01-11-2024 Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

01-11-2024 Parks Advisory Board Meeting Minutes, updated 4/4/24, 9:10 PM


About Hillsborough County Parks

The Parks & Recreation Department operates numerous parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and recreation centers. The department also provides programs, events, and activities to Hillsborough County residents year-round.

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PO Box 1110, Tampa, FL 33601-1110
(813) 744-5871
Donna Cameron Cepeda
Harry Cohen
Ken Hagan
Pat Kemp
Gwendolyn "Gwen" Myers
Michael Owen
Joshua Wostal
Bonnie M. Wise
Christine M. Beck
Peggy Caskey

Dexter L. Barge

Parks, Recreation, and Conservation
Advisory Board Meeting Minutes - DRAFT
Thursday, January 11, 2024, 12:00 PM
Lesley “Les” Miller, Jr. All People’s Community Park and Life Center

CALL TO ORDER- Chairman , Anthony Sanchez, District 6, called the meeting to order at 12:04PM
A welcome to everyone.
A thank you to Friends of the County Parks and Recreation for providing lunch today.

PUBLIC COMMENTS- No public comment request received. 1 Public comment request at meeting.

Augie Valdez - Shimberg Soccer sports Organization, made an inquiry of a resolution to the organization investigation and asks
for documented written status from the Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department. Rick Valdez -Director , Parks,
and Recreation Dept. Indicated a resolution is forth coming. It is pending the Deputy County Administrator review. Scott
Levinson , District 7, Board Member questioned the investigation process. Jack Berlin, District 1, Board member, suggested if
this topic wasn’t on the agenda, it should be forwarded to the next meeting since a resolution wasn’t available. Bill Barrett,
District 5, Board Member agreed. Anthony Sanchez, Chairman District 6, agreed and proceeded to next topic on agenda.

2024 Board Election of Chair and Vice-chair

Final Vote Results

2024 Chairman - Anthony Sanchez, District 6, Board Member
2024 Vice-Chairman - Bill Barrett, District 5, Board Member
Scott Levinson, District 7, nominated Bill Barrett, District 5, for Chair
Jack Berlin, District 1, nominated Anthony Sanchez, District 6, for Chair
Jack Berlin, District 1, nominated Bill Barrett, District 1 for Vice-Chair


Anthony Sanchez
Bill Barrett
Jack Berlin

Anthony Sanchez Bill Barrett
Nathan Gennara Anthony Sanchez Bill Barrett
Arron Casteel
Anthony Sanchez Bill Barrett
Scott Levinson
Bill Barrett
Bill Barrett
Bill Barrett
Self Self

Diedrea Anthony (absent)

Anthony Sanchez, District 6, Chairman, made the 1st motion to accept the votes and Arron Casteel 2nd the motion. All in favor, no


a. ELAPP Land Acquisition - Monthly Update - Ross Dickerson - 14 Active Projects

Fee Acquisitions Under Negotiation
Cannon (LGSP)
Saffold Road Estates (Upper LMR)
Rood (LMRC)
Mattaniah (Alafia North Pong)
HSH Trust (Cypress Creek)
TC Ventures (Triple Creek)
EMH (Balm Scrub Addition)

Conservation Easements Under Negotiation
Tew (LGSP Addition)
Parker/Baker/Varnum/Davis (Alafia North Pong)

Potential Donations Under Discussion
Giunta (Cypress Creek)
Double Branch Bay

Other Properties Under Discussion
Mosaic (Howards Prairie)
Tomas (Brooker Creek)
Trailside (Rocky-Brushy Creek)

ELAPP acquisitions closed since last meeting date – Peltier (Balm Scrub Preserve Addition)

b. Friends of the Parks, non-profit organization - Contract Agreement financial audit - Status update.
Forest Turbiville, Director, Conservation Environmental Land Management Dept. indicated the audit was completed and
a copy (with signed cover letter) is being mailed to both Department Directors. Once received, the audit will be
forwarded to the County Internal Auditor for review. Jack Berlin, District 1 Board member, suggests an amendment to
the existing Friends of the Parks agreement to change or limit the requirements for future financial audits due to their
high cost.

c. FUA and SOP Update ( Field Use Agreement) (Standard Operating Procedure) Rick Valdez, Director Parks and
Recreation Dept. indicated the department is establishing meetings internally with all FUA holders. The County Attorney
and County Facilities Dept will also need to be involved. A consultant is in the process of a capacity study of all park
sport complexes and will be of great value to the department and all field use agreement holders. There is new state
legislation being monitored. It references background checks and coaches training that will affect the FUA language.
Rick Valdez, Director, Parks, and Recreation Dept. requests the Board Members brief their district representative.

d. FUA (Field Use Agreement) Fees Process - Scott Levinson, District 7 Board member - Inquired if additional fees exist for
current FUA holders. Rick Valdez, Director, Parks, and Recreations Dept. indicated there are no additional fees through
the league affiliation. Leagues participating outside the affiliation may be required to pay additional fees. Scott Levinson,
District 7, Board Member and Anthony Sanchez, Chairman District 6, Board Member, both suggest the FUA agreement
should also reference any type of additional fees. Conversation pursued between the Board Members reference youth
sports and participation. Rick Valdez, Director, Parks, and Recreation Dept. welcomed all Board Members to attend the
FUA scheduled meetings. All agreed a special meeting should be called to discuss the FUA,

e. General public use of County Parks/Fields - Scott Levinson - District 7, Board Member announced all Hillsborough
County owned property is public domain including park sports fields and asks what the current process is. Chris Kiddy,
Manager, Parks, and Recreation Dept. indicated the public is permitted to use fields that are not reserved by the FUA
holder. A vendor field use rental agreement or space rental agreement is also available for private field use by

reservation and 1 field always remains unreserved for availability to use by the public. Conversation pursued between
Board Members reference the FUA holder field use and field availability for public use.

f. Youth Sports Advisory Committee - Status update -Rick Valdez, Director, Parks, and Recreation Dept. advised meetings
are being scheduled with all the sport organizations and affiliations to gain their input and ensure all are represented
by the committee. Bill Barrett, District 5, Board Member, recommends the meetings are kept professional and they
communicate with the organizations for resolutions not conflicts.

g. Shimberg Soccer - Update- Topic was discussed at the public comment request by the League Representative, Augie
Valdez. Investigation is pending Deputy County Administrator review.

NEXT MEETING DATE - February 22, 2024 -All Board Members approved and no objections. Anthony Sanchez, Chairman
District 6, referenced the Parks Advisory Board By-laws requirement of 8 annual meetings for compliance. He clarified the last
meeting listed for December 2024 is only if necessary. The December date is reserved in the event any of the 8 regular monthly
scheduled meetings are cancelled and meeting compliance is needed. It will require a vote by the Board. Anthony Sanchez,
Chairman, District 6, made the 1st motion and Jack Berlin, District 1,Board Member, made a 2nd motion to approve. Bill Barrett,
District 5, voted against it and Scott Levinson, District 7 Board Member, voted against it. Anthony Sanchez, Chairman, District 6
validated special meetings for specific topics can be scheduled throughout the year, if needed. Jack Berlin, District 1 Board
Member, suggested the 8 general meetings should be limited to official business and additional meetings should be scheduled to
discuss specific subjects and invest the needed time at special meetings. Nathan Generra, District 2, Board Member, agreed and
indicated special topic focus meetings would be the most beneficial for resolutions. Anthony Sanchez, Chairman, District 6, called
for a vote of clarification for 8 scheduled meetings and a board vote requirement for the 9th meeting, only if needed. 4 members
in favor and 2 members objected.

a. Approve November 09, 2023, meeting minutes – Anthony Sanchez, Chairman, District 6, made 1st motion to approve
and Nathan Generra, District 2, Board Member 2nd the motion. All in favor, no one opposed.
b. Approve 2024 proposed meeting dates - Board approved 2024 meeting dates.

Bill Barrett, District 5, Board Member, expressed his dedication and commitment to this Board and his dissatisfaction of limiting
the meetings to an hour and recommended an alternate time frame to accommodate everyone, as the meetings are priority. He
also recommended action and follow through with establishing the special meetings for focus topics and resolutions as discussed
previously. Scott Levinson, District 7, Board Member, agreed and expressed he is also a committed and an active Board member
and will do what it takes to serve the community. Jack Berlin, District 1, Board Member agreed to the suggestion.


Rick Valdez, Director, Parks, and Recreation- Announced the department was awarded a 75,000-grant donation and supplies
from The American Heart Association. James Crouch, Manager, Parks, and Recreation Dept. provided a summary. The
Department purchased 50 AED machines and distributed to various parks and recreation centers and volunteered their time for
AED training. The goal is to have an AED machine at all locations readily available to save a life if ever needed.

ADJOURNMENT - Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1:46 PM