Read This Poem About Grief And Mental Health By Black American Poet

Read This Poem About Grief And Mental Health By Black American Poet, updated 6/3/22, 6:10 PM

Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq is a Black American poet who began writing at the age of 10. In support of those suffering from depression brought on by trauma, Aisha Tariqa shares a poem taken from her book, "Four Years in Chrysalis". Learn more at

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Read This Poem About Grief And Mental
Health By Black American Poet
Many people rationalize
mortality by talking about
the circle of life. 
But if you've suffered the loss of a friend or
family member through violence, you know
this kind of grief, sorrow, and pain is its own
agonizing centrifuge. There's no rationalizing
a promising life extinguished at the hands of
a fellow human being. It can feel unbearable.
Black American poet Aisha
Tariqa Abdula Haqq was
confronted by this whirlwind of
emotions when her 16-year-
old brother was murdered.
In her latest poem, Aisha
Tariqa revisits her struggles
with depression and suicidal
ideation that were triggered by
this devastating event.
Now the author of two poetry books
“Four Years in Chrysalis” and “Acres of
Shadow,” Aisha Tariqa Abdul Haqq is
working to ease the pain of others while
shedding light on the power mental
anguish has in transcending all human
Her poem explores the spiralling
depression this event set in
motion and how quickly the mind
can reach its breaking point trying
to make sense of senseless
If you've ever been at the center of a traumatic
event so devastating it crumbled your very
foundation, you know how quickly you can feel
lost to the world, the way Aisha Tariqa did as
she tried to collect what capacity and
substance that remained to forge some kind of
an existence out of it.
With grief that felt like a chronic burning and a
mind that simply could no longer cope, Aisha
Tariqa fell into suicidal ideation. If you've
experienced the depths of an unrelenting
darkness, you know that not even sleep can
bring peace. Instead, your existence is reduced
to a constant waking hell.
Thanks to her perseverance
and comprehensive mental
health care, she was able to
attach to her purpose as an
umbilicus, continuously feeding
her resolve.
You are encouraged to
follow Aisha Tariqa on
Instagram, Facebook, and
Twitter at @AishaTariqa. 