Top Tools for Counting Chinese Characters

Top Tools for Counting Chinese Characters, updated 8/22/24, 6:26 AM


Accurately counting Chinese characters is crucial for various tasks, such as document analysis, content creation, and translation.

Several tools are available to help with this task, from online services to software and programming libraries. Here’s a look at the top tools for counting Chinese characters:

1. Bulk URL Opener

Overview: Bulk Opener offers a straightforward online tool to count Chinese characters.

Features: Paste your text into the provided field, and the tool will instantly display the count of Chinese characters.

Advantages: Simple interface and quick results. Ideal for users who need a fast and reliable count without additional features.

WebsiteChinese Characters Counter


Overview: is a versatile character-counting tool that supports various languages, including Chinese.

Features: It comprehensively counts characters, words, and sentences. The tool can handle large amounts of text and displays the count in real time.

Advantages: User-friendly with a focus on detailed character statistics. Useful for both Chinese and other languages.


3. Google Docs

Overview: Google Docs, a popular cloud-based word processor, includes a built-in character count feature.

Features: Offers real-time character counting and supports Chinese characters. Accessible from any device with internet access.

Advantages: Convenient for users already working in Google Docs. Provides additional document editing and formatting capabilities.

How to Use: Go to “Tools” > “Word count” and check the character count.

4. Microsoft Word

Overview: Microsoft Word is a widely used word processor with character-counting functionality.

Features: Provides detailed character count information, including spaces and non-printing characters. Supports Chinese text.

Advantages: Integrated into a comprehensive word processing suite with advanced formatting options.

How to Use: Go to “Review” > “Word Count” to view character counts.

5. Python Libraries (e.g., jilbab)

Overview: Python libraries like jieba are excellent for programmatically counting Chinese characters in text.

Features: jieba is a Chinese text segmentation library that helps in parsing and analyzing Chinese text.

Advantages: Allows customized and automated character counting within larger programming projects or data analysis tasks.

Example Code:


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import jieba def count_chinese_characters(text): words = jieba.cut(text) return sum(1 for word in words if len(word) > 0 and any('\u4e00' <= char <= '\u9fff' for char in word))

6. Online Character Counter

Overview: Various online character counters provide general text analysis, including counting Chinese characters.

Features: These tools often allow you to paste text and get an instant count of characters. Some include additional features for word count and text statistics.

Advantages: Accessible and easy for quick character counts without installing software.

Examples: and

7. Text Analyzer Tools (e.g., AntConc)

Overview: AntConc is a text analysis tool with detailed analysis, including character counting.

Features: Supports various text analysis functions, such as word frequency, text parsing, and character counting.

Advantages: Ideal for in-depth text analysis and research. Can handle large datasets and complex text structures.

Website: AntConc

8. API Services (e.g., Google Cloud Natural Language API)

Overview: API services provide programmatic access to character counting and other text analysis features.

Features: These APIs offer real-time analysis and integration capabilities for automated workflows and applications.

Advantages: Useful for integrating character counting into custom applications or workflows.

Example Code:


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from import language_v1 def count_chinese_characters(text): client = language_v1.LanguageServiceClient() document = language_v1.Document(content=text, type_=language_v1.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT) response = client.analyze_entities(document=document) characters = [entity. name for entity in response.entities] return len(characters)

9. Text Statistics Tools (e.g., TextStat)

Overview: Tools like TextStat offer detailed text statistics, including character counts.

Features: Provides character count and text metrics such as readability and complexity.

Advantages: Useful for comprehensive text analysis beyond just counting characters.

Website: TextStat

10. Custom Scripts and Software

Overview: For highly specialized needs, custom scripts or software can be developed to count Chinese characters according to specific requirements.

Features: Tailored to fit unique use cases and workflows.

Advantages: Offers maximum flexibility and can be integrated into larger systems or applications.

Example: Custom Python scripts or software solutions using libraries like BeautifulSoup for web scraping and character counting.


Counting Chinese characters accurately can be streamlined using various tools and methods. Whether you need a quick online tool, a comprehensive text analysis suite, or a custom solution, many options suit your needs. By leveraging these top tools, you can ensure precise character counting for any project or task involving Chinese text.

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