Auto Changers,
the Changemen's moto-
cycles, are seen.
Choushinsei Flashman
Task 13
This is Natsuki's second time starting a
Song: "Choushinsei Flashman" (??????????
,Chshinsei Furasshuman) performed by
Taku Kitahara
Masumi and Natsuki are seen pulling sleep-
ing masks over their eyes while saying, "Shut
Goggle", referencing the Flashman catch-
phrase to close their visors after transforma-
tion, and as well as the sleeping mask shaped
visors of the Flashman team. Then, they try
to trick Satoru by pretending to lose con-
sciousness (Natsuki has more success than
Masumi), in a possible reference to the ef-
fects of "Anti-Flash Phenomenon", which the
Flashmen begin to suffer from in the latter
portion of the series. The segment begins
with the team crossing their arms in the first
motion of the Flashman transformation pose.
Souta and Sakura are in front of the controls
at the end. Rolling Vulcan, the Flashman's
cannon is mentioned.
Hikari Sentai Maskman
Task 14
This is Satoru's third time starting a
Song: "Hikari Sentai Maskman" (????????
,Hikari Sentai Masukuman) performed by
Hironobu Kageyama
The segment is started with the five doing
Takeru/Red Mask's meditation hand gesture
and ends with Satoru wearing a karate gi and
breaking boards, referencing Takeru's mar-
tial art of choice. The Great Five, the first
five-piece robo is shown, but Galaxy Robo is
never mentioned. Maskman's second team
cannon, Jet Cannon is mentioned, but not the
first team cannon, Shot Bomber.
Choujuu Sentai Liveman
Task 15
This is Natsuki's third time starting a
Song: "Choujuu Sentai Liveman" (????????
? ,Chj Sentai Raibuman) performed by
Daisuke Shima (Yuusuke Amamiya/Red
The Boukenger all make the arm movements
for the Liveman transformation pose. After
the clips of the show, the Boukengers hold up
puppets of the Livemen's animal motifs
(Satoru = the same eagle puppet that he
used in the Sun Vulcan featurette (Red Fal-
con); Masumi = Cow and Bison (Black Bison);
Souta = Rhinoceros (Green Sai [Rhino]); Nat-
suki = Lion (Yellow Lion); Sakura = Dolphin
(Blue Dolphin)), shouting a lyric from the re-
frain of the Liveman theme song, a reference
to Liveman having a cast member (Red Fal-
con) singing its theme song.
Souta and Sakura: Youth (??
Masumi and Natsuki: Explosion (??
Satoru: FIRE! (????? ,Faia!)
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger
Task 16
This is Masumi's third time starting a
Song: "Kousoku Sentai Turboranger" (????
???????? ,Ksoku Sentai Tborenj)
performed by Kenta Satou (Riki Honno/
Red Turbo)
The Boukenger mimic the Turborangers'
transformation sequence. After the clips of
the show, the Boukenger all wear the same
school uniform as the Turborangers do. The
Turbo Machines are mentioned in the clips,
but Turbo Robo and the other mecha are not.
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman
Task 17
This is Souta's third time starting a
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Song: "Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman" (????????
?? ,Chiky Sentai Faibuman) performed by
Kenji Suzuki
The Boukenger mimic the Fiveman henshin
pose. Satoru is then shown standing in front
of a chalkboard "teaching" multiplication (the
sevens) to the others (specifically Natsuki), in
reference to how the Fivemen were teachers
themselves. None of the Fiveman mecha are
mentioned, but Five Red using the Five Tect-
or and the group using the Earth Cannon are
Choujin Sentai Jetman
Task 18
This is Sakura's third time starting a
Song: "Choujin Sentai Jetman" (??????????
,Chjin Sentai Jettoman) performed by
Hironobu Kageyama
The Boukengers mimic the Jetman henshin
pose. Souta and Masumi then take turns ly-
ing flat and flapping their arms on a desk
that the other rolls, referencing the bird
theme of the Jetman (Also the Jetman's abil-
ity to fly with their special wings attached to
their suits); Masumi pushes Souta faster than
the other way around. None of the Jetman
mecha, vehicles, or weapons are mentioned.
Kyry Sentai Zyuranger
Task 19
This is Satoru's fourth time starting a
Song: "Kyry Sentai Zyuranger" (???????
????? ,Kyry Sentai Jrenj) performed
by Kenta Satou
The Boukenger perform the Zyuranger hen-
shin pose. Just as they are about to finish the
segment, Eiji appears to their left and foot-
age of Burai (DragonRanger) appears to their
right, squeezing them close, to echo the fact
that the Zyurangers had the first regular
sixth member. None of the Guardian Beasts
are mentioned, however, the Howling Can-
non, one of Super Sentai's first weapons
made from five individual weapons, is men-
tioned, instead. Armored TyrannoRanger is
also seen.
Gosei Sentai Dairanger
Task 20
This is Eiji's first time starting a segment.
Song: "Gosei Sentai Dairanger" (?????????
?? ,Gosei Sentai Dairenj) performed by
NEW JACK Takurou
This is the first segment to take place in SGS
Headquarters rather than the DaiBouken
cockpit. The team of six starts by holding
their arms to the air like at the end of the
Dairanger roll call. The segment ends with
Satoru, Souta, Masumi and Eiji practicing
martial arts in black keikogi with a belt in
their color in the back, and Sakura and Nat-
suki sitting down, wearing qipaos and hold-
ing fans in front of them, referencing the
prominent Chinese theme of Dairanger's
story, costumes, and combat styles. No Dair-
anger mecha are mentioned, however the
Super Chi-Powered Bazooka is mentioned, in-
stead. The vehicles, the Kiber Machines, are
seen as well.
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger
Task 21
This is Masumi's fourth time starting a
Song: "Secret Kakuranger" (?????? ???????
,Shkuretto Kakurenj) performed by Tu
Chi Chen
The Boukenger begin the sequence by per-
forming a hand seal, and at the end are all
dressed like ninja. They all perform a hand
seal, again, and disappear in a flash of
smoke. The Giant Beast Generals, Beast Gen-
eral Fighters, Muteki Shogun, and Kakure
Dai Shogun are all seen during the featurette
along with NinjaMan and his SamuraiMan
form. Also, the Shark Machines, the Kakur-
angers' motorcycles, are seen.
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger
Task 22
This is Sakura's fourth time starting a
Song: "Ol! Ohranger" (??????????? ,re!
renj) performed by Kentaro Hayami
The Boukenger begin the segment by mim-
icking the pose that the Ohranger made at
the end of their henshin, based on each of
their fighting styles. KingRanger is seen in
the sequence, as is the Giant Roller. At the
end, Satoru is seen in a white gi with a red
star on the back (the same one that he wore
in the Maskman featurette), trying to break
several bricks, paying homage to the fact
that Gorou/OHRed is a karate master (spe-
cifically a judo master). He fails to break
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30 Sentai Encyclopedia
through the bricks, and instead injures him-
self. None of the Ohranger mecha are men-
tioned, but the Jetter Machines are seen as
well as the Giant Roller's finisher.
Gekisou Sentai Carranger
Task 23
This is Souta's fourth time starting a
Song: "Gekisou Sentai Carranger ~Full
Accelerate Version~" (??????????????????
??????? ,Gekis Sentai Krenj ~Furu
Akuseru Vshon~) performed by
Shigemori Takayama
The Boukenger begin the segment by mim-
icking the Carranger's final roll call pose (the
thumbs up) and shouting "Gekisou Sentai Ca-
a-a-a-arranger!", mimicking the Carranger's
habit of making the noise of a car engine
while posing. The video clips then show the
Ranger Vehicles, the Speeder Machines, the
Pegasus Thunder, the Dragon Cruiser, the
VicTrailer, and the Victory Ranger Vehicles.
The segment ends with Masumi holding up a
small traffic light, Sakura holding up a sign
that has a crayon drawing of the Boukengers'
helmets and Eiji holding a small yellow flag.
Instead of saying "Look forward to the next
one" (which is written on Sakura's sign), the
Boukenger finish by saying "Don't cross the
street until the traffic light turns green!" This
represents the Carranger's traffic safety mes-
sage, which is also mentioned at the end of
each episode. SignalMan, his family, the
Sirender, Radiata Fanbelt (White Racer), her
Radiacar Robo, VRV Master, RV Robo, and
VRV Robo were all omitted.
Denji Sentai Megaranger
Task 24
This is Natsuki's fourth time starting a
Song: "Denji Sentai Megaranger" (???????
???? ,Denji Sentai Megarenj) performed
by Naoto Fuuga
The Boukenger begin the segment by mim-
icking the Megaranger henshin pose. The
core Megarangers are shown on their Cyber
Sliders, and then MegaSilver is shown in his
Auto Slider (Eiji also mentions that MegaSil-
ver is the first Silver Sentai member). The
segment ends with Eiji frustrated at not
knowing how to use a computer (a laptop is
used), all of the Boukenger wearing school
uniforms, and Satoru has his shirt open
showing a t-shirt underneath. This pays
homage to the fact that Megaranger was
based on computer games and technology,
and that the Megarangers were all high
school students, Kenta/MegaRed being the
lax of
the group. None of
Megaranger mecha are mentioned. The
Battle Riser is seen used by MegaPink.
Seijuu Sentai Gingaman
Task 25
This is Satoru's fifth time starting a
Song: "Seijuu Sentai Gingaman" (????????
? ,Seij Sentai Gingaman) performed by
Ryou Kisao
As Satoru starts the subject, he does the
thumbs up posture which the Gingaman do
during their roll call. The team then performs
the pose the Gingaman did after announcing
their names. At the end of the segment,
Satoru and Eiji unintentionally perform a fire
attack ("Horse Mane of Flame"), burning
Masumi and Souta and referencing Ryouma
and Hyuuga. Natsuki can be seen holding a
small doll of Bokku. BullBlack and the core
five Star Beasts are seen in the clips, but any
GingaPhoenix, GingaBitus and BullTaurus
are not shown. The Beast Racehorses are
seen along with the Gingaman in Beast Ar-
mor Shine.
Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGo-V
Task 26
This is Masumi's fifth time starting a
Song: "Kyuukyuu Sentai GoGo-V" (???????
????? ,Kyky Sentai GG Faibu)
performed by Shinichi Ishihara
The team starts off by performing the GoGo-V
salute pose from the end of GoGo-V's henshin
sequence. At the end of the sequence,
Masumi and Souta are dressed in safety or-
ange hazard suits, and they prepare to say,
"Look forward to the next one," but then Eiji,
in a silver firefighter coat and carrying a fire
extinguisher firing it (In the background Eiji
shouts out SirenBuilder's attack Double
Water Shoot while that happens), and Satoru,
dressed in a black and white classic firefight-
er suit and carrying around a matoi (an ob-
ject used in the Edo period that was placed
on the roof of a building to notify firefighters
of a fire inside/nearby; Matoi is also the given
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30 Sentai Encyclopedia
name of GoRed), interrupt them. Then Nat-
suki and Sakura, dressed as police officers,
say, "If you don't watch the next one, we'll
arrest you!" All of these relate to the rescue
motif of GoGo-V. The only mecha mentioned
are Red Ladder and Blue Thrower, GoRed
and GoBlue's two fire engine-like vehicles
similar to GoGo Fire.
Mirai Sentai Timeranger
Task 27
This is Sakura's fifth time starting a
Song: "JIK ~Mirai Sentai Timeranger~"
(JIK ?????????????? ,JIK ~Mirai Sentai
Taimurenj~) performed by Kumi Sasaki
The team begins the segment by performing
the Timeranger henshin pose. At the end of
the segment, their Boukenger jackets are
thrown into the air, and Satoru is the only
member of the team dressed in the Timer-
anger henshin outfit (everyone else is wear-
ing normal clothing), a grey spandex singlet
with red accents. He, embarrassed that he is
the only one dressed as such, backs away
while Sakura and Natsuki address the audi-
ence. TimeFire is shown in the clips, but
none of the Timeranger mecha are.
Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger
Task 28
This is Eiji's second time starting a
Song: "Gaoranger Roar!!" (??????????!!
,Gaorenj Hoero!!) performed by Yukio
The Boukengers begin the segment by per-
forming the "Gao Access" henshin pose. The
Power Animals used in the series are shown.
These Power Animals are GaoLion, GaoEagle,
GaoShark, GaoBison, and GaoTiger (the core
totem Power Animals
formed the main combination of GaoKing);
GaoWolf, GaoLigator, and GaoHammerhead
(GaoSilver's personal Power Animals that
formed GaoHunter); and GaoFalcon, GaoGir-
affe, GaoDias, GaoMadillo, and GaoRhino
(these five formed GaoIcarus). GaoGorilla,
GaoBear, GaoPolar (that formed GaoMuscle),
GaoSawshark, GaoBuffalo, and GaoJaguar
(the components of GaoGod), and the many
other combinations that the Power Animals
formed, including GaoKing, GaoHunter, and
GaoIcarus, are not shown. The Evil-Crushing
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"30 Sentai Encyclopedia" clips in which the
Boukengers utilize props from the originating
series; Timeranger to Magiranger
Hundred Beast Sword (????? ,Haja Hyak-
ujken) is featured. At the end of the seg-
ment, they are all wearing the Gaoranger
jackets, and after they say "Look forward to
the next one!" they all perform the Gaor-
angers' claw pose, complete with "GAO" (??
,gao) zooming out of the screen.
Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger
Task 29
This is Souta's fifth time starting a
Song: "Here are the Hurricanegers!" (????
?????? ,Harikenj Sanj!) performed by
Hideaki Takatori
The team performs the Hurricaneger's "Nin-
puu Shinobi Change!" henshin pose to start
the segment. The Hurricanegers, Gouraigers,
Shurikenger, and the Ninjamisen are seen in
the clips, but none of the Shinobi Machines
or Karakuri Balls. At the end of the segment,
the Boukenger are dressed in the jackets of
the Hurricaneger.
Yousuke's (Hurricane Red), Souta is wearing
Kouta's (Hurricane Yellow), both Sakura and
Natsuki are in Nanami's (Hurricane Blue),
in Ikkou's
(Kabuto Raiger), and
Masumi in Isshu's (Kuwaga Raiger). When
the Boukengers are ready to say, "Look for-
ward the next one!" Shizuka suddenly ap-
pears on Mr. Voice's viewscreens, interrupt-
ing the Boukengers. She tells them "Zero
Points, Boukenger! You fail!", referencing
Furabijou's scorekeeping of the Jakanja, and
says "Look forward to the next one!" instead.
Everyone turns around to the camera and
Masumi advances toward the screens with
his sword out. This is because Shizuka and
the Hurricanegers were all ninja.
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger
Task 30
This is Natsuki's fifth time starting a
Song: "Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger" (?????
?????? ,Bakury Sentai Abarenj)
performed by Masaaki Endoh
The segment begins with the team holding
their hands to their chests from the "Abare
Dino Guts!" part of the Abaranger roll call.
After the clips, the setting has changed to the
DaiBouken cockpit, where seats 1, 2, and 3
have been pushed close together, resembling
the Abarenoh cockpit. Satoru, Souta and Nat-
suki stand in the Abaranger's positions, wear-
Abaranger. They call out "Bakuryuu Dengeki
Drill Spin!" and cut to footage of DaiBouken
Drill's Maximum Penetration, which is similar
to Abarenoh's finishing attack. Masumi and
the cockpit,
AbareBlack and AbareKiller. Masumi begins
chanting "Dino Guts" and Eiji comes in saying
that was wrong, as Sakura finishes off the
segment. AbarePink and AbareMax aren't
seen in any of the clips, nor are any Blasta-
saurs except for Tyranno, Tricera and Ptera,
but the Superior Dino Bomber is seen along
with the all the members in 'Abare Mode'
Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Task 31
This is Eiji's third time starting a segment.
Song: "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger" (?????
?????? ,Tokus Sentai Dekarenj)
performed by Psychic Lover
Eiji starts off by saluting, and then the whole
group does the pointing pose from the end of
the Dekaranger's henshin sequence. After
the clips, each Boukenger is dressed up in
the S.P.D. uniform of their Dekaranger coun-
terparts (Masumi in Sen-chan's and Eiji in
Tetsu's), and once Satoru is done saying,
"Don't miss the next one," the team performs
the S.P.D. salute, complete with "Roger!" fol-
lowed by Murphy (the Dekaranger's robotic
dog) pops up in the foreground and barks.
The five main Dekarangers, DekaBreak,
DekaMaster, and DekaSwan are seen in the
clips, but DekaBright, DekaGold, and all of
the Deka Machines
(DekaRanger Robo,
DekaBike Robo, DekaBase Robo, DekaWing
Robo, & Blast Buggy) are omitted. However,
S.W.A.T. Mode, Murphy as the D-Bazooka,
and Machines Doberman, Husky, and Bull
are seen.
Mahou Sentai Magiranger
Task 32
This is Sakura's sixth time starting a
Song: "Mahou Sentai Magiranger" (??????
????? ,Mah Sentai Majirenj) performed
by Takafumi Iwasaki
The team performs the Magirangers' hand
pose. At the end of the clips, Satoru starts off
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by saying, "See you next time," and then the
entire team in their Ozu Family counterparts'
uniforms (with Masumi in Tsubasa's, Souta in
Makito's, Natsuki in Urara's, and Eiji
Hikaru's). The core Boukengers use their Ac-
celulars as the Magirangers used their Ma-
giPhones to perform the Magiranger's hen-
shin spell, "Maagi Magi Magiiro!" Eiji does
the same with his GoGo Changer and a Ma-
giTicket to perform MagiShine's henshin
pose and spell, "Goolu Golu Goludiiro!" After
they shout out the henshin sequence, a faint
outline of the core five Magiranger's Ma-
giCircle appears in the foreground. Ma-
giMother and Wolzard Fire are seen in the
clips, but the Magirangers' Majin and Majuu
forms, Legend forms, and Travelion, are not
seen. Also the Zobil are seen fighting
GoGo Sentai Boukenger
Task 33
This is Satoru's sixth time starting the
Song: "GoGo Sentai Boukenger" (????????
??? ,Gg Sentai Bkenj) performed by
The team performs their own post-henshin
pose, and then a short clip of them in their
suits is shown. Once the clip is over, Souta
tells the audience that the next segment will
be more powerful (both Souta and Masumi
say "Power up!"). Then Sakura speaks to the
audience about how the next segments will
tell of the firsts of Super Sentai, Natsuki be-
side her. Eiji then exclaims "We call it...!" fol-
lowed by Satoru saying that next is the "...the
30 Sentai Encyclopedia Special Files!" Then
the whole group surrounds Satoru and they
wave and say "Don't miss it!"
Special Files
The Special Files discuss the firsts of Super
Sentai. These sequences are started with,
"This time" (instead of, "Today's Super Sen-
tai is") after which the opening Boukenger
states the topic of the Special File, and then
the entire team performs their own Henshin
sequence with a call of, "Start Up!" Unlike
the 30 Sentai Encyclopedia's series files,
which played the opening theme song of the
series being reviewed, the Special Files play
insert songs, usually the series where the
milestone originated, as the background
Super Sentai
Task 34
This is Natsuki's sixth time starting the
Song: "Himitsu Sentai Goranger" (???????
??? ,Himitsu Sentai Gorenj) performed by
Isao Sasaki
The team looks back at Himitsu Sentai Gor-
anger, the first Super Sentai (?????? ,Sup
Sentai) and they mention the Goranger Hur-
ricane, Goranger's rugby-based team finish-
ing move. The video clips also feature the
Red, Green, and Blue Machines, the Gor-
angers' motorcycles including their special
weapons. At the end, the Boukengers say
farewell using the same sign from the Car-
ranger retrospective, while Natsuki is eating
curry, as she did in Goranger's original retro-
spective with other curry bowls on her right
previously eaten, Eiji takes notice and seems
to laugh.
Giant Robo
Task 35
This is Masumi's sixth time starting the
Song: "Battle Fever Great Combat
Mission" (??????????? ,Batoru Fb
Daishutsugeki) performed by Ichirou
Mizuki, Koorogi '73, and Columbia Cradle
The Boukenger look back at the first Giant
Robo (???? ,Kyodai Robo) of Super Sentai,
Battle Fever J's Battle Fever Robo. They men-
tion Goranger's Variblune and Varidreen, as
well as J.A.K.Q.'s Sky Ace, the various flying
the early Sentai
However, Battle Fever Robo was the first
Robo, and they mention its Cross Fever at-
tack. In the end, the team is in DaiBouken's
cockpit waving the same flags from the Battle
Fever J retrospective, after which the camera
zooms out to show both Battle Fever Robo
and DaiBouken using Chinese Bamboo Slash
and Adventure Drive, side-by-side.
Henkei and Gattai Robos
Task 36
This is Souta's sixth time starting the
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Song: "1 + 2 + Sun Vulcan" (1??2????????
,Ichi Tasu Ni Tasu San Barukan)
performed by Akira Kushida
The team looks back at the first Henkei (?? ,
Transforming) Robo, Denshi Sentai Denzi-
man's DaiDenzin, as well as the first Gattai (?
? , Combining) Robo, Taiyou Sentai Sun Vul-
can's Sun Vulcan Robo. Clips are shown
DaiDenzin performing the Full Moon Cut and
Sun Vulcan Robo performing the Aurora
Plasma Return finishers. At the end of the
segment, Mr. Voice says that he'll send
Satoru to NASA at which Satoru, Sakura,
Souta (eating anpan as he did in the Denzi-
man retrospective), and Natsuki
curry as she did in the Goranger and Super
Sentai retrospectives) are stunned. Then, Eiji
and Masumi come in wearing replicas of
Satoru's jacket, saying that they will lead the
team. In the end, Mr. Voice says it is all a
joke. This is a reference to Sun Vulcan, in
which there was the first (and so far only) re-
placement of a red hero, as the original
VulEagle went to the US to study space
shuttles with NASA. The anpan is once,
again, a reference to Denziman.
Second Robo
Task 37
This is Sakura's seventh time starting the
Song: "Fighting Pose, Flashman!" (???????
???????????? ,Faitingu Pzu,
Furashuman!) performed by Taku
The team looks back on Sentai's first Second
Robo (2??? ,Nig Robo), Choushinsei Flash-
man's Great Titan, which was first used when
Flash King was heavily damaged. They then
show short clips of Super Sentai's other
second Robos: Maskman's Galaxy Robo, Tur-
StarFive, Ohranger's Red Puncher, Car-
ranger's VRV Robo, Megaranger's Delta
Dekaranger's DekaBike Robo. At the end of
the clip, we see GoGo Trailer, and the tractor
part made from GoGo Gyro and Formula sep-
arates from the rest, and Masumi in his cock-
pit tries to form Titan Boy (Great Titan was
formed by a tractor-trailer like GoGo Trailer
called Flash Titan, the tractor portion be-
came Titan Boy, and the combination of Titan
Boy with the trailer formed Great Titan), but
he is halted by Satoru.
Sixth Hero
Task 38
This is Souta's seventh time starting the
Song: "Shot Bomber Concentrate All
Power!" (???????????? ,Shotto Bonb
Zenryuoku Shuchu!) performed by
Hironobu Kageyama
The team looks back at the first Sixth Hero (6
??????? ,rokuirime no hr), Hikari Sentai
Maskman's X1 Mask, however he only ap-
peared for a single episode. He was followed
by the first regularly appearing Sixth Hero,
Kyry Sentai Zyuranger's Dragon Ranger.
Then other regularly appearing sixth heroes
KingRanger, Megaranger's
MegaSilver, Timeranger's TimeFire, Gaor-
anger's GaoSilver, Hurricaneger's Shur-
ikenger, Dekaranger's DekaBreak1, and Ma-
giranger's MagiShine.2 Eiji then mentions
that he, BoukenSilver, is Boukenger's Sixth
Hero, but he is interrupted by Zubaan who
thinks that he is the sixth hero and Eiji says
that Zubaan is the seventh. The rest of the
Boukengers say goodbye while Eiji and
Zubaan argue. Gingaman's Bull Black isn't
Super Gattai
Task 39
This is Satoru's seventh time starting the
Song: "Live Boxer's Song" (?????????
,Raibu Bokus no Uta) performed by Kouji
The team looks back at the first ever Super
Gattai (?????? ,Sp Gattai), Choujuu Sentai
Liveman's Live Robo and Live Boxer, combin-
ing to form Super Live Robo. Other super
robos are then shown: Turboranger's Super
Turbo Robo, Fiveman's Super Fiverobo, Jet-
man's Great
Icarus, Ohranger's Buster
Ohranger Robo, Megaranger's Super Galaxy
Mega, GoGo-V's Max Victory Robo, Timer-
anger's Time Robo ShadowAlpha, Hur-
Dekaranger's Super Dekaranger Robo. The
off with
DaiBouken and Eiji in SirenBuilder attempt-
ing their own super gattai, but they fail and
crash into each other while the rest of the
Boukengers say goodbye.
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Enormous Base Robo
Task 40
This is Eiji's fourth time starting the
Song: "Accelerate to Tomorrow! Turbo
Robo" (????????????? ,Ashita ni Akuseru!
Tbo Robo) performed by Kouji Kaya
The team looks back at Sentai's first "Enorm-
ous Base Robo" (?????? ,Kyodai Kichi Robo),
that transformed from the team's base into a
mecha, Kousoku Sentai Turboranger's Turbo
Builder as well as the second one, Chikyuu
Sentai Fiveman's Max Magma. At the end of
the clip, Eiji asks the rest of the team if they
have an Enormous Base Robo, at which they
dismiss the
idea. However, Makino an-
nounces over the speakers that they do, and
he exlaims "SGS Museum Robo! (???????????
?? ,Sjesu Myjiamu Robo) Go Go!" The Sar-
gess Museum shakes, after which nothing
happens, and Makino says he was kidding.
The most recent Enormous Base Robo,
Powered Protector
Task 41
This is Masumi's seventh time starting the
Song: "Fiveman, Theme of Love" (????????
???? ,Faibuman, Ai no Tma) performed by
Kenji Suzuki
The team looks at Sentai's first "Powered
Protector" (???????? ,Kyka Purotekut) ar-
mor, Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman's Five Tector
armor. They also
look at Denji Sentai
Megaranger's Mega Tector armor, which was
worn once during Denji Sentai Megaranger
VS Carranger and the first one to wear a
Powered Protector, DynaBlack's Battle Tect-
or Armor from Kagaku Sentai Dynaman. At
the end of the clip, Eiji (as BoukenSilver)
asks if he could keep the Accel Tector for
himself. When the rest of the team says good-
bye, Eiji asks, once again, Satoru (who
turned around) if he could keep the Accel
Third Robo
Task 42
This is Natsuki's seventh time starting the
Songs: "Dashing Through Time" (?????
,Toki o Kakete) performed by Hironobu
Kageyama and "Cheerful Ako" (????????
The Boukengers eat Ako-Ramen
,Yki na Ako-chan) performed by Rika
Kishida (White Swan) and Sayuri Uchida
(Blue Swallow)
The team looks at Sentai's first Third Robo (3
??? ,Sang Robo), Choujin Sentai Jetman's
TetraCannon, a cannon that was used by
both Jet Icarus and Jet Garuda. Chouriki Sen-
tai Ohranger's Tackle Boy, Kyuukyuu Sentai
GoGo-V's LinerBoy, and Mirai Sentai Timer-
anger's TimeShadow are also mentioned. At
the end of the task, the Boukengers all eat
Ako-Ramen, a brand of ramen made within
Jetman named after Ako Hayasaka, Blue
Swallow. The commercial jingle for the ra-
men, "Cheerful Ako" (???????? ,Yki na Ako-
chan), can be heard at the end.
Seven-Piece Gattai
Task 43
This is Souta's eighth and last time
starting the segment.
Song: "DaiZyuJin's Song" (?????? ,DaiJJin
no Uta) performed by Zyu-Project
The team looks at Sentai's first Seven-Piece
Gattai (7??? ,Nana Tai Gattai), Kyry Sentai
,Kykyoku DaiJJin, Ultimate Great Beast
God) and Gosei Sentai Dairanger's Heavy Ar-
mor Chi Palace (???? ,Jk Kiden). At the end
of the clip, the group has a toy of Ultimate
DaiBouken and Natsuki mentions they have a
ten-piece Gattai (10??? ,j tai gattai), but
then Satoru comes on over the loud speakers
and calls out a twelve-piece Gattai (12???
,jni tai gattai), as he is piloting Ultimate
DaiBouken with GoGo Aider and GoGo Police
sticking up on the back of GoGo Jet.
Extra Hero
Task 44
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This is Masumi's eight and last time
starting the segment.
Song: "Let's Go With the Ninja! De-den-
no-den" (????????????? ,Ninja de Ik! De-
den-no-den) performed by Takayuki
The team looks back at the first Extra Hero (?
????? ,Bangai Hr), NinjaMan of Ninja Sen-
tai Kakuranger, who could transform into
SamuraiMan, and SignalMan of Gekisou Sen-
tai Carranger. They also mention Ganmajin of
Chouriki Sentai Ohranger who transformed
from a relic into a human- and Robo-sized
warrior, like Zubaan. At the end, Zubaan
speaks to the audience, with subtitles, and he
says that he is in Boukenger. He holds up the
sign from the Carranger segment as he says
Evil Sentai
Task 45
This is Natsuki's eighth and last time
starting the segment.
Song: "Bousou Sentai Zokuranger" (??????
????? ,Bs Sentai Zokurenj) performed
by Shigemori Takayama
The team looks back at the various Evil Sen-
tai (???? ,Aku no Sentai), the Flowery Kunoi-
chi Team (?????? ,Hana no Kunoichi Gumi) of
Ninja Sentai Kakuranger, Dark-Powered Sen-
tai Nejiranger (??????????? ,Jaden Sentai
Nejirenj) of Denji Sentai Megaranger. They
also look back on the more humorous Evil
Sentai, Galaxy Sentai Gingaman (?????????
,Ginga Sentai Gingaman) from Chikyuu Sen-
tai Fiveman and Reckless Driving Sentai Zok-
uranger (??????????? ,Bs Sentai Zokurenj)
from Gekisou Sentai Carranger. The se-
quence ends with Gajah showing off his own
evil sentai comprised of Karths dressed in
Red, Green, Blue, Pink, and himself in the
center. He calls his team Gajah Dengekitai (?
????? ,Gaja Dengekitai), and at the end he
points to himself and says "Big One." These
Power-Up Henshin
Task 46
This is Sakura's eighth and last time
starting the segment.
Song: "Beast Light Mode! Justice
Shining!" (???!?????! ,Jsk! Seigi yo
Kagayake!) performed by Yukio Yamagata
The team looks back on the Power-Up Hen-
shin (???? ,Kyka Henshin) of Super Sentai.
This began with Beast Light Mode (???
,Jsk) of Seijuu Sentai Gingaman, and con-
tinued with Abare Mode of Bakuryuu Sentai
Abaranger, SWAT Mode of Tokusou Sentai
Dekaranger, and Legend Mode of Mahou
Sentai Magiranger. At the end, they have all
transformed into the Boukengers, but they
are all wearing the good luck clothing that
Satoru (Satoru wears the original jacket and
hat while the rest wear different hats and
jackets) wore when he was under the bad
feng shui of Wicked Dragon Talong. Satoru
calls it Lucky Mode (????? ,Kaiun Mdo),
while Masumi quickly gets out of the clothing
thinking it looks foolish, Sakura and Souta
look at the hats, Nastuki dances about say-
ing, "Happy happi," and Eiji notes it looks
good on him.
Multi Gattai
Task 47
This is Eiji's fifth and last time starting the
Song: Hundred-Beast Gattai! GaoKing (???
??????? ,Hyakuj Gattai! Gaokingu)
performed by Ichirou Mizuki
The team looks back on the Multi Gattai (????
? ,Maruchi Gattai) of Super Sentai, the first
of which was the Hundred-Beast Armament
(???? ,Hyakuj Bus) of Hyakujuu Sentai
Gaoranger, making note of GaoKing's various
combinations (shown are Striker, Sword &
Shield, Spear, Cross Horn, Another Arm,
Spear & Knuckle, Spear & Shield, and
Double Knuckle). They also make note of
Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger's Blastasaur
Combine (??????? ,Bakury Konbain) (Abar-
enOh is shown combining with Top Galer, St-
egoslidon, Bakycelonagurus, Dimenokodon,
Parasaurokkiru, and Ankyloveilus) and Geki-
sou Sentai Carranger's Scramble Intersection
Robo (made of the upper body of RV Robo
and the arms and legs of VRV Robo). The
team then looks at a toy DaiBouken with
GoGo Drill, Shovel, Mixer, and Crane and
wonder why they also have a Multi Gattai
Robo. They turn around to see Makino watch-
ing them, telling them it's only a coincidence,
while he holds a toy AbarenOh and GaoKing
behind his back.
New Sentai
Task 48
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This is Satoru's eighth and last time
starting the segment.
Song: "Juken Sentai Gekiranger" (????????
??? ,Jken Sentai Gekirenj) performed by
Takayoshi Tanimoto and "GoGo Sentai
Boukenger" (??????????? ,GG Sentai
Bkenj) performed by NoB
The team mentions the New Sentai (??? ,Shin
Sentai), Juken Sentai Gekiranger. At the end
of the clip, Natsuki and Sakura tell the audi-
ence that the next episode is their last. Eiji,
Masumi, and Souta tell the audience to watch
their last great adventure. Satoru then asks
everyone to be with them until the end, after
which they say to watch them next time. In
the screens behind them, they are trans-
formed and waving goodbye as well.
1 While
Dekaranger to appear in the series and Dek-
abreak was the seventh, the latter embodied
the traits of the Sixth Hero. DekaBreak's cos-
tume also featured the roman numeral VI.
2 Similarly, MagiShine was the seventh Ma-
giranger to appear in the series, whereas Ma-
giRed was the sixth to get his powers. Ma-
giMother was the first, although she only had
her powers for a short time at the beginning
of the series, and the other core Magirangers
had their powers before MagiRed.
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30 Sentai Encyclopedia