This Course Reveals The Communication Secrets To Stop Guys From Pulling Away

This Course Reveals The Communication Secrets To Stop Guys From Pulling Away, updated 9/3/20, 9:28 AM

A relationship expert has developed a comprehensive and affordable course designed to teach women the communication secrets that can help prevent their male partners from pulling away. Find out more at

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This Course Reveals
The Communication
Secrets To Stop Guys
From Pulling Away
Is your male partner showing signs that he's no longer
interested in your relationship?
You can prevent a full-on
break-up with this affordable
yet proven course.
A dating coach has launched a comprehensive course on
intimacy called Why Men Pull Away.
The course aims to help women
deal with men who are about to
pull out of a relationship.
It can show you the reasons why your male partner loses
interest and the steps you could take to address the
The course teaches three
questions that can awaken a
man's feelings of love and
devotion for his partner.
The course creator said that instead of asking men directly,
women should instead use three indirect and harmless questions.
These three questions were
formulated after a survey on
hundreds of male participants.
To prevent a break-up, the course also teaches steps
on how a woman can be seen as "the one".
This is a blueprint on how to
become the woman that a man
opens up to and sees as a best
friend who "gets" him.
Why Men Pull Away is available as an instant-download PDF,
which includes versions for Kindle and Apple Books (iBooks).
Bonus materials are also included in
the download for a limited time,
including communication secrets to
maintain a long-term relationship.
Find out more at