Hope-Based EI Curriculum For Arizona Pre-K-12 Educators Helps Improve Classroom Environment

Hope-Based EI Curriculum For Arizona Pre-K-12 Educators Helps Improve Classroom Environment, updated 3/16/23, 5:11 AM


If you're a Pre-K-12 educator, you know firsthand the importance of an emotionally healthy learning environment. Hope Rising has designed an emotional intelligence curriculum to help you teach your students the psycho-social skills they need to be their healthiest fully-functional selves. Go to https://hoperisingedu.com/

Hope Rising 3750 West Main Street Suite AA, Norman, Oklahoma 73072, United States Website https://hoperisingsel.com/ Phone +1-405-676-4140 Email info@hoperisingsel.com

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Hope-Based EI Curriculum For Arizona
Pre-K-12 Educators Improving Classroom
As a teacher, you've seen group
projects or pair-and-share
sessions go sideways due to
students' inability to express
themselves, listen to one another,
or manage their emotions.
Hope Rising has created an
emotional intelligence curriculum
that can help you teach students
the skills they need to optimize
their academic performance and
"My Best Me" helps you increase
your students' hope and EI by
focusing on their identity and
health, and their relationship to the
community, the environment, and
EI is the process we use to
make responsible decisions,
feel and express empathy,
build healthy relationships,
make and accomplish
positive goals, and manage
Schools that have implemented
EI programs are reporting
improved graduation rates,
more students attaining
secondary education and a
reduction in bullying and
negative behavior.
The lessons in "My Best Me" are not sequential, allowing you to
organize them to match lessons in your main curriculum, or pair
appropriate lessons with current or school events.
"My Best Me" has resulted in 81% fewer dropouts, 68% fewer school
suspensions and expulsions, a 44% decrease in chronic absenteeism,
and a more productive classroom environment.
Find Out More At