Dillard's Vendor Guide.pdf

Dillard's Vendor Guide.pdf, updated 10/3/22, 9:30 PM


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Change Summary

Section III EDI Document Implementation Flow
- Added note for Standard Shipping Label Requirements (10/01/07)
- Updated ASN Detail and Data Accuracy Issues (10/01/07)
Section V Extranet
- Removed Retail Dollars from Vendor Sales & Inventory (10/01/07)
- Updated Contact information with HTUebiz.support@dillards.comUTH generic email address (03/01/08)
Section X Packing
- Changed Maximum Carton Width from 28” to 26” (11/01/06)
- Updated Prepack Instructions (02/01/07)
- Added Parcel shipment Carton instructions (09/01/07)
Section XI Shipping
- Air Shipments; updated procedures (05/01/07)
- Air Shipments; removed Emery World Wide & changed fax number for Dillard’s Traffic(11/01/06)
- Added POE Shipment Information (11/01/06)
- Vendor Profile; added contact information when profile changes are necessary (02/01/07)
- Purchase Order Verification; changed userid and password (02/01/07)
- Purchase Order Verification; updated to include canceled PO status (06/01/07)
- Updated Volume Shipment instructions (02/01/07)
- Removed Small Package Last Ship Date Exception (02/01/07)
- Added Dimensional Weight Calculation for Parcel Shipments (06/01/07)
Section XII Carton Marking
- Updated Prepack Marking Requirements (05/01/07)
- Added Prepack Marking Examples (02/01/07)
- Noted that Shoe cartons are example where inner poly bag is not required if carton is larger than the
maximum carton size (05/01/07)
- Removed Gale Triangle & Gilbert Consolidation from 128 Label Required Data (12/01/07)
- Added Sample Approved 128 Label (03/01/08)
Section XIII Work Area Refusal / Return Authorization Policy
- Added additional refused merchandise reasons (08/01/06)
- Added Salvage Policy Option (08/01/06)
- Added note that Dillard’s needs to have the vendors current return address (11/01/06)
- Added note to encourage vendors to set up a generic email address for RA requests (11/01/06)
Section XV Invoicing
- New Section (08/01/06)
- Payment Terms Updated (09/01/07)
- Added Paper Invoice Requirements (09/01/07)
- Removed Remittance weekly check cycle (10/01/07)
Section XVI Electronic Funds Transfer
- New Section (08/01/06)
Appendix A Contacts
- Updated Traffic Department Fax number (09/01/07)
- Added Vendor Relations Office Manager (12/01/07)
- Removed extra ‘a’ from front of accounts payable email address (12/01/07)
- Updated EDI Contacts with New Generic email addresses (03/01/08)
Appendix C Vendor Compliance Charge Policy
- Updated verbiage under Load Sequence description (09/01/07)
- Added ASN Detail / Carton Accuracy charge policy (10/01/07)
Appendix D Vendor Forms
- Added eBiz Administrator Change Form (06/01/07)
- Updated EFT Authorization Form (09/01/07)

Table of Contents
UVendor Information & Implementation Guide

Table of Contents

Section I – General Comments on EDI


The Concept of EDI


Benefits of EDI


Cost of EDI


Types of Order Programs


EDI Only

EDI Automatic Replenishment


EDI Automatic Replenishment Ship & Cancel Policy


Section II – Dillard's EDI


EDI Only Policy

Dillard's EDI-Capable Status

Dillard’s EDI Network Policy

Dillard’s EDI Compliance Policy


Section III – EDI Document Implementation Flow

VICS EDI Version Migration

GS1 Conferences

810 Invoice

812 Credit/Debit Adjustment

816 Organizational Relationship

820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice

14 - 15

850 Purchase Order


856 Advance Ship Notice

17 - 18

128 Carton Label


860 Purchase Order Change


864 Text


997 Functional Acknowledgement

Document Re-Transmissions


Section IV – E-mail

Dillard's E-mail Directory Enrollment Process

Dillard's E-mail Address Format

E-mail Capable Departments


Section V – Extranet

Dillard’s Extranet Site

Extranet Instructions

Extranet Sections

25 - 27

Section VI – Dillard's Product Identification Program

Why Focus on Product Identification?


Standard Life of an UPC



Dillard's Exclusive Brand or Private Label Products


Product Identification Program for all Merchandise Vendors

Approximate Timetable for UPC and QRS Catalog Program


Product Identification Issues


Table of Contents
Section VII – UPC Catalog Implementation

UPC Catalog

UPC Catalog Implementation

UPC Catalog Issues


Section VIII – Barcode and UPC Labels

What is a Barcode?

Why use Barcodes?

Why has Dillard's Committed to UPC Barcodes?

Bar Code Guidelines and Specifications


Character Encoding


Bar and Space Dimensions

Print Contrast Signal

Character Clarity

When to Sample Printer Output


Barcode Label Printer Recommendations

Vendor-Marked UPC Labels


Information on Vendor-Marked UPC Labels

Recommended Literature for UPC Marking


Barcode Quality Control

Procedure for Evaluating Barcode Symbols

Acceptance/Rejection Criteria


Section IX – UPC Marking Implementation

UPC Item Marking

UPC Marking Implementation

Mis-Marked Merchandise

UPC Marking Issues


Section X – Packing

General Packing Guidelines


Carton Sizes






Section XI – Shipping Information & Requirements

Vendor Profile


Bill of Lading


BOL Requirements


Ship & Cancel Date

Dimensional Weight Calculation - Parcel Shipments

Shipping Frequency


Carton Counts


Loading Requirements



Routing Violations


Carrier Violations


Weight Violations


Multiple Shipments


Excessive Shipments


Shipment Refusal Policy


Freight Charges




Section XI – Shipping Information & Requirements continued

Purchase Order Verification

Volume Shipments

Volume Shipment Calculation


Trailer Seal Information

MCSI Extranet Selections

Enter New MCSI


Volume Shipment Violations

Air Shipments

POE Shipments


Section XII – Carton Marking


128 Label Required Data


128 Label Placement


Sample Approved 128 Label


Standard Shipping Label Requirements

Masterpack Marking Requirements


Prepack Marking Requirements


Prepack Marking Examples


Section XIII – Work Area Refusal Policy

Refusal Issues


Section XIV – Vendor Change of Ownership


Section XV – Invoicing

Payment Terms & Procedures




Claims Processing





Section XVI – Electronic Funds Transfer

EFT Remittance Options

Chargeback / Credit Memo Detail Options


Factored Vendors


Appendix A – Contacts

56 - 59

Appendix B – Terminology

60 - 61

Appendix C – Dillard’s Vendor Compliance Processing Charge Policy

62 - 64

Appendix D – Forms

Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Form

e-Biz Administrator Form

e-Biz Administrator Change Form


Vendor Change Request Form

E-mail Enrollment Form


Table of Contents
Section I - General Comments on EDI

The Concept of EDI

In order to evaluate the decision to implement Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), we should first review the general
concept of it. EDI is simply the means to communicate between companies from one computer to another. Multiple
pilots and implementations have been established in recent years; however, the overwhelming majority of these efforts
have employed proprietary or unique file formats. The absence of a standard file format had led to the condition
where the industry computers could not "talk" to one another. For example, Vendor A could recognize Retailer B's
purchase order file, but could not readily understand the purchase order file from Retailer C.

In 1979, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) formed the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12
to eliminate this problem. The ANSI X12 standards, is recognized by the United Nations as the EDI standard for
North America. As a result, ANSI X12 is active in the International Standards Organization (ISO), which is setting
the international EDI file standards. The Voluntary Intra-Industry Communications Standards (VICS) file formats for
EDI follow the ANSI X12 standards.

Our industry is not the first industry to successfully apply the concept of exchanging business documents via
computer, nor are we the only industry embarking upon an industry-wide implementation of standards. The
Automotive Industry, the Metals Industry, Chemical, Electronics and Office Products are a few of the major
industries that are implementing the ANSI X12 standards.

Benefits of EDI

Why should retailers and their vendors establish EDI links? The reasons for implementing EDI fall increasingly
within the tactical rather than the strategic category. Competitive position within the marketplace is driving the
decision more than any strategic considerations. Listed below are some of the major EDI benefits:

Reduced manual data entry

Reduced printing cost of forms

Reduced postage, handling cost & mail time

Reduced labor processing cost

Reduced order cycle time

Increased sales potential

Improved accuracy, when integrated

Reduced lead times

Reduced filing of paperwork

Reduced inventory carrying cost potential
Increased customer service

The benefits of Just-In-Time and Quick Response techniques have been documented in numerous publications. EDI
is one tool that facilitates the implementation of these programs. However, the most compelling reason to implement
EDI is in response to major trading partners requesting EDI and the fact that it has become one of the primary
communication tools to share business documents.

**Dillard’s is committed to using EDI only and discontinuing using paper documents**


Cost of EDI

How much is it going to cost? The cost to implement EDI can and will vary widely among companies. The skills of
the business and technical personnel, the designs and condition of existing computer systems, but most important, the
ability of the organization to absorb and adapt to change will determine the cost of this effort. The companies that
have implemented EDI have done so because they believe that the benefits are tangible, that the benefits outweigh the
costs, and that EDI has become a commonly used vehicle in conducting business.

Types of Order Programs

EDI Only

EDI Automatic Replenishment

EDI Only

Dillard’s sends purchase orders (PO’s) electronically to the vendor via the EDI 850 document. The PO transmission
will contain the following information from our inventory system:

UPC (if available)

EDI Automatic Replenishment

All PO transmissions contain your UPC number(s). Dillard's will scan the UPC barcode, post sales to the appropriate
SKU inventory record, and generate orders based on future projected sales. These PO’s are created Saturday night
and may be system or merchant approved. After the PO is approved it will be transmitted to you. You will be able to
identify a replenishment order from the EDI transmission. There will be a code of ‘OHRO’ in the SAC04 segment of
the 850 PO document to identify the PO as a replenishment order. Dillard's asks that all vendors who are using UPC
marking make their UPC and product information available through the GXS or Inovis UPC catalog. See Appendix
A for contact information.

EDI Automatic Replenishment Ship & Cancel Policy

On automatic replenishment purchase orders we will only accept one shipment for the order. The balance of the
order will be canceled based on the ASN you send, and the goods will be reordered in the next order cycle. This is a
true ‘ship & cancel’ policy for replenishment orders only.

Many vendors' goods fit into an Automatic Replenishment program. If your basic goods fit into this type of program
contact your merchant so we can utilize auto ordering. The merchant can negotiate shipping windows for you. This
would generate a PO on all goods that are reordered and would allow the merchants the necessary control and
tracking needed to coordinate their areas while minimizing Dillard's out-of-stock positions.

Section II - Dillards’s EDI

EDI Only Policy

Many vendors have contacted Dillard's concerning our policy on sending or receiving paper documents. The
following information is provided to clarify Dillard's position.

After you have implemented EDI documents (PO, PO Change, Invoice, etc.), you should not accept or send, paper,
fax, email or phoned in documents. PO’s or PO Changes from Dillard's merchants that you receive via paper, fax,
email or phone should NOT be accepted. The same is true for the other documents you have implemented in EDI.
Dillard's will not accept paper invoices after we have fully implemented EDI invoices with your company.

If you are not doing EDI, only accept system generated/printed orders. Be careful not to accept a worksheet as an
approved order. If you were to accept a non system-generated order (i.e., worksheet, fax, email or phone type orders),
we have no reference in our system for that transaction. This creates problems in receiving, reconciling and paying for
the merchandise.

Dillard's EDI-Capable Status

Dillard’s is currently EDI-capable for the following documents:


816 - Organizational Relationship

812 - Credit/Debit Adjustment

820 - Electronic Funds Transfer
850 - Purchase Order

852 - Product Activity Data

860 - Purchase Order Change

864 - Text Message


210 - Motor Carrier Freight Details/Invoice

214 - Carrier Shipment Status Message

810 - Invoice

832 - Price Sales Catalog

856 - Advance Shipping Notice

997 - Functional Acknowledgment

Dillard's EDI Network Policy

Please Note: Dillard's uses the following Networks Only!

Inovis (Formerly QRS)
Contact Inovis, at (877) 446-6847.
Select ‘Option 4’ for EDI Enabling and Testing.


Global eXchange Services (GXS, Formerly GE)
Contact GXS Telesales at (800) 847-5932 for EDI Enabling and Testing.

We do not support or authorize the use of any interconnect facility with any other 3rd Party Network.


Dillard’s EDI Compliance Policy

Dillard’s gives a 90-day grace period once you become an active vendor with us, to become compliant on the
following Mandatory EDI Documents.

Until you are EDI compliant, all purchase orders and invoices will be mailed. You will not be charged for
these paper documents during this time. If these Mandatory Documents are not implemented within the
90-day grace period, the non-compliance processing charges listed below will be assessed:



810 - Invoice


816 - Organizational Relationship


820 - Remittance Advice


832 - Price Sales Catalog (VIA 3PRDP Party)


850 - Purchase Order


856 - Advance Shipping Notice


860 - Purchase Order Change


864 - Text Message


997 - Functional Acknowledgment


Paper processing charges for non-EDI documents. The charge is assessed on each paper document
generated for or received from a Vendor.

** You will be charged for each attempt by Dillard’s to transmit one of these documents to you via EDI.

*** The charge is $500 per paper check. You have the option of receiving Remittance information via the
820 document or eBiz.dillards.com via user specific secured access.

**** Price Sales Catalog, UPC information is traded by the vendor with a UPC Catalog (GXS or Inovis).
Dillard's picks up the UPC information from the UPC catalog and not directly from the vendor.
There is a manual entry charge of $2.00 per UPC/Product record entered or corrected. These charges
are also assessed for non-compliance issues, as required, after catalog is implemented. Excessive
changes made outside of the GS1 (formerly UCC) UPC standards will be subject to chargebacks of
$10.00 per Style\UPC.

***** Shipments received with no ASN will be assessed a $250.00 per shipment non-compliance charge.
(Shipment = PO/Ship Date). A $50.00 per carton charge will be assessed for each carton with no 128
label (or non-scannable label), or if the ASN detail is not found when scanning the carton.

******Non-compliance charge of $50.00 per file will be assessed if you continually fail to send a 997 for each
820, 850, or 860 file you receive from Dillard’s.

For UPC and Carton Label compliance charges see Vendor Compliance Processing Charge Policy in Appendix C

Section III - EDI Implementation Flow

This flow describes the steps necessary to implement EDI documents with Dillard's.

Confusion and frustration during EDI document implementation can be reduced or eliminated when this
implementation flow is followed.

1. Format/map the Dillard's EDI documents into your EDI translation software. If you, or your EDI
translation software company, need a copy of Dillard's EDI documents, you may download them from
the Dillard’s Extranet site ebiz.dillards.com , or fax a request to (501) 210-9525. Please be specific as to
which document(s) you need. Documents requested by fax are sent to you via regular mail.

2. To test the documents once they are formatted:

816, 820, 850, 860, and 864 - Contact Inovis or GXS to receive test files. When you have received the test files,
you will need to send a 997 to acknowledge that the 850, 860 and 820 test files have been received. Inovis or GXS
will then notify Dillard's EDI Dept. via E-mail that you are ready to be set up for EDI.

Please Note: Dillard's uses the following Networks Only!

Inovis, (Formerly QRS)
Contact Inovis, at (877) 446-6847.
Select ‘Option 4’ for EDI Enabling and Testing.

Global eXchange (GXS, Formerly GE)

Contact GXS Telesales at (800) 847-5932 for EDI Enabling and Testing.

We do not support or authorize the use of any interconnect facility with any other 3rd Party Network.

810 and 856 - Send a file to Dillard’s for testing. See the 810 and 856 sections for more detail on testing.

3. Dillard's EDI Dept. will contact you to verify your network ID information. You will then be set up for
all tested documents.

VICS EDI Version Migration

Each year new “editions” of the VICS EDI documents are released. Versions are released annually in the
spring and become effective in the fall of the same year. A specific 4-digit number assigned by the Uniform
Code Council identifies them. Example: The 004030VICS version became effective in the fall of 2000.

Dillard’s follows the VICS EDI requirement to support the current version and the version from the
previous year. You will be notified at least six months in advance when Dillard’ s drops support of a specific
version and when version migration is required.

GS1 Conferences

GS1 (formerly Uniform Code Council, UCC) conducts conferences each year. At these meetings, vendors
and retailers get together to learn more about Electronic Commerce. Dillard’s regularly participates in these
meetings and strongly recommends that our vendors attend. This is a great way for you to keep up with what
is going on in the Electronic Commerce arena and an opportunity for you to meet your trading partners. For
more information about these meetings or to register to attend, contact GS1 (see Appendix A).

810 - Invoice: (Mandatory)

Note: The 810 cannot be implemented until you have implemented the 850 document.

810 Implementation Flow:

1. Format/map the Dillard's 810 document into your EDI Translation Software. Please note that our mapping has a
“Mandatory Segment” cover sheet that gives you all of the data we are expecting to receive in the document.

2. Set up a procedure to transmit invoice data to the Dillard's EDI mailbox. During this test, you should check that
you have the ability to re-transmit any outgoing file in case of problems in getting the original data to us. You must
also set up a process to confirm that a 997 (functional acknowledgment or FA) is received for each 810 file transmitted in
‘Production’. The 997 will also notify you of any compliance errors in the 810 file.

When you are ready to transmit a test 810:

Transmit the 810 file to Dillard’s production receiver id:
08/6112390050 GXS
08/6112391050 Inovis
(Dillard’s does not have a test receiver id)

No phone call is needed to begin testing 810 transmissions

Note: For invoice payment before you are in ‘Production’ on the 810 you must mail paper invoices to
Accounts Payable.

3. A compliance check is made to verify that you have transmitted correct data in the mandatory fields. If we find
any problems with the transmission, we will contact you to discuss the error so it can be corrected. If there are no
errors in the transmission, we will ask you to re-transmit the same test file.

If you do not hear from the Dillard's EDI office within 48 business hours after you send the initial test file, contact Dillard's via fax at
(501) 210-9525 or email HTedi.testing@dillards.comTH to notify us that you sent a file and have not received a response. Include on the
fax your Qualifier / Sender ID, date of transmission, contact name and phone number.

Note: The most important thing to remember about implementation is that after you send the initial invoice
file via EDI is to continue sending test invoices. Do not send one EDI file to test and then quit
sending. Stop and go transmissions create phone calls and they slow or stop the implementation flow.

4. When the 810 is moved into 'Production’ we will notify you to discontinue sending paper invoices.

5. Paper Invoices received once your 810 is in ‘Production’ are subject to a $55 manual processing charge assessed by
Dillard’s Accounts Payable Department.

You are now finished with EDI invoice implementation and you are responsible for seeing that the ongoing
transmissions are sent in a clean and proper manner.

Dillard’s Accounts Payable Department requests that you send one Invoice per PO per shipment.

812 – Credit\Debit Adjustment (Optional)

The 812 document identifies and contains the details and amounts covering exceptions, adjustments, credits or debits
for goods or services. It can be received and downloaded with the 820 Remittance Advice document.

812 Implementation Flow

1. Format/Map the Dillard’s 812 document into your EDI Translation Software.

2. Once the document is formatted contact Dillard's EFT Support Manager, via fax @ (501) 210-9525 or email
HTeft.support@dillards.comTH, to request the 812 be set up for EDI. Please include the following items on your faxed

Vendor Name

b. Your Network receiver ID

Contact Information:
Phone Number & Extension
Email Address

d. Date you are ready to begin receiving 812 files*

*Please do not notify us more than 2 business days prior to the start date.

3. Our EDI Testing Manager will contact you to verify the setup information given to us. Once the
information has been confirmed, our Testing Manager will then set up the 812 in ‘Production’ (EDI only,
no paper) in our system.

Note: A 997(Functional Acknowledgment) is not required for 812 files received.

816 Organizational Relationship: (Mandatory)
Note: The 816 cannot be implemented until you have implemented the 850 document.

The Organizational Relationship document is used to transmit Distribution Center (DC) and Store addresses.

You have the option of receiving a DC list only, or you can receive a DC and Store list combined.

The 816 document will be set up in ‘Production’ (EDI only, no paper).

You will receive your first transmission two days after the 816 is set up in our system.

The first 816 transmission will be a complete DC or DC/Store list.

Should you need a complete file at a later date, fax your request to the Dillard’s EDI department at
(501) 210-9525 or email HTedi.production@dillards.comTH .

You will automatically receive change transmissions should the master DC/Store file in our system be
updated (changes, additions, or deletes).

The BHT02 segment will have a code indicating if the file is an ‘original’ (00), or a ‘change’ (04).

All changes are in effect the day you receive the 816 transmission.

The following codes are sent in the ASI segment of the 816 transmission to indicate the change made to the
master DC/Store file:

‘001’ Change – This indicates a change has been made to the address on file. Delete all previous
information for this DC/Store and update your files with the new information transmitted in the

‘002’ Deletion – This address has been deleted from our master store file, you should do the same.

‘021’ Addition – This address has been added to our master DC/Store file, you should do the same.

Note: If you receive the DC/Store list and a Store has a DC assigned as a “Ship To” the 816 will indicate the
DC number with a ‘DK’ qualifier in the REF01 segment followed by a 4 digit DC# in the REF02

816 Implementation Flow

1. Format/map the Dillard’s 816 document into your EDI Translation Software.

2. Contact Inovis or GXS and request a test file of the 816 document. . Confirm receipt of the test file
however Inovis or GXS instructs you to. Inovis or GXS will notify Dillard’s via e-mail that you have
completed testing.

3. After Dillard's receives the e-mail that you have tested the 816, our EDI Testing Manager will call you to
verify the setup information given to us by the network. Our Testing Manager will then set up the 816
document in ‘Production’ (EDI only, no paper) in our system.

Note: A 997(Functional Acknowledgment) is not required for 816 files received in ‘Production’.

820 - Payment Order/Remittance Advice
(Electronic Funds Transfer EFT): (Mandatory)*

The 820 document allows Dillard’s to transmit payments to your bank and remittance information to you via EDI. You do
not have to wait for check and remittance information to be mailed to you once you are in production on the 820.

How the 820 works:

1. You transmit an 810 Invoice to Dillard’s for payment.
2. Dillard’s Accounts Payable processes the invoice and approves it for payment.
3. The night the invoice is approved for payment we send our bank notification (via the 820) to transmit the funds to your
bank account.
4. We also send you an 820 the same night giving you the following information:
a. Amount of Deposit
b. Effective Date of Deposit (2 business days following Dillards payment on your account)

c. Check Number
d. Invoice Date and Number

e. Invoice Amount

f. Discount Taken (if any)
5. If there are chargebacks against the payment you will also receive:
g. Chargeback Amount
h. Chargeback Number
6. Chargeback detail can be transmitted to you via the 812 Credit/Debit Adjustment document.

If you are Factored your Factor has the option of receiving the above information also.

EFT (820) Flow

Vendors not using a Factor will use the Standard EFT: Dillard’s To the Vendor and Bank.

Vendors that are using a Factor may choose one of the following Options:

Option 1: Dillard’s To the Vendor and Bank – You are responsible for getting the remittance advice to your Factor.

Option 2: Dillard’s To Vendor and Factor and Bank – You want Dillard's to transmit remittance advice to both you
and your Factor. (If 'Option 2' is implemented the Factor is responsible to implement the EDI 820
document. The Factor must also be set up with a mailbox directly on Inovis or GXS.)

* EFT is Mandatory; if you choose to receive remittance via EDI the 820 is Mandatory. If you choose to
receive EFT payments but want to view the details via secured userids on our vendor eBiz site the 820 EDI
document is not required. To receive EFT payments & view the remittance information via our eBiz site
complete the EFT Authorization Form & eBiz Administrator Form located in Appendix D.

820 Implementation Flow:

1. Fill out and sign (signature must be an officer of the company) the "Electronic Funds Transfer
Authorization" form* and fax it to our EFT Support Manager at (501) 210-9525. A voided check or
deposit slip for the EFT account must be faxed along with the EFT Authorization form. If these are not
available a letter from your bank verifying the Bank routing number and account number can be faxed.

*See Appendix D for a copy of the “Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization" form.

2. Format/map the Dillard's 820 document into your EDI Translation Software.

3. Contact Inovis or GXS and request an EFT (820) test file. Confirm receipt of the test file however Inovis
or GXS instructs you to. Inovis or GXS will notify Dillard’s via e-mail that you have completed testing.

(If you are using a factor, and authorize the factor to receive the 820 via EDI from Dillard's, you must fax
a completed "Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization” (see step 1) with the factor’s EFT bank
information. A voided check or deposit slip for the factor’s account must also be faxed. The factor would
be required to have a mailbox directly on the GXS or Inovis network.)

4. After Dillard's receives the e-mail from the network that the vendor and/or factor has tested the 820, our
EFT Testing Manager will contact you to verify the setup information given to us by the network.

5. The 820 is then set up in 'Test' status. Once this is complete, our system will automatically send a 'penny
transaction' to our bank. This deposit of .01 will then be sent via Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) to test
your bank account information. You will not receive an 820 transmission for this test deposit. When the .01 test
deposit is received by your bank notify our EFT Testing Manger that the .01 deposit was received. We
will then move your 820 into 'Parallel' status. Note: it is imperative that you verify that the .01 test is
received into your account in order for the EFT/820 process to proceed. Failure to do so could
cost your company several thousand dollars in chargebacks.

6. In ‘Parallel’, you (and factor if requested) will begin receiving the 820 for every check that is issued for
payment. The hard copy checks, along with the remittance and chargeback information, will continue to
be mailed as they are currently. During ‘Parallel’, there is no money sent to the bank via EFT. You will
be using the hard copy checks to process payment. It is important for you to have a procedure in place to
verify the EDI remittance to the hard copy check stub. The Dillard's banking account number will be
different on the hard copy check than in the 820 EDI document during the ‘Parallel’ status. We will
contact you after your 3PrdP ‘Parallel’ transmission to stop the paper checks/remittance and move your 820
into 'Production'. (If you are ready for ‘Production’ before we contact you, notify our EFT Support
Manager via fax, (501) 210-9525) or email HTeft.support@dillards.comTH.

7. When your 820 is moved into 'Production', your bank will receive the EFT. At the same time you will
be receiving the EDI 820 remittance with no paper being mailed. (EDI Only; No Paper)

Note: A 997(Functional Acknowledgment) is required for all 820 files received.

850 - Purchase Order: (Mandatory)

Note: This is the first document you must implement to do EDI with Dillard’s.

Until you have implemented the EDI 850, only accept system generated/printed orders. Be careful not to
accept a worksheet as an approved order.

After you have implemented the 850 document you should only receive orders via EDI. Any EDI document
you receive from us has been entered and approved in our system. If you were to accept a non system-
generated order (i.e., worksheet, fax or phone type orders), we have no reference in our system for that
transaction. This creates problems in receiving, reconciling and paying for the merchandise.

Contact your Dillard's Merchant if you have:

Missing Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders Changes

Invalid Styles, UPC, Pricing, etc.

General Purchasing or Policy Questions

Automatic Replenishment or Quick Response Questions

Refer to the ‘Dillard's Corporate Routing Guide’ for shipping instructions.

850 Implementation Flow

1. Format/Map the Dillard’s 850 document into your EDI Translation Software

2. Contact Inovis or GXS and request a test file of the 850 document. Confirm receipt of the test file
however Inovis or GXS instructs you to. Inovis or GXS will notify Dillard’s via e-mail that you have
completed testing.

3. After Dillard's receives the e-mail that you have tested the 850, our EDI Testing Manager will call you to
verify the setup information given to us by the network.

4. Our Testing Manager will set up the 850 in ‘Parallel’ (Paper & EDI). You will receive an EDI
transmission and a paper copy in the mail when a merchant approves a purchase order.

5. Compare the paper PO with the EDI transmission to ensure that your software is translating properly.
When you are satisfied that EDI is working, notify us that you are ready to move into ‘Production’
(EDI only, no paper).

Note: You will begin receiving EDI transmissions on PO's approved after the Parallel EDI status is
set up with Dillard's. PO's approved before the Parallel EDI status is set up will be “PAPER
ONLY”, “NO EDI”, and will be mailed to you.

Note: A 997(Functional Acknowledgment) is required for all 850 files received.
856 - Advance Ship Notice: (Mandatory)*

Note: The 856 (ASN) cannot be implemented until you have implemented the 850 document.

The ASN along with the 128 carton label allows Dillard’s to track cartons received at the Distribution Center (DC)
and in some areas, cross-dock the cartons directly to the stores needing the goods.

*Vendors that sell us big ticket merchandise, fixtures, supplies (cleaning goods, office supplies, paper, etc.) or ship
direct to store are not required to send ASN’s or mark their cartons with the 128 carton label at this time. See
Section XII Carton Marking for Standard Shipping Label Requirements.

How the ASN/128 Carton Labels Work:
1. Mark all of your cartons with the 128 carton label.
2. Transmit an ASN (856) file to us as soon as your merchandise is shipped. It is imperative that we receive the ASN before
the goods are received at the DC.
3. Dillard’s downloads the ASN file into our receiving system when the cartons are received and scanned at the DC.
4. For ‘cross-dock’ vendors, the cartons are automatically routed to the stores, based on the ASN data.

Common Ship Notice/Manifest and 128 Carton Label Issues

Timing of the ASN
Make your ASN available to Dillard's as soon as possible after the merchandise is shipped. Dillard's receives EDI
data from the 3rd party networks daily at approximately 4 AM and 7 PM CST. All ASN data received into our
electronic mailbox prior to 4 AM will be available for the DC that morning. All ASN data received into our
electronic mailbox after 4 AM and prior to 7 PM CST will be available for the DC the next morning.

If your shipment arrives at our distribution center before we have received and processed the ASN we are unable
to use the ASN information. These shipments will be subject to a $250.00 charge per Purchase Order for no ASN
received and a charge of $50.00 per carton.**

We have a “HOT” mailbox set up that we receive from frequently for Vendors that have a shipping facility that is
located close to a Dillard’s DC. If this situation applies to your Company please contact the Manager of Vendor
Compliance for instructions. (See Appendix A for contact list.)

Transmit an ASN and Mark all Cartons for each Shipment
When we put your ASN into production status you must transmit an ASN and all cartons must be labeled with a
128 Carton Label for each shipment after that point in time. No exceptions! Shipments received without an
ASN or 128 carton labels are subject to a $250.00 charge per Purchase Order and $50.00 per carton.**

Placement of 128 Carton Label
The 128 carton label may be placed on the top, sides, or ends of the carton.
Never place the 128 carton label on the bottom of the cartons.
We recommend if the label wraps over the edge of the carton that the barcode is on a flat surface.

ASN Detail and Data Accuracy
The ASN is to be implemented at the item level and must contain the UPC’s within each carton.
The carton number in the ASN must match the 128 Carton Label number received at the DC.
The merchandise listed in the ASN must match the physical merchandise received:
ASN QTY must match the QTY of goods scanned from the carton at the receiving DC
ASN UPC detail must match the UPC’s on the merchandise at the receiving DC
ASN QTY/UPC details that do not match the QTY or UPC’s within the carton are subject to a $100.00 charge per

Errors like this significantly slows the receiving process, thus delaying routing the merchandise to the stores.

**see Vendor Compliance Processing Charge Policy in Appendix C

856 Implementation Flow:

1. Format/Map the Dillard's EDI Advance Ship Notice (ASN) document (856) into your EDI Translation
Software. Please note that our mapping has a “Mandatory Segment” cover sheet that gives you all of the
data we are expecting to receive in the document.

2. Set up an interface to get your ASN data from your shipping system into your EDI software
(systematically or manually).

3. Transmit a test ASN (856) file to the Dillard's EDI mailbox. During this test, check that you have the
ability to re-transmit any outgoing file in case of problems in getting the original data to us. You must also
set up a process to confirm that a 997 (functional acknowledgment or FA) is received for each 856 file transmitted in
‘Production’. The 997 will also notify you if you have compliance errors in your file.

When you are ready to transmit a test 856 to us:

Transmit the 856 file to Dillard’s production receiver id:
08/6112390050 GXS

(Dillard’s does not have a test receiver id)

No phone call is needed to begin testing 856 transmissions

3. A compliance check is made to verify that you have transmitted correct data in the mandatory fields. If
we find any problems with the transmission, we will contact you to discuss the error so it can be corrected.
If there are no errors in the transmission, we will ask you to re-transmit the same test file.

If you do not hear from the Dillard's EDI office within 48 business hours after you send the initial test file, contact Dillard's
via fax at (501) 210-9525 or email HTedi.testing@dillards.comTH to notify us that you sent a file and have not received a
response. Include on the fax your Qualifier / Sender ID, date of transmission, contact name and phone number.

4. We will notify you when the ASN document is moved into 'Production’ in our system. You are now
finished with EDI ASN implementation and are responsible for seeing that the ongoing transmissions are
sent in a clean and proper manner.

Note: The most important thing to remember about implementation is that after you send the initial
ASN file via EDI is to continue sending ASN files for all of your shipments. Do not send one
EDI file to test and then quit sending. Stop and go transmissions create phone calls and they
slow or stop the implementation flow.
UCC128 Carton Label Implementation Flow

The UCC128 Carton Label implementation can be done at the same time you set up the EDI ASN document. This
will prevent undue delays in the implementation of either program.

1. Dillard's request that you follow the Uniform Code Council (UCC) specifications when producing the UCC128
Carton Label. (See Appendix A for contact information.)

2. Create a UCC128 Carton Label that includes the following data:.

Ship from Address

Ship to Address

When shipping direct to a Dillard’s DC:

Ship to = Dillard’s DC number and the DC address

When shipping to the Consolidators Gale Triangle or Triangle Transport:

Ship to = Dillard’s final destination DC number and the DC address

“Shipments routed via a consolidator may have different carton marking and bill of lading
requirements. Please refer to the appropriate consolidator in Section 5 of the routing guide.”

When shipping to Dillard’s Salisbury or Dillard’s Gilbert Consolidation Centers:

Ship to = Dillard’s final destination DC number and the Dillard’s Consolidation Center address

Ship To Zip Code (Bar-coded and Human Readable)

PO Number (Bar-coded and Human Readable)

Department Number (Human Readable)

Pack For Store Number (Human Readable)

Carton Number (Bar-coded and Human Readable)

Bar-code Dimensions:

Minimum of .25" quiet zone on both sides

Postal Zip Code & PO Number minimum of .5" high

UCC-128 minimum of 1.25" high and 3.1" wide

Human Readable Dimensions:

Minimum of 3/8" High
All of these data items fit into the specifications you will receive from the Uniform Code Council. You may use
other data items on your label as you deem necessary. We need these data fields to process the carton if the
carton number or barcode cannot be scanned or read .

3. Once you have produced a UCC128 Carton Label, mail a sample label to our EDI Testing Manager for approval
at the following address:


1600 Cantrell RD

Little Rock, AR 72201

Attn: EDI Marking Manager

4. Our EDI Testing Manager will contact you with the test results of your UCC128 Carton Label. It takes
approximately 10 business days from the time your sample is received until we have the test results back.

5. If your UCC128 label does not pass the scan test you will be asked to make corrections to the label and mail
another sample to the EDI Testing Manager for testing.

6. Once you have been notified that your UCC128 label has been approved you will need to mark each carton of
each shipment with a UCC128 label.
860 - Purchase Order Change: (Mandatory)
Note: The 860 cannot be implemented until you have implemented the 850 document.

This document will be set up in Production (EDI only, no paper). After you have implemented the 860, you
will receive your first transmission when a merchant makes a change to any active PO.

Once you have implemented the 860 document you should only receive PO changes via EDI. Any EDI
document you receive from us has been entered and approved in our system. If you were to accept a non
system-generated PO change (i.e., worksheet, fax or phone type orders), we have no reference in our system
for that transaction. This creates problems in receiving, reconciling and paying for the merchandise.

The following changes will automatically transmit to you the night of the change:

PO Canceled

Line Added

Line Deleted
QTY Change (+ or -)
Date Change

Start Ship Date

Last Ship Date

By Store / Consolidated Change
Cost Change
Dept/MIC Change (Private Label Only)
Group & Label Code (Private Label Only)

Label & Hangtag Type(Private Label Only)

Retail Change (Private Label Only or Vendors that Receive Retail)

Style or color changes “Are Not” transmitted unless the UPC/SKU changes.

The following codes are sent in the POC segment of the 860 transmission to indicate the type of change made:

AI Add Item - Adds a new item that was not on original order.
DI Delete Item – Deletes an item that was on the original order.
PC Price Change – Corrects cost or retail price on original order.
QD Quantity Decrease – Decreases quantity of an item on original order.
QI Quantity Increase – Increases quantity of an item on original order.
CA Dept/MIC/Group Code Change – Private label vendors only.

860 Implementation Flow

1. Format/Map the Dillard’s 860 document into your EDI Translation Software

2. Contact Inovis or GXS and request a test file of the 860 document. A Functional Acknowledgment (997)
should then be sent to Inovis or GXS. Inovis or GXS will notify Dillard’s via e-mail that you have
completed testing.

3. After Dillard's receives the e-mail that you have tested the 860, our EDI Testing Manager will call you to
verify the setup information given to us by the network. Our Testing Manager will then set up the 860
document in ‘Production’ (EDI only, no paper) in our system.

Note: A 997(Functional Acknowledgment) is required for all 860 files received.
864 - Text: (Mandatory)
Note: The 864 cannot be implemented until you have implemented the 850 document.

This document is used to transmit:

Notice of a missing 997 for PO, PO Change and Electronic Funds Transfer files sent.

Message to notify you of any problems that would affect your EDI with Dillard's.

General information, policy or procedure changes, special events, etc.

864 Implementation Flow

1. Format/Map the Dillard’s 864 document into your EDI Translation Software.

2. Contact Inovis or GXS and request a test file of the 864 document. Confirm receipt of the test file
however Inovis or GXS instructs you to. Inovis or GXS will notify Dillard’s via e-mail that you have
completed testing.

3. After Dillard's receives the e-mail that you have tested the 864, our EDI Testing Manager will call you to verify the
setup information given to us by the network. Our Testing Manager will then set up the 864 document in
‘Production’ (EDI only, no paper) in our system.

997 - Functional Acknowledgment: (Mandatory)

997 Outbound from Dillard’s:
A 997 is transmitted to you for each ‘Production’ 810/856 file Dillard’s receives. The 997 will indicate:
That we did receive your file (not receiving a 997 within 24 hours would indicate that we did not receive your file)
The GS sequence number of the file we received
The number of ASN’s or Invoices we received
The number of ASN’s or Invoices that were accepted
The reason, if any, that some or all of the ASN’s or Invoices rejected (See Below)

Segments that Identify 810/856 Transmission Errors

Segment Element Name_________________________________



Segment ID Code (indicates which segment is in error)



Segment Position in Transaction Set


Loop Identifier Code


Position in Segment


Data Element Syntax Error Code


Transaction Set Acknowledgement Code


Transaction Set Syntax Error Code
(See the 997 Document Mapping for more details on these segments)

A common problem with the 997 is that some software does not properly report the above segment
information to identify transmission errors.

Be sure that your software clearly indicates the segment(s) in error and the error reason codes.

The 997 will not include the invoice# or BOL#, you must track them by your GS sequence number.

An 810/856 file that you transmit with errors is rejected and cannot be processed.

Once the errors have been corrected you must re-transmit the 810/856 file.

997 Inbound from the Vendor:
You must transmit a 997 within 24 hours for each 820, 850 and 860 file you receive from Dillard's.

If Dillard's has not received a 997 within 5 days, you will receive a message via the 864 document notifying you that
we are missing a 997. The 864 message will include the following details of the transmitted file(s):
Your Dillard’s Vendor Number
The Transaction Set Type (820, 850, or 860)
Transmission Date
Your ISA ID and GS ID
The GS sequence number of the transmission (# your 997 should be acknowledging)*
*850 and/or 860 PO #’s, or 820 Check #’s are not provided in the 864 message, you must be able to trace
the transmissions by the GS sequence #.

If you received the file, send us a 997. If you did not receive the file, fax a re-transmit request to Dillard’s EDI,
(501) 210-9525. If the file you are asking us to re-transmit is an 850, include the following message on the fax:
“We are aware this is a re-transmit and will not double ship the order(s).”

Subsequent 864's will be sent if the 997 is not received. Our final notice of a missing 997 is sent via fax. The Vendor
Compliance Dept. will contact you if you fail to send a 997. Multiple notices are subject to compliance charges. **
**See Vendor Compliance Processing Charge Policy for more detail.
Document Re-Transmissions

There may be a time when you will need to have a document re-transmitted. Re-transmissions are costly and
time consuming to both Dillard's and the vendor. They should be requested only after all other attempts to
process and/or receive the file(s) failed.

"Do not make a habit of requesting re-transmissions."

The following documents can be re-transmitted if necessary:

816 Organizational Relationship
820 Electronic Funds Transfer
850 Purchase Orders (PO)
852 Product Activity
860 Purchase Order Change (POC)
864 Text

Please use the following guidelines when requesting document re-transmission:

1. Please include a brief explanation of why you wish the document to be re-transmitted.

2. Include the PO #'s, GS, or ISA sequence #'s to be re-transmitted.

3. Re-transmit request must include the following statement:

"We are aware that this is a request to re-transmit & will not double ship the goods on these orders."

4. The requesting party needs to sign (including title) the request and should be the EDI Technical Contact.

5. Fax the request on your company’s letterhead to Dillard's EDI at (501) 210-9525 or email the request to

Excessive re-transmit requests are subject to the following:

1. There is a $50.00 charge per PO re-transmitted due to:
a. Excessive re-transmissions ( more than 3 faxed requests during Jan-Dec time frame)
b. PO’s re-transmitted due to you not being able to process a PO Change, (EDI 860 document)

2. Excessive re-transmissions (more than 3 during Jan-Dec time frame) are $50.00 per re-transmission on all
other documents.

3. In addition to the information requested in the PO re-transmit guidelines above, please include the
following statement on all requests :
“We are aware there is a $50.00 charge for PO re-transmission”

Documents will re-transmit the morning after Dillard's EDI Department authorizes the request.

Documents will re-transmit with the same ISA/GS sequence #’s except for the 850; it will have new
ISA/GS sequence #’s. Also the BEG01 segment of the 850 will be ‘07’ indicating “Duplicate”.

For faster response please include the information above & have your request faxed before 3pm Central Time.
Section IV – E-mail Directory
Dillard’s E-mail Directory Enrollment Process

1. You may choose one of the following options to enroll:

Call the Dillard’s E-mail enabling group at (501) 379-5730 and give them the information in step # 2
Complete the E-mail Enrollment Form (See Appendix D – Forms) and fax it to (501) 210-9601

2. The following information will be needed for E-mail enrollment:

a. Company Name & Merchandise Type
b. E-mail Administrator Name & Internet Address
c. Daytime phone # & after hours phone #
d. Return Authorization Contact Name & Internet Address (Needed for Work Area Refusals, see Section XIII)
e. If Company calling is a Parent Company – give Subsidiaries
f. If Company calling is a Subsidiary – give Parent
g. Make known if Company calling is an Independent Company

3. Once enrollment is complete Dillard’s will send a test message to ensure there are no problems with

4. Your name will be added to our E-mail directory. This will make your E-mail address available to anyone in
Dillard’s that needs to contact you.

5. To enroll additional personnel simply call the above number and give the Name & Internet address of the

person(s) you want to enroll.

Dillard’s E-mail Address Format

Dillard’s uses the following e-mail address format:

Example: Jim.Smith@Dillards.com

Please Note: We are NOT case sensitive

Duplicate Name Example:

*****It Is Very Important To Have The Correct Address****

E-mail Capable Departments

The following Departments can communicate via E-mail internally and externally today.

Vendor Relations

All Merchants

Traffic Department



Vendor Compliance

UPC Coordinator


Distribution Centers

If someone at your company works with someone at Dillard's, they can communicate with them via E-mail.
Section V – Extranet
Dillard's Extranet Site

Our Extranet site allows all Users access to:

• EDI Mapping
• Dillard's Store & Distribution Center (DC) Listing
• Dillard’s Corporate Routing Guide
• Vendor Profile
• Port of Entry
• Motor Carrier Shipment Info. (MCSI)
• Purchase Order Inquiry

Access to the following applications is restricted to vendors with a valid user specific secured sign-on:

• Accounts Payable
• Vendor Analysis
• Vendor Report Card
• Vendor Sales and Inventory

Extranet Instructions

1. Connect to the Internet using either Netscape 7.02x or Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0x browsers.

2. Enter the Dillard's address: ebiz.dillards.com (Do not use www)

3. Log-in: USERID : vendor PASSWORD: document

4. Select the section you want to enter under the “Start Here” dropdown menu.

Extranet Sections

EDI Mapping

EDI mapping is available for all VICS versions currently supported by Dillard’s. Under each document listed you will
see a Last Revised date. Please refer to the first page of the document map for the latest revisions.

Dillard's Store and Distribution Center (DC) Listing

You can download the current Dillard's Store and Distribution List from this site.
The 816 (Organizational Relationship) is the EDI document we use to transmit DC or DC/Store address information.
The list available on the Extranet is for your convenience and does not replace the use of 816 documents.

Dillard’s Corporate Routing Guide

The routing guide includes shipping information. There will be quarterly updates to the routing guide.
It is your responsibility to check the routing guide periodically for these changes.


(Extranet Sections Continued)

Vendor Profile

Before you can begin to enter MCSI information into the extranet site, you need to have a valid Vendor Profile set up
for each of your shipping locations. Valid address and contact information should be provided in the appropriate
fields of the on-line form.

Port of Entry

A Dillard’s Container Pick-up Request form must be submitted for all Port of Entry Shipments.

MCSI (Motor Carrier Shipment Information)

The purpose of receiving this information is to give our Traffic Department the ability to increase volume
shipment efficiency in the areas of timing, cost, and audit ability. Your routing instructions for any shipment
that meets the weight or cubic feet requirements for a 'Volume Shipment' will be given to you based on the
information you send to us.

Enter New MCSI

1. Please verify your address & contact information.
(Contact Dillard's Corporate Traffic Office at (501) 455-6620, if corrections need to be made.)

2. The generic userid is "vendor" and the generic password is "document".

3. Under the “Start Here” drop down menu select “MCSI/Vol Ship Home”

4. You now should select one of the available options shown under the “MCSI Menu”. If entering new MCSI data
you will need to supply your shipping Zip Code and valid Purchase Order number.

5. You must create a separate MCSI form for each ship to location.

6. Each section has it's own set of command function (ex: update, delete, etc.).

7. Each MCSI section must have it's own unique bill of lading number (use the 17 digit VICS BOL#).

8. Each MCSI section must have at least one purchase order number attached.

9. Items needed to create an MCSI (can also refer to the MCSI form, See Appendix D):

a. Bill of lading information (bill of lading number, ready date)
b. NMFC information (commodity description, NMFC item number, freight class, total cubic feet); total
weight and cartons will be the total of your detail information (no entry is necessary in these two fields)

c. Detail information (purchase order number(s), cartons, weight)


This section allows you to edit only today's pending MCSI(s). Since the daily Extranet transactions are
downloaded to the Dillard's system nightly, any changes to a previously entered MCSI can only be done on
the same day that it is entered. Any changes you wish to make on previous days entries have to be
communicated to Dillard's Corporate Traffic Department, via fax to (501) 455-6618, as soon as possible.
Remember in order to edit a current days MCSI entry, you must know the entered bill of lading number,
shipping zip code, and the associated purchase order number.


(Extranet Sections Continued)

Purchase Order Inquiry

This section allows you to check the start date, cancel date, and distribution center number for given Purchase Order
Numbers. This information is available for all Purchase Orders not in cancelled status.

We cannot stress enough the value of using the Extranet since you now have the ability to verify purchase order
numbers. The Extranet site interacts with our Purchase Order (PO) file, and is updated nightly so that you will access
the most current information. You may verify a PO 2 weeks prior to it’s ship date allowing you to work out any
problems that you may encounter with dates and/or ship to locations.

Secured Applications

Access to the following applications is restricted to vendors with valid user specific sign-on information. This sign-on
is set-up and maintained by an Administrator or Sub-Administrator for each company.
Please refer to the eBiz Administrator Security Request Form in Appendix D.

Accounts Payable
• Chargeback Inquiry
• Check Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry

Vendor Analysis
• Financial Information
• Receipts
• Markdowns, markups, discounts

Vendor Report Card
• Performance
• Financials
• Orders
• Receipts

Vendor Sales & Inventory
• Units sold by style\color\size
• Units on-hand
• Units on-order

Who to Contact

For any problems regarding data within a specific application please contact the department owning the application.
Example: Question re: Financial Data – contact Buyer
Question re: Invalid Chargeback – contact Accounts Payable

For all system related problems or inquiries please contact eBiz Support @ 501-399-7599 or e-mail:

Section VI - Dillard's Product Identification Program

Why Focus on Product Identification?

Dillard’s, Inc. is committed to using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in all areas of business to eliminate paper and
to expedite all processes that require shared information between Dillard's and our trading partners (vendors). A
common complaint, from vendors receiving EDI Purchase Orders from Dillard's, is that our internal style/color/size
information does not match theirs.

Problems arising from improper item identification include:

1. Confusion for the merchant at the point of entering an order

2. Confusion for the vendor at the point of order receipt

3. Delayed reconciliation of orders to shipments resulting in slow payments

Accurate item identification, in conjunction with EDI-enabled computer applications and improved processes, has
enabled Dillard's and many of our vendors to improve product flow and expedite problem reconciliation.


Dillard's has chosen to mandate the Universal Product Code (UPC, Version A) as the method for item marking to be
used by all Basic and Fashion vendors. The UPC is not required from vendors who provide us with Big Ticket,
Fabrics, Wall Coverings, Store Fixtures, or Supplies. The UPC marking system is the preferred and dominant method of
identifying items sold in retail stores.

The UPC is a 12-digit number uniquely identifying every item at the style/color/size level. The following is an
example of an UPC format using a six-digit manufacturer ID number: “w xxxxx yyyyy z”

Description of w:
The left-most digit is the industry code assigned by the Uniform Code Council (UCC) when
the manufacturer ID number is assigned (see x below).

Description of x:
The next digits represent the manufacturer of the item and are called the manufacturer ID
number. These digits are unique to the manufacturer and are assigned by the UCC. The
length of the manufacturer ID number depends on the number of UPC’s the manufacturer
will need. The manufacturer must order this number from the UCC. For more details and
cost information you may contact the UCC (see Appendix A). More than one manufacturer
ID can be assigned if needed.

Description of y:
The next digits represent the item and are called the item number. The number is assigned by
the manufacturer and must be unique to each product (combination of style/color/size). It is
essential to the improved buy/sell process sought by Dillard's and other retailers that one
UPC represents one style/color/size. UCC guidelines recommend using sequentially assigned
item numbers.

Description of z:
The final digit is used to verify the accuracy of the UPC when the bar code is scanned and is
called the check digit. The check digit is calculated using a formula called Modulus 10. This
formula uses the first eleven digits to compute the check digit. Most software packages used
to print or generate UPC numbers will do this calculation for you. The Modulus 10 formula
is also available from the UCC.


Standard Life of an UPC

The life of the UPC number is the term of the product, plus 30 months since the product’s last ship date.


Dillard's also accepts the European Article Number (EAN) as a method of marking items. The EAN is 13
digits with the first digit being a country code. This document deals with implementation of the UPC it does
not discuss the EAN. If you use the EAN, simply replace the word UPC with EAN.


Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN) is a new term that can be used to identify either the UPC or
EAN. Dillard’s will continue to transmit and receive either the 12 digit UPC or 13 digit EAN. There are no
plans to start trading the UPC or EAN as a 14 digit GTIN in EDI documents.

Dillard's Exclusive Brand or Private Label Products

If you produce Dillard's Exclusive Brand products or private label products, follow the procedures stated in
this manual for general marking methods and general information about marking. There are additional
requirements for Exclusive Brand products and private label products that are not discussed in this manual.
Contact your Dillard's merchant or our Product Development Department to discuss these requirements.

Product Identification Program for all Merchandise Vendors

1. Assign Component UPC numbers to all products (Each unique style/color/size)
If you ship or if Dillard’s orders by Prepack, assign a Prepack UPC for each Prepack

2. Maintain UPC catalog on the GXS Global Product Catalog or Inovis Catalog service
(See Section VII for more detail on the UPC Catalogs and Appendix A for contact information)

3. Mark all items sold to Dillard's with UPC barcodes and 12 character human readable UPC numbers

(See Section VIII for more detail on barcodes and Section IX for more detail on UPC Marking.)
Mark all prepack inner carton/package or shipping carton prepacks with Prepack UPC barcodes

4. Use UPC or Prepack UPC numbers on all documents shared with Dillard's, both EDI and paper
(be sure the UPC number you reference on documents are 12 digit numbers, do not drop leading zero's
from the UPC)

Approximate Timetable for Implementation of UPC and Inovis Catalog Program

1. One month for purchase and delivery of needed components

2. One month for catalog loading and UPC label creation

3. Two months for compliance testing with Dillard's

This allows for a four or five month period to be totally implemented. In some cases it may take longer. All
vendors should be testing within 60-90 days once you become an active vendor with Dillard’s.

Product Identification Issues

UPC or style (PID) numbers are not to be reused for 30 months from the last ship date.

Vendors who reuse an UPC or PID number to identify a product (SKU) before the 30-month window run the risk
of Dillard's still tracking the old SKU in our inventory system.

The new (duplicate) SKU would not be loaded into our inventory system.

UPC or SKU (Style/Color/Size) info must stay the same for the life of a product.

A product that is sold season after season must retain the same UPC number or Product (Style/Color/Size)
identifier for its life.

Vendors often change the identifiers on the same product when the same product is bought in a new season or if
the packaging changes. THIS MUST NOT OCCUR!

Vendors must use unique descriptions in their UPC information.

Dillard's does not use color or size codes.

Descriptions are used to identify the difference in goods at the SKU level. A shirt that comes in many shades of
red must have various color descriptions at the SKU level, for example, RED, DARK RED, ROSE, PINK, etc.

UPC Numbers assigned to a product are like a license plate on a car.

A license plate on a car does not tell you anything about the car. Only through the motor vehicle department can
you identify the make, model, etc of the car.

An UPC number assigned to a product works the same way. UPC numbers identify goods through the use of
cross-reference tables.

Vendors have tried to force the sequential vendor-assigned part of the UPC number to reflect their style, reducing
the efficiency in the assignment and maintenance of their future UPC identifiers.

Vendors must include all 12 digits of the UPC number on all correspondence shared with Dillard's.

An UPC number is comprised of 12 digits.

All 12 digits must be used on any documentation, EDI or paper, shared with Dillard's.


Section VII – UPC Catalog Implementation

UPC Catalogs

GXS and Inovis have UPC catalogs that archive the manufacturer’s UPC numbers and associated product
information. This archive of product information is used within various Dillard's application systems to cross-
reference UPC numbers to their product attributes. The vendor who owns the UPC numbers is responsible for
keeping the UPC Catalog current. Dillard's requires use of the GXS or Inovis Catalog due to problems associated
with receiving product information via mail, fax, phone and magnetic tape, an unmanageable function. The catalog
provides a uniform method of retrieving product information that is both timely and accurate. By integrating this
automatic retrieval method into its inventory management system, Dillard's can minimize problems associated with
maintaining product information for millions of different items. See Appendix A for contact information.

Automated Replenishment Programs, Price Look-Up Programs, etc. work in conjunction with the UPC catalog.

Catalog Implementation

1. Contact your Dillard's merchant (buyer) and the Dillard's Catalog Coordinator when you are ready to begin
implementation. Discuss your catalog format with the merchants prior to loading your UPC information to the
catalog. The style you load must match the one given to the merchant at market.

2. Order your manufacturer number(s), if you have not purchased one already, from the Uniform Code Council (see
Appendix B for form). It will take approximately 10 days for you to receive your number.

3. Assign UPC numbers for all products. If you ship or if Dillard’s orders by Prepack, assign a Prepack UPC for each
Prepack. If your current software cannot assign UPC numbers to your products call Inovis for a list of UPC
management software vendors. UPC management software allows you to load a local UPC catalog manually or
automatically by interfacing with your current application. The software will generate your UPC numbers for you.
Duplicate UPC numbers are avoided and the proper check digit is calculated.

4. Inovis & GXS can assist you in creating your selection codes on the catalog. They can also provide software for
online catalog access. You must authorize the selection codes you want Dillard’s to be able to access. Dillard’s is
unable to access your UPCs without this authorization.

5. There are two methods to load UPC information on the catalog:

Method One: EDI 832 (Price/Sales Catalog)- allows you to transmit the UPC information.

(Contact GXS or Inovis for more information on this document or for mapping guidelines)

Method Two: Online Access – allows you to manually key in the UPC information.

6. If you assign Prepack UPCs, load the Prepack UPC & all component UPCs to the UPC Catalog.

7. Notify your Dillard’s merchant and the Dillard’s catalog coordinator when your catalog has been loaded.

UPC Catalog Assistance

If you need additional assistance or have questions please contact us at upc.support@dillards.com


UPC Catalog Issues

The vendor's line list/fact sheet must match the product information loaded into the catalog.

The catalog must have the same UPC numbers, style numbers, descriptions, sizes, etc, as on any paper
documents supplied at market so that the merchants can order the right goods when they return from

After testing on the UPC Catalog, vendors need to provide Dillard's with access to the catalog.

Dillard's is often told that a vendor's catalog is loaded, but the vendor neglects to give Dillard's access to
the catalog during setup. Dillard's must contact the vendor and get the access setup, which causes a delay
in getting the UPC information downloaded into Dillard's systems and the merchant being able to start
the ordering process.

Timing of UPC catalog loads into AIMS (Automated Inventory Management System).

When a vendor updates the UPC Catalog UPC data can be extracted the next morning by our merchants.

When additional colors and sizes are loaded for the same style at a later date, those UPC’s will flow
automatically into Dillard’s “Automated Inventory Management System” (AIMS) 48 hours later.

Changes to the UPC Catalog without first notifying Dillard’s create problems for Dillard's and the vendor.

You will need to notify Dillard’s of any size, color, UPC changes made to styles listed on the UPC Catalog
so that Dillard’s can properly update our system and any outstanding orders. Excessive changes made
outside of the UCC’s UPC standards will be subject to chargebacks of $250.00 per Occurrence, $50.00 per
SKU changed and $10.00 for each PO updated.

You must notify Dillard's about any deletion of a UPC number from the UPC Catalog.

A vendor may load a full catalog prior to or during market, then after market decide not to manufacture
certain products. If the vendor then wishes to delete from the catalog the SKU not being produced, they
must notify the merchant and Dillard's catalog coordinator so that Dillard's can properly update its
systems and orders. This coordination is necessary to ensure that the UPC can be reused prior to the 30-
month window mentioned above. All changes to existing SKU information on the catalog should be
communicated through the merchants.

Vendors should realize that putting UPC information into the UPC Catalog does not mean that they are
required to do Automatic Replenishment or Quick Response.

Some vendors do not want to do UPC marking because they believe this will force them into doing
“Automatic Replenishment “or “Quick Response”. The vendor and the Dillard's merchant will decide if
the given merchandise is to be put into an “Automatic Replenishment” program. Loading items into the
UPC Catalog does not imply the items are classified as "Quick Response".

Section VIII - Barcode and UPC Labels

What is a Barcode?

A barcode symbol is an arrangement of bars and spaces that encode information. Wand and scanning equipment is
available which will read the barcode and decipher the encoded information, translating the information into numbers
or characters. The UPC barcode will carry the 12-digit UPC number, so that the wand and scanning equipment will
read the UPC barcode and determine the corresponding UPC number. Note that in the reading process, the wand
and scanning equipment is constructed to re-compute the check digit, and reject the reading if the re-computed check
digit is not the same as the barcode check digit.

Why use a Barcode?

A barcode is error-resistant. The read error rates are approximately one in several million. There is no human error to
be considered when transferring the encoded information from the barcode to a computer. Also, the speed of reading
barcodes is approximately 800% faster than entry of the same information by keystroke.

Why is Dillard’s Committed to UPC Barcodes?

Dillard's has realized the importance of using UPC numbers for ordering merchandise, tracking inventory, reporting
sales information, and resolving invoices against purchase orders for payment. The UPC number must be encoded as
a barcode in order to assure the speed of capture and accuracy of read needed at point of sale (POS).

Barcode Guidelines and Specifications

The following guidelines and specifications should be adhered to:

Character Encoding:
Check visually by verifying that the human readable numbers are correctly listed. Also verify to determine that
when scanned, the correct information is encoded.

Bar and Space Dimensions:
Each barcode specification defines the exact or ideal measurement for each bar and space along with a "plus or
minus" (+/-) tolerance that allows for slight deviations from the ideal. The need to adhere to these specifications
cannot be emphasized enough. Each ten thousandth of an inch that an element exceeds the tolerance increases the possibility that
a scanner will not read the code.

Print Contrast Signal:
PCS is determined by the following formula:

PCS = (Reflectance of background - Reflectance of bar) / Reflectance of background

The specifications for each symbol state a minimum PCS that must be met. The key to PCS is having the correct
combination of bar and background colors. Remember that the human eye is not an accurate judge of adequate
print contrast!

Character Clarity:
Bars with rough edges and voids as well as spots that appear in the spaces are confusing to barcode readers. Good
barcode printing will have bars with "sharp" straight edges and "clean" spaces.

When to Sample Printer Output

If you have your own barcode printer, you should sample printer output:

At the time of printer installation
After each performance of preventive maintenance on the printer
After each change of label material or printer ribbon
Once per week, minimum, daily is preferred

If you have barcode printing done commercially, you should sample printer output:

At the beginning of each run

In the middle of each run
At the end of each run

Barcode Label Printer Recommendations

Dillard's encourages the use of thermal transfer printers for producing UPC labels. For more information on available
barcode printers contact Inovis. (Appendix A)

Vendor-Marked UPC Labels

Most goods at Dillard’s are being shipped with UPC barcode labels produced by the vendor. These types of barcode
tickets, for branded goods, generally do not have department, class, stock, and price information printed on them.

The vendors' UPC numbers are stored in Dillard's Automated Inventory Management System (AIMS), and are cross-
referenced with the Dillard's department number and current retail price from our Price Look-Up (PLU) files.

The UPC barcode will be scanned at various stations within our distribution centers (DC) and stores. When the DC's
scanner reads the UPC barcode at time of receipt, the item will be checked against the purchase order and added to
our inventory. When the store's POS barcode wand reads the UPC ticket the POS terminal will print the UPC on the
sales check. It will also print the Dillard's department number and current retail price from the PLU files.

Dillard's uses your UPC barcode throughout our inventory control process. It is imperative you mark your goods correctly!

Information on Vendor-marked UPC Labels

Minimum information required:
UPCA barcode

UPCA 12 digit human readable # (13 digit if EAN)

Additional recommended information: Vendor Style

Vendor Color

Vendor Size

Note: Vendors supplying us with either private label or exclusive merchandise should contact the merchant
or our Product Development Department to discuss ticket requirements

Recommended Literature for UPC Marking

UPC Symbol Specification Manual
UPC Marking Guidelines for General Merchandise and Apparel

Obtain these manuals from the Uniform Code Council, Inc. (see Appendix A)

Barcode Quality Control

It is the responsibility of the vendor to provide barcode labels that meet certain specifications. Equipment is available
to verify that barcode symbols meet these requirements. Non-readability of the barcode will be reason to examine the
barcodes on any shipment for compliance to the barcode standard. After notifying the vendor that barcode printing is
not up to standard, we expect corrective action to be taken. Continued shipments of packaging and labeling with non-
readable barcode from the same source shall constitute sufficient basis for returning the product to the source at the
source's expense. If the product isn't sent back to the source and Dillard's tickets the product, chargebacks for re-
ticketing the product could be assessed (See Appendix C, Vendor Compliance Processing Charge Policy).

Procedure for Evaluating Barcode Symbols

1. Scan a set of "control symbols". Control symbols should be film master paper positives with zero bar width
reduction at the same density as the printed symbol. Paper positives should be laminated with a transparent
material less than 0.005 inch in thickness. Transparent material should be replaced after 200 scans and paper
positives replaced as necessary. If control symbols cannot be scanned, a verifier problem is indicated. Stop and
call a supervisor.

2. Collect a sample of fifteen symbols.

3. Scan each symbol. A scan consists of one left-to-right stroke and one right-to-left stroke. At least one successful
decode is required per scan. Count successful scans.

4. The first-read rate can be calculated by dividing the number of successful scans by the total scans. To express the
rate as a percentage value, multiply by 100, rounding to one decimal place. Compare results to
Acceptance/Rejection Criteria below.

Acceptance/Rejection Criteria

For one sample of fifteen symbols:

Accept if sample defined as "in spec" is 100%. (No failures)

Reject if sample defined, as "in spec" is less than 86%. (3 or more failures)
Test following two-sample criteria if sample defined as "in spec" falls between 86% & 100%. (Less than 3 failures)

For two samples of fifteen symbols (Total of 30 symbols):

Accept if sample defined as "in spec" is 96% or greater. (1 or less failures)

Reject if sample defined, as "in spec" is less than 93%. (3 or more failures)
Test following three-sample criteria if sample defined as "in spec" falls between 93% and 96%. (2 failures)

For three samples of fifteen symbols (Total of 45 symbols):

Accept if sample defined as "in spec" is equal to or greater than 95%. (2 or less failures)

Reject if sample defined, as "in spec" is less than 95%. (3 or more failures)

Section IX - UPC Marking Implementation

UPC Item Marking

An item is UPC marked if it has attached to it a UPCA barcode ticket, enabling the item to be scanned for pricing and
inventory purposes (See Section VIII for more information on UPC Barcodes). The 12 character human readable
UPC number is also printed on the ticket in case the barcode cannot be scanned.

UPC Marking Implementation

1. Mark all merchandise with UPC barcodes (see Section VIII)

a. If you currently have facilities for printing UPC barcodes, and your capacity will allow printing your
projected volumes, then you may proceed.

b. If your current facilities are not adequate for printing UPC barcodes in the volumes needed for all sales,
contact your barcode printer vendor, or call Inovis for a list of barcode printer Vendors (see Appendix A).

2. Set up a good quality control program for your UPC barcode tickets. For accuracy, we suggest that you:

a. Confirm that your ticket printing software is operating properly

b. Manage software changes so the resulting UPC barcode ticket is correct

c. Scan resulting UPC tickets to assure legibility and adherence to standards

d. Confirm that the correct UPC tickets are placed on goods

e. Check that the bar-coded number matches the human-readable number

f. Make sure all 12 of the human-readable digits are printed

See Section VIII (Barcode and UPC labels) for more detailed information.

3. Mail sample UPC barcode tickets to Dillard's for compliance testing.
Send the sample of barcode tickets to: Dillard’s
1600 Cantrell Rd

Little Rock, AR 72201

Attn: EDI Marking Manager
You will be notified once your UPC barcode tickets have been approved. At that time you are ready to coordinate
with Dillard's on an item-marking schedule.

4. Use 12 character UPC numbers on all EDI documents shared with Dillard's. You need to adjust your current
software to be ready for extensive use of UPC numbers in your Dillard's EDI documents.

Mis-Marked Merchandise

An issue that has created many problems and extra work in our receiving process is when merchandise is received that
is mis-marked, or not marked with the proper UPC. Our ‘mis-mark’ charges are $50 per SKU plus $1 per unit on all
mis-marked merchandise. *

*See Appendix C for more detail on Vendor Compliance Processing Charges.

UPC Marking Issues

Marking at Manufacturing Time versus Marking at Shipping Time

It is recommended that merchandise be marked with UPC codes at the time of manufacturing. This will decrease
the possibility of not marking each piece of merchandise with an UPC code or marking the merchandise with the
wrong UPC code. Waiting to mark at shipping time increases the possibility of not marking with UPC numbers or
attaching the wrong UPC number to the merchandise.

Package Marking (Standard Pack)

Items should be marked with an UPC label that is appropriate for identification at the point of sale. UPC codes
should not only be assigned to a standard pack, but should also be assigned to each individual item in the pack, if
the items can be sold individually.

Example: If three pairs of socks are packaged together but sold as individual pairs, the individual pairs must be
marked with a different UPC number from the package UPC number. Each item within the pack is to
reflect the proper UPC number for its individual style/color/size combination.

How to Attach Labels to Goods

The UPC label should be carefully placed on an item so that it will remain on the item until it is scanned at the
point-of-sale terminal.

UPC labels for apparel must be attached to garments so that the customer may try them on without removing the
labels. The Swift-Tac gun is the preferred method of attaching the UPC label to apparel.

Shoe manufacturers should attach the UPC label to the box containing the product.

Some problems that Dillard's has encountered due to the way UPC labels were attached to garments are:

1. When the UPC label on a string tag is wrapped around a garment button, the label falls off when the customer
tries on the garment.

2. When a small brass safety pin attaches the UPC label to the garment, some customers remove the pin for ease
in trying on the garment, without reattaching it. Some customers have taken the garment home, removed the
pin, worn the garment, and returned to Dillard's in soiled condition. Using plastic attachments for UPC labels
stops this practice.

3. If a plastic bag holds the item, do not imprint the UPC label directly onto the bag. High gloss reflection from
the plastic bag or stretching of the label may occur creating scanning problems. Use a sticky white label and
apply it to the plastic bag. Another option is to attach the UPC label to the item in the bag. In this case, put a
slit in the bag so that the label can be scanned.

Vendors who mark with UPC codes must mark 100% of their goods.

If a vendor marks only Dillard's goods, we run the risk of some goods not being marked upon receipt. A vendor
marking all goods shipped will always send Dillard's UPC-ticketed goods, eliminating the question: "Do these
goods go to a retailer requiring UPC-marking?"

Section X-Packing

General Packing Guidelines
There can be no more than one purchase order number packed in any carton.

Orders transmitted to you by store must be packed by store.

On a consolidated shipment (not store packed) only one style per carton is allowed.

Mark each carton with a 128 carton label (Place on the sides, top, or ends of the carton only).

On a consolidated shipment, merchandise shipped with hangers cannot be combined in the same carton
with merchandise without hangers. Hanging goods are processed in a different location in the DC.

Carton Sizes
Minimum Carton Size:
Length 9” Width
6” Height

Maximum Carton Size:
Length 48” Width
26” Height
32” Weight 50lbs.
Parcel shipments should not include cartons that exceed 130 inches in length and girth. The length and girth of a
package is (length) plus (two times the height) plus (two times the width). Call Dillard's Traffic for approval on parcel
shipments where a single item is too large to fit in a carton less than 130 inches in length and girth..

Hanging goods are processed in a different location in the DC.

When hangers are included with merchandise the outside of the carton must be marked “Hangers”.

If hangers are included, Dillard’s requests the use of the clear K resin floor ready hangers.

On a consolidated shipment, merchandise shipped with hangers cannot be combined in the same carton
with merchandise without hangers.

Dillard’s does not assess hanger violation chargebacks. Chargeback’s may occur if you fail to indicate that
hangers are included in the carton.

This would be a shipping carton containing individual boxes of the goods on order.

Shipments packed by store and covered by one purchase order number may be master packed in one carton.

Each inner pack must show the store number.

There is no UPC assigned to the Masterpack.

Use a standard shipping label for a Masterpack. (See Section XII for label instructions)

Do not put a 128 label on the outside of a Masterpack carton.

Clearly mark “Masterpack” on the carton. You can use a printed sticker or permanent marker. This alerts the DC that
they need to open the Masterpack and scan the 128 labels on the boxes inside.

Clearly mark the PO number on the outside of the carton in at least 3/8” tall numbers.

Mark the individual boxes inside the Masterpack with the UCC128 labels.


Prepack: A carton/package that contains merchandise that has Component UPC’s or more than 1 of the same UPC but
is ordered with a Prepack UPC. For Prepack cartons the DC scans the Prepack UPC to process the goods.

Note: If Dillard’s does not order by a Prepack UPC DO NOT ship as a Prepack. Orders that contain
component UPC’s that make up a Prepack for your company are not considered Prepack Orders
because your Prepack UPC was not used.

If Dillard’s orders by Prepack these requirements must be followed:

1. Assign a UPC to your Prepacks.

2. Load your Prepack UPC and link the component UPC’s to the catalog.

3. Process EDI orders by prepack UPC and Prepack quantity. The Prepack quantity will be identified with a
‘CA’ qualifier in place of the ‘EA’ qualifier in the PO103 segment of the purchase order.

Please Note: Component UPC’s will not be transmitted.

4. Create a Prepack UPC label for each prepack. The Prepack UPC label should contain the scannable UPC,
along with the human readable UPC number. The dept, style, color, Prepack type and Prepack quantity are
optional. (See page 47 for Prepack Marking instructions.)

5. Mark the individual items within the Prepack with their component UPC.

6. If there is more than one Prepack within a shipping carton each Prepack must be poly bagged or bundled as
an individual Prepack. (See page 47 for Prepack Marking instructions.)

7. If the shipping carton containing one Prepack is less than 20 inches long by 14 inches wide by 9 inches tall
the Prepack UPC should be placed on the carton next to the 128 label. (See page 47 for Prepack Marking

8. If the shipping carton containing one Prepack is larger than 20 inches long by 14 inches wide by 9 inches tall
the Prepack should be poly bagged if possible with the Prepack UPC placed on the poly bag and on the
carton next to the 128 label. Robes would be an example of this type Prepack. Shoe Prepacks would be an
example where no poly bag & inner Prepack UPC would be required, the Prepack UPC would be placed on
the carton next to the 128 label. (See page 47 for Prepack Marking instructions.)

9. Send EDI Invoices and Advance Ship Notices (ASN) on Prepack shipments with the Prepack UPC and
Prepack UPC quantity. Do not transmit the component UPC’s or the component quantities. Use the ‘CA’
qualifier in place of the ‘EA’ qualifier in the IT103 of the invoice and in the SN103 segment of the ASN.

Section XI-Shipping Information & Requirements

Vendor Profile
This form is used to update current vendor records and create new profiles. Our Extranet site,
ebiz.dillards.com, requires shipper specific information in order to gain access, so if your information is not
set up you will not be able to access our Extranet application. Complete a “Dillard’s Corporate Traffic
Department Vendor Profile” for each of your ship from locations. This profile is located on the web at
“ebiz.dillards.com” (do not use www for this site). To access the profile select the following:
1. Start Here
2. Vendor Docs/Guides
3. Vendor Docs
a. Vendor Profile - Once this form is submitted you will immediately be able to enter in the MCSI form.
b. Profile Changes - Contact Dillard’s Traffic at (501) 455-6620 when changes need to be made.

Bill of Lading (BOL)
All vendors are required to use the standard VICS Bill of Lading Form.
Use of the VICS 17-digit bill of lading number is also required.
(See Appendix C for chargeback information)

Information regarding the VICS bill of lading is available on the VICS web site at HTwww.vics.orgTH
BOL Requirements
Every bill of lading must show the total carton count for the shipment.

The customer order information section of the BOL must contain the total carton count for each PO. Vendor
assumes liability for shortages where PO numbers are not itemized on the BOL.

The carrier information section of the bill of lading must be completed using the proper description and freight
class as outlined in the current edition of the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC).

The correct density and released value sub-classification must be properly listed when applicable with the
appropriate number of cartons and the weight for each classification provided.

When the sub-classification of an NMFC item number is dependent on a released value, the shipment must always

be released to the lowest released value classification.

It is the shipper’s responsibility to ensure the shipment is properly described on the Bill of Lading, this includes
but not limited to proper NMFC codes, class, and weight.

The BOL must also contain contact name, telephone, and fax number in case of a refusal. This information
should be placed in the special instruction block on the BOL.

Ship And Cancel Date

Dillard’s purchase orders contain a ‘do not ship before’ and a ‘do not ship after’ date. All merchandise must be
tendered to the designated carrier between these dates.

If you ship between the ‘do not ship before’ and the ‘do not ship after’ dates and use designated carriers you are no
longer responsible for the actual arrival date.

Note: The “Small Package” Exception is no longer a requirement – small package shipments (i.e. UPS,
FedEx Ground) do not have to arrive at the distribution center by the do not ship after date. Small Package
shipments can now ship up to and on the last ship date.