Explore 7 Awesome ways to heal holistically this 2023

Explore 7 Awesome ways to heal holistically this 2023, updated 1/29/23, 8:23 PM

Numerologically, each number carries a certain vibration & even astrologically, each year is ruled by a planet based on the numbers. The year of 2023 has the energies of the spiritual number 7; of spirituality, intuition, research, mysticism, healing, occult sciences on a broad level The Mystic Lotus and Dragonflies A3/21, Mahindra Gardens S V Road, Goregaon West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400062, India Website https://mysticlotusgold.com Email amrish@themysticlotus.com

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Explore 7 Awesome
ways to heal
holistically this
Numerologically, each number carries a certain vibration & even astrologically, each year is
ruled by a planet based on the numbers. And when we work in alignment with those
energies, it makes our lives much easier as knowing what to expect in a year helps us greatly
to lead a productive year!
The year of 2023 has the energies of the
spiritual number 7! It is the number of
spirituality, intuition, deep research,
mysticism, healing, occult sciences on a broad
level! And with the energies of 7, 2023 is one
of the best years to Heal holistically!
We are all psychosomatic beings & what goes on in our mind, affects our body & vice versa.
The issues we go through are not always due to what we think it is, sometimes the real
problem is something deeper, perhaps coming from a childhood memory or even past lives.
And when we heal holistically, we heal from the
root, the main cause of the pain, problems of
our life when healed, opens the door for magic
to begin! In tune with Number 7, explore the 7
special ways that can help you heal holistically!
BACH FLOWERS: From helping in healing fears, anxieties, traumas & regrets
to even anger, depression, insecurity & loneliness, Bach flowers are at your
rescue! Also, this is one of the easiest & effective healing modalities to heal
TAROT + CHARM CASTING: When the cards are
laid out in a spread, they provide guidance by
connecting to our energies! But what's this added
layer of Magic; The Charms; these add the
additional layer of information & guidance for a
particular situation bringing us the best possible
MULTIPLYING MIND POWER FOR ALL AREAS OF LIFE: When we begin to make use of both sides
of our brain, we boost our Mind Power exponentially bringing in phenomenal success in every area of
our lives! We can understand how we can Boost 10X the power of Affirmations, Naturally Think
Optimistic & More!
INNER CHILD HEALING: It helps us address the
needs that were not met for us as a child, be it love,
appreciation or affection. It helps us explore ourselves,
understanding our true feelings, that could have been
rejected or misunderstood by others & kept hidden by
us due to fear of being hurt.
AKASHIC RECORDS: The records are in a vibrational form & give us an insight into the
cause of our present life events, deep fears, unconscious limitations & many more
issues which may not have a specific reason. Understanding these can help us resolve
our current life challenges.
MIRACLES: From entering the depths of our
Subconscious mind to redesigning beliefs
from our subconscious & breaking the
patterns to creating our desired outcome,
this call can help us understand the How of it
MAHA KALI GODDESS READING & HEALING: Experience the healing technique that can help you
cleanse & protect your Energies & also help you find the right path in life. Working on the principle of
energy healing, It can help us in almost everything; be it mending relationships or manifesting money
Really intrigued to know more about these modalities
and how you can heal yourself better? So here’s a
chance to explore these in depth with some of the best
experts across India in a series of masterclasses!
Hosted by The Mystic Lotus & Dragonflies & you can
register for Free for 7 calls
REGISTER FREE HERE: https://mysticlotusgold.com