Sexual Abuse Lawyer In Little Rock To File A Lawsuit Against Daycare Center

Sexual Abuse Lawyer In Little Rock To File A Lawsuit Against Daycare Center, updated 1/10/24, 9:20 PM

If your child experienced sexual abuse in a daycare center, Abuse Guardian (+1-267-974-1069) offers its legal expertise so you can seek damages and gain closure. Book a free consultation by visiting

Abuse Guardian City: Garnet Valley Address: 1067 Mansion Lane, Website Phone 1 (267) 974-1069 Email

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Sexual Abuse Lawyer In Little Rock To File A
Lawsuit Against Daycare Center
In most cases of sexual abuse, the perpetrator is
known to the victims. This is certainly the case for
daycare centers, where kids can be molested by
unscrupulous staff members.
Take comfort in knowing that
Abuse Guardian provides legal
advice and representation so
your child’s abuser will be held
The organization’s
designated legal
advocate, Atty. Joshua
Gillispie, will assist you
in reporting your case to
the Arkansas Child
Abuse Hotline.
As the veteran lawyer
explains, this is a crucial
first step in securing
justice as reporting the
crime initiates an
investigation into the
childcare facility.
Once the investigation
has begun, Atty. Gillispie
can then provide legal
representation should you
decide to sue perpetrators
and seek damages.
He has extensive experience
in litigating and settling cases
involving unwanted touching,
sexual exploitation, indecent
exposure, showing
pornographic materials, and
Book a free consultation
by visiting
Visit the link for further details.