2016-08-27 Yazidi Mandate to WCRR (Evidence)

2016-08-27 Yazidi Mandate to WCRR (Evidence), updated 1/5/19, 7:45 PM


Yazidi Emirate of Prince Naif, Mandate to the World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR) engaging in diplomatic relations, to address genocide of Christians and Yazidis as the driving force underlying the international refugee crisis.

About Ignita Veritas United

Ignita Veritas United (IVU) is an inter-governmental organization (IGO) advancing human rights.  It features Ignita Veritas University (IV University) - among only 5 universities in the world with diplomatic status, Magna Carta Bar Chambers (MCBC) - an international law firm of Barristers as the university law center, and Sovereign Court of International Justice (SCIJ) - operated by the independent Judiciary profession.

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Mandate for Protection of Yazidi Rights
World Coalition of Refugee Rights (WCRR)
The sovereign Yazidi Emirate of the Amiri Royal House of David (Dawood) bin
Sulaiman, on behalf of the indigenous Yazidi nation (Al-Ayazdi), addressing the
escalating massacres, slavery of women and children, and genocide by rogue militants
against Yazidis, Christians and others, which is driving the international humanitarian
crisis of refugees, hereby issues the present special Mandate to the World Coalition of
Refugee Rights (WCRR).
This Mandate is to conduct diplomatic and humanitarian operations on behalf of and in
support of the Yazidi nation, in the form of agency and representation for certain
delegated functions, including fundraising for related humanitarian relief and human
rights projects, and to manage the related budgets in the interests of the Yazidi nation,
within the following defined sphere of operations:
To serve as the Protector of the indigenous Yazidi people and sovereign Yazidi nation,
including peacekeeping and providing security, implementing statutory mandates for
international inter-governmental collaboration to protect human rights (UN Right to
Protect, Article 5; UN Human Rights, Article 22), judiciary protection of indigenous
rights (UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Articles 17.1, 37, 40), protection of freedom
of religion (UN Status of Refugees, Article 4; UN Human Rights, Article 18; UN Civil
& Political Rights, Articles 18.1, 27; UN Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Article 12.1),
and supporting cultural affairs and preservation of Yazidi culture (UN Social & Cultural
Rights, Article 15; UN Civil & Political Rights, Article 27).
Officially Issued with Sovereign Authority under International Law:
HRH Prince Naif bin Dawood bin Numb
Yazidi Independent Supreme Council
Yazidi Emirate of the Amiri Royal House
27 August 2016