Introducing Heroes of Mavia, a primary focus for Blu Ocean Games Guild.

Introducing Heroes of Mavia, a primary focus for Blu Ocean Games Guild., updated 3/2/23, 7:21 AM


Blu Ocean Games Guild Announces its Primary Focus on Heroes of Mavia. An extraordinarily talented and charismatic team leads this revolutionary and innovative web3 project. Further information can be found at BluOceanGamesGuild/Blog

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Introducing Heroes of Mavia, a primary
focus for Blu Ocean Games Guild.
The first AAA Blockchain
Base Builder Game has
recently been announced as a
focus for Blu Ocean Games
Guild (BOGG).
Folks looking for the latest
web3 play-to-earn games will
soon be able to experience
Heroes of Mavia.
The revolutionary project
appeals to the web3
gaming community.
Where players have the
chance to grow and
command an army
towards victory.
Heroes of Mavia includes
several features:
A sense of community and
Web3 education purposes
among others.
An extraordinarily talented
and charismatic team leads
this revolutionary and
innovative web3 project.
Anyone can join 
regardless of goals within
the game.
Blu Ocean Games Guild
invites people to learn
about the bright future  for
all of the play-to-earn
Find Out More At