Constitution of 2016 Order of the Temple of Solomon

Constitution of 2016 Order of the Temple of Solomon, updated 10/16/22, 4:29 AM


This is the Constitution of the Templar Order as a sovereign subject of international law, consolidated from 2008-2013 from legal protocols of its ancient and medieval origins as a historical institution, enacted in 2015, as amended in March 2016. The Constitution defines the system of governance of the Order over its governmental, chivalric, secular and ecclesiastical affairs. It also establishes the administration of Justice under its sovereign jurisdiction, and sets forth a constitutional Bill of Rights. An official legislative or regulatory Act of Law, enacted by the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the non-territorial principality and sovereign subject of international law embodying the original Knights Templar from 1118 AD.

About Knights Templar Order

The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, the direct continuation of the original historical institution of the legendary Knights Templar, founded in 1118 AD, fully restored as a sovereign subject of international law in 2013 AD, embodying the authentic Templar heritage.

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Ordo Regius Magistralis Templi Solomonis
Enacted by the Government and Ratified by the Grand Master
(Constitution of 2015, as Amended in 2016)
The text of this Constitution is the complete amended version, with all previous amendments
fully incorporated, as consolidated from all relevant known ancient and medieval statutory
and customary Sovereign protocols and laws of:
(1) Essene Patriarchate of Antioch through Cathars since 1054 AD as Ecclesiastical
Succession, (2) Independent Kingdom of Mann since 1079 AD of Arthurian heritage later
carrying King Fulk line as Magistral Succession, (3) Kingdom of Jerusalem since 1118 AD as
Royal Patronage of Magistral sovereignty through the King Fulk line as Magistral Succession,
(4) Order of the Temple of Solomon since 1118 AD as Magistral sovereignty, (5) Ancient
Priesthood of Solomon of the Templar Order since 1118 AD as Ecclesiastical sovereignty, (6)
Templar Principality of Antioch since 1129 AD as Magistral sovereignty, (7) Templar Essene
Patriarchate of Antioch since 1131 AD as Ecclesiastical sovereignty, (8) Roman Catholic
Church from 1129 AD as Patronage and from 1139 AD as Protection of Magistral and
Ecclesiastical sovereignty, and (9) Independent Church movement since 1145 AD through
Old Catholic movement since 1870 AD as Magistral Succession and Ecclesiastical Succession.
This consolidation integrates the full scope of all applicable Sovereign law and Canon law
foundations, collectively, since those early medieval times. Ancient and medieval protocols
have been translated into English, or updated from Old English into modern English, using
current legal terminology of the common law and customary international law.
2013, 2016 Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon.
All International Rights Reserved.
Table of Contents of the Templar Constitution
Preamble Sovereign Principality Under God
Sovereignty of the Principality

Article 1 Name of the Principality

Article 2 Constitution and Language

Article 3 National Flag

Article 4 National Anthem
Article 5 Bases of Continuity & Sovereignty

Article 6 Sovereign Magistral Statehood

Article 7 Territorial Status & Sovereignty

Article 8 Sovereign Nationality

Article 9 Status of Subjects of the Order
Ecclesiastical Authority of the Principality

Article 10 Bases of Ecclesiastical Authority

Article 11 Status as a Religious Institution
Article 12 Patronage of Ancient Catholic Church
Governance of the Principality

Article 13 The Sovereign Grand Master

Article 14 The Government

Article 15 Titles of Nobility, Chivalry & Office

Article 16 Secular & Religious Affairs
Sovereign Laws & Acts

Article 17 Purpose & Scope of Laws & Acts

Article 18 Juridical Laws

Article 19 Regulatory Acts

Article 20 Enactment of Sovereign Laws & Acts

Article 21 Sovereign Revenues with No Taxation

Article 22 Treason & Hostilities against Peace
Administration of Justice

Article 23 Sovereign Authority for Magistral Courts

Article 24 Authority for International Courts

Article 25 Bases of Sovereign Jurisdiction

Article 26 Fundamental Principles of Justice

Article 27 Appellate Principles for Administration of Justice
Fundamental Rights of Subjects & Nationals

Article 28 Constitutional Bill of Rights
Amendment of the Constitution

Article 29 Enactment of Constitutional Amendments
Preamble Sovereign Principality Under God
In the name of the One God Most High, Lord of the Universe, who graces us
through the Holy Spirit, in his diverse manifestations, who is the source of all
authority under which Chivalry and Sovereignty must devoutly govern, and to
whom nation states and humanity must answer equally in Holy judgment under
Divine Law, we the Knights and Dames of the Temple of Solomon hold
inviolable the present Constitution.
In pious and determined pursuit of that which our ancestors sacrificed for and
sought to preserve and contribute to the world, the Order of the Temple of
Solomon remains steadfast to faithfully continue the Holy and noble historical
missions of our knightly ancestors as the spiritual warriors for humanity.
We hold it as God's Truth, that those noble missions of our Holy Order of
Chivalry, to preserve and share the most ancient and sacred heritage, carry with
them the responsibility of the collective knowledge and common good of
Wherefore, we commit ourselves and our Order to uphold God's Law, by
defending and promoting the Holy principles of wisdom, faith, charity, Justice,
and the God-given fundamental human rights of dignity and freedom of the
individual, through our sovereign Principality of statehood under God.
The Order of the Temple of Solomon recognizes that it is also our sacred
historical obligation to protect, defend and support the principle of Faith in
contemporary world civilization, always seeking and promoting reconciliation,
mutual cooperation, and spiritual development of the universal human
condition under God Almighty.
Wherefore, we also dedicate ourselves to preserve the ecclesiastical authority of
the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon of the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, as
our inheritance and succession from the most ancient Priesthood in known
human history, with understanding that it carries the universal underlying
foundations of all venerable religions, together with the responsibility to defend
the unique heritage of their respective traditions.
By all of these founding Holy principles and sacred obligations, the Order of the
Temple of Solomon shall constitute the non-territorial Principality of statehood
as a sovereign subject of international law, to serve as the governmental vehicle
to protect, preserve and advance the heritage, interests and influence of the
nationality of cultural Templarism worldwide.
Sovereignty of the Principality
Article 1 Name of the Principality
The Order has international legal personality as a "Principality", on the basis of
customary international law, as a sovereign entity of statehood which inherently carries
Princely authority, such that by historical protocols of Royalty, Nobility and Chivalry it is
governed by a Prince Grand Master. The Order is thus a non-territorial Principality of
statehood as a sovereign subject of international law, serving as the government representing
the nationality of cultural Templarism worldwide.
The proper official name of the Order as a Principality, reflecting its authentic name as
a historical institution, is the "Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon". The
official alternative short forms are the "Order of the Temple of Solomon", or the "Order of the
Temple". These proper names, evidenced in the historical record, are unique and exclusive to
the Order, and thereby constitute and shall be enforced as the protected trademarks and
service marks of the Order in common law and by international law.
The Principality may be referred to throughout this Constitution by its full name, short
form names, or simply as "the Order".
Article 2 Constitution & Language
The original founding Charter of the historical Order of the Temple of Solomon is the
Temple Rule of 1129 AD. For historical continuity and doctrinal succession supporting
legitimacy of Magistral Succession, the Temple Rule shall perpetually remain the primary
underlying Charter of the institution as an Order of Chivalry, to be interpreted in accordance
with official commentaries issued or supplements enacted by the Grand Mastery.
The present Constitution serves as the "restoration charter" of the modern Order as
restored in 2013 AD, governing its secular and governmental aspects as a sovereign subject of
international law. In connection with this, the Temple Rule is preserved as the founding
principles governing the monastic and chivalric aspects of the Order.
The fundamental law of the Order is the body of classical Canon law (Temple Rule,
Rule 274), embodying the foundations of customary common law. Any and all issues or
matters which are not directly addressed by the present Constitution shall be resolved in
accordance with the principles established in Canon law, as applied by the Ancient Catholic
Church. Numbered Canons cited in this Constitution refer to the Roman Catholic Code of
Canon Law of 1983, which embodies the Apostolic traditions from 1150 AD which continued
into the Code of 1917, and is thus authentic to the 12th century Independent Church
Movement and the derivative 19th century Old Catholic Movement.
The national language of the Order, for the purpose of its Constitution, Acts and Laws,
all official and legal documents and public statements, is the English language, as the
primary working language of the Principality.
Article 3 National Flag
The heraldic national flag of the Order is composed of the colours black and white,
arranged in two horizontal stripes, with black on the top and white on the bottom, bearing
the Templar Cross in red, in the center. In the top left corner is a gold Escarbuncle symbol,
and in the top right corner is the gold Cross of Jerusalem.
The heraldic symbolism and meaning of the national flag is as follows: The white and
black combination represents the duality of good and evil, locked in eternal battle with good
always balancing and striving to conquer evil. The red Templar Cross represents the "rose
cross" of Christian Templar nobility, symbolizes the ancient esoteric secrets of the Templars
which were traditionally said to be "under the rose", and serves as a reminder of the blood of
our ancestors which they sacrificed to preserve and defend the heritage and pursue the
historical missions of the Order. The gold colour of the two symbols represents spiritual
power, wisdom, loyalty and honour. The Escarbuncle is a medieval device mounted behind a
shield as reinforcement, thus representing strength and endurance in battle as spiritual
warriors, and was featured on the heraldic crest of King Fulk of Jerusalem. The Cross of
Jerusalem, which marked the sword of Saint Joan of Arc, represents the founding of the
Order in the Temple of Solomon of Jerusalem, and the royal line of King Fulk of Jerusalem
which was the original Sovereign Patronage of the Order.
In the national flag and all heraldry of the Order, the Templar Cross shall be
interchangeable with the most ancient form of the Templar Cross, consisting of the medieval
Cross Pat with the top arm styled as a loop from the Egyptian Ankh symbol. The styling of
the Templar Cross as an Ankh represents the most ancient roots of all sacred knowledge of
the Order. The resulting "Ankh Pat" shall be used as an alternative, indicating the
Ecclesiastical sovereignty of the Order carrying the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon.
Article 4 National Anthem
The official Anthem of the Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon, as a
sovereign Principality of statehood, is its traditional medieval Gregorian chant "Non Nobis
Domine", which is the historical and official motto of the medieval Order.
The lyrics of this Anthem consist of one short sentence, from the Old Testament
(Psalm 115:1), sung in a loop, or overlapping in a round, as follows: "Non nobis Domine
Domine, non nobis Domine, sed nomini, sed nomini, Tuo da gloriam!"
The Anthem may alternatively be sung in English, with the proper timing facilitated by
the following version of translation: "Not to us O Lord O Lord, Not to us O Lord, but to Thy
name, but to Thy name, to Thee give glory!"
Article 5 Bases of Continuity & Sovereignty
The original Order of the Temple of Solomon, as the historical institution of the Knights
Templar, has directly continued under the Roman Code of Canon Law as a "perpetual
juridical entity" (Canon 120, 1), through Magistral Succession (Canon 120, 2), carrying the
Fons Honourum rights of its "juridical patrimony" as the "acquired rights" of its original
founders (Canon 121; Canon 123).
The historical continuity, juridical continuity and doctrinal continuity of the Order is
established by the recognized principles of "customary international law" (UN Diplomatic
Relations, Preamble, Article 47.1; UN Consular Relations, Preamble; UN Immunities of
States, Preamble: 5; UN Law of Treaties, Preamble, Article 38).
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon honours our European ancestors
since our founders in 1118 AD, and those combined traditions which converged and
continued through legally and canonically documented lines of Magistral Succession and
Ecclesiastical Succession of the Grand Mastery.
Temple Guardians of the Restoration The Restoration of the original Order to
full legitimacy of juridical continuity in the modern era was undertaken by a network of
Temple Guardians, comprised of cooperating groups of hereditary Templars and cultural
Templars of initiatory and doctrinal succession, led by Templar university historians,
Templar international lawyers, and Templar Bishops of the Old Catholic Movement.
Those Temple Guardians of the Restoration rediscovered and documented the
following historical and legal facts, and successfully implemented the following related
actions, to reestablish Magistral Succession and Ecclesiastical Succession of the original
Grand Mastery:
A. Magistral Succession & Royal Sovereignty The Order recognizes its history of
Magistral Succession of the Grand Mastery from the Royal line of King Fulk of Jerusalem:
(1) The Order of the Temple of Solomon was founded by Royal Patronage of the Kingdom
of Jerusalem in 1118 AD, with independent sovereignty confirmed by King Baldwin II
in 1119 AD, and reconfirmed and formalized by the Patriarch and King of Jerusalem at
the Council of Nablus in 1120 AD.
(2) King Fulk of Jerusalem (ca. 1090-1143 AD) was the founding Patron of the original
Grand Mastery since 1118 AD, and the 10th founding Knight Templar since 1120 AD,
who succeeded King Baldwin II and gave continued Sovereign Patronage from 1131 AD
with the 1st Grand Master of the original Templar Order Hughes de Payens (during
1131-1136 AD), and the 2nd Grand Master Robert de Craon (during 1136-1143 AD);
(3) The dynastic lineage of King Fulk continued to prominently support the leadership of
the Order, including through King Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199 AD), and three of
the Provincial Grand Masters of England (called "Masters of the Temple", analogous
to "Grand Prior"), Richard de Hastings (1155-1185 AD), Robert de Mounford (ca. 1234
AD), and Robert de Saundforde (1231-1247 AD).
(4) In January 2007 AD, the Temple Guardians by their Barristers arranged and obtained
the Royal Assent of Queen Elizabeth II (16 January 2007 AD), based upon approval by
the Legal Department of Buckingham Palace, proven by legal force and effect of the
UK Crown Office Act (Section 3.3), officially recognizing and legalizing the
"Independent Kingdom of Mann" of Royal lineage through the British Stanley Kings
(Prince George Stanley of Mann since 1460 AD), thereby proving direct lineage from
King Fulk of Jerusalem, recognizing the full Fons Honourum rights to exercise Royal
sovereignty from that dynastic line (Canon 120, 2, Canon 121, Canon 123).
(5) In October 2007 AD, at a meeting of the Temple Guardians in a 13th century Templar
stone chapel in England, Matthew of Thebes was established as Curator and Justiciar
of the Order, serving in that role for a seven year period from 2007-2013 AD, during
which he founded the Commandery of the Temple of Solomon in ancient Thebes
(Luxor) in 2008 AD, as the base of archaeology for the Restoration of the original
Templar Order and its Ancient Priesthood of Solomon;
(6) In 2013 AD, the Temple Guardians elected Matthew of Thebes as the Grand Master
(Temple Rule, Rules 206, 207, 216, 218). For this purpose, the Order obtained an
official Letters Patent (April 2013 AD) from the Independent Kingdom of Mann as the
lineage of King Fulk, which recognized the Order, restored its original Grand Mastery,
established Prince Matthew of Thebes as the 24th Grand Master (the first in the
modern era), and granted permanent and irrevocable Royal Protection of independent
sovereignty in perpetuity. This Royal Protection was further confirmed by an Act of
Completion (January 2015);
Ecclesiastical Succession & Pontifical Sovereignty The Order recognizes its
history of Magistral Succession and Ecclesiastical Succession of the Grand Mastery, from the
Biblical Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek through the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon,
facilitated by canonical Bishops of the 12th century Independent Church Movement,
preserving and continuing the inherent Pontifical sovereignty of the Order:
(1) The founding mission of the Order was to recover the Library of Solomon from the
historical Temple of Solomon for the Cistercian Order, based on ancient texts
translated by Cistercian Abbot Stephen Harding of Citeaux indicating that lost
scriptures were buried beneath Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Cistercian Patron
Count Hugh de Champagne visited the site in 1114 AD, and appointed Hughes de
Payens in 1116 AD to establish the Order through archaeological excavation. King
Baldwin II granted the Templars direct access to the site under his palace in 1118 AD,
and the Templars conducted excavation for nine years from 1118-1127 AD, successfully
recovering and restoring the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon.
(2) The Vatican Temple Rule of 1129 AD as a Papal Decree of Ecclesiastical Patronage,
promoted by the Cistercian Saint Bernard de Clairvaux, recognized the Ancient
Priesthood of Solomon as the origins and foundations of the Order (Rules 3, 7, 8),
describing it as possessing Ecclesiastical sovereignty (Rules 7, 8, 9, 62, 64). The
Vatican Papal Bull Omne Datum Optimum of 1139 AD, granting Ecclesiastical
Protection of permanent independent sovereignty of statehood to the Order,
specifically recognized its inherent Ecclesiastical sovereignty based upon independent
Pontifical authority from the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon;
(3) The Templar Grand Mastery always maintained initiatory succession and doctrinal
succession of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, by many of its Grand Masters
training with Magi High Priests of the Djedhi White Brotherhood of Egypt and Syria,
including: Five Grand Masters with Rashid Al-Din Sinan (1156-1189 AD), Pierre de
Montagut with Ahmad Al-Badawi (1218-1232 AD), Guille de Beaujeu with Ibrahim El-
Desouki (1281-1291 AD), and Jacques de Molay with Ibrahim El-Desouki (1292-1296
(4) In 2013 AD, the Independent Rite of Catholic Churches recognized Prince Matthew of
Thebes as a canonical and initiatory Episcopal High Priest of the Ancient Priesthood of
Solomon, supported by Templar Apostolic lines of Liberal Rite Old Catholicism:
Prince Matthew was ordained as a Deacon and Priest in Paris, France in 1988,
admitted to a Benedictine Order of Exorcists in New York in 1991, elevated to Bishop
by canonical laying on of hands by an Italian consecrator in Albany New York in 1992,
elevated to Archbishop in Rennes France in 1993, and elevated to Cardinal in Paris
France in 2013. During 30 years of ecclesiastical scholarship and experience, he was
trained by the Djedhi White Brotherhood of Karnak in Egypt in 2004, London in
2007, Egypt in 2008, London in 2009, and Egypt in 2010, 2011 and 2012, totaling 7
years of intensive initiatory training in the Ancient Priesthood;
(5) In 2015 AD, the Prince Grand Master received canonical inauguration by an
Installation Mass (04 May 2015), from Coptic Bishops of Ancient Catholicism from the
Essenes, for consecration of ecclesiastical investiture into the original and inherent
Pontifical authority of the denomination of Ancient Catholicism, in the Holy of Holies
of the Great Temple of Amun at Karnak in ancient Thebes, where the Grand Master
was thereby enthroned as the Bishop of Thebes;
(6) During nine years from 2007-2016 AD, the Prince Grand Master sponsored and led
archaeology expeditions and research with cooperating university historians in Egypt,
the United Kingdom and France. This recovered and restored the original substance
of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon as the knowledge base of Templar heritage,
successfully re-vesting the founding Ecclesiastical authority into the Grand Mastery of
the restored modern Order, and reestablishing the canonical denomination of Ancient
Additional Ecclesiastical Sovereignty The Order recognizes its history of
additional Ecclesiastical sovereignty and supplemental Pontifical authority of the Grand
Mastery, by Ecclesiastical Succession of the Patriarchate of the original 1st century Holy See
of Antioch, through the 3rd century Essene Priesthood of the Cathars, as the heraldic and
canonical patrimony of the Order:
(1) The Holy See of Antioch is the Biblical "First Church" of early Christianity ca. 33 AD
(Acts 11:26-27; 13:1-3), embodying the original form of Ancient Catholicism from the
Nazarene Essenes, of which Jesus was a High Priest (Matthew 2:23; Hebrews 6:20);
(2) The Gnostic Essene Priesthood of the Cathars originated from the Bishop of Antioch,
Paul of Samosata of the Holy See of Antioch 260-268 AD, supported by the Syrian
Queen Zenobia of Palmyra, and the name "Cathari" was thus mentioned by the First
Council of Nicaea in 325 AD (Canon 8);
(3) The Great Schism of 1054 AD caused the Greek and Roman factions of the Holy See of
Antioch to merge back into their respective Orthodox and Roman Churches. The
original Essene Patriarchate of Antioch which remained was continued by the Gnostic
Cathars as Apostolic initiates of the Ancient Priesthood from the Essenes (Catholic
Encyclopedia 1913, Vol.1, p.568: "heresies arose from Antioch");
(4) The Essene Patriarchate of Antioch was acquired by the founding Templar King Fulk
of Jerusalem and thereby vested in the Templar Grand Mastery in 1131 AD, as part of
the Templar Principality of Antioch;
(5) The 3rd century Essene Priesthood of the Cathars first emerged as the "Cathar Church"
ca. 1140 AD, becoming the movement of "Catharism" ca. 1143 AD, which thrived in the
Templar region of Southern France;
(6) The Independent Church Movement was created in Utrecht in 1145 AD by Pope
Eugene III (the first Cistercian to become Pope supported by his mentor the Templar
Patron Saint Bernard de Clairvaux), confirmed by the Vatican's Fourth Lateran
Council in 1215 AD (Canons 3, 5, 10, 11, 23). The Independent Churches attracted
many Bishops from the Gnostic, Essene, Cathar and Celtic Churches, supported by the
Knights Templar;
(7) When the Coptic (Jacobite) Patriarchate of Antioch was in abeyance for twenty years
from 1215-1235 AD, the Orthodox (Melchite) Patriarch of Antioch asked Pope
Innocent III for the Knights Templar to restore the Pontificate of Antioch, evidencing
the continued primacy of Pontifical authority of the Templar Priesthood for Antioch
(Catholic Encyclopedia 1913, Vol.1, p.302.);
(8) The Cathars were persecuted by the Albigensian Crusade from 1208 AD, intensified by
the French Inquisition in 1234 AD, forcing the Cathar Priesthood to become an
underground network, which survived in France until as late as ca. 1325 AD;
(9) The Knights Templar interacted with the Cathars for 182 years (from 1143 AD), and
absorbed many Cathars protecting them from persecution for at least 78 years (from
1234 AD), until the Templar suppression in 1312 AD, such that the Cathar Priesthood
had fully merged into the Templar Order, resulting in its Apostolic Succession
becoming wholly vested in the Grand Mastery of the Order;
(10) After the suppression of the Knights Templar in 1312 AD, the Essene Patriarchate of
Antioch of the Cathars was preserved by surviving Templars through the 12th century
Independent Church Movement, with primacy reverting back to the King Fulk line as
the provisional line of succession pending later restoration of the Order (Canon 120,
2, Canon 121, Canon 123);
(11) The Order reestablished Magistral Succession of the original Grand Mastery from
the King Fulk line in 2013 AD, and reestablished Ecclesiastical Succession from the
Independent Church Movement in 2015 AD, thereby fully restoring its own Fons
Honourum of the inherent Pontifical sovereignty of the Essene Patriarchate of the
original 1st century Holy See of Antioch.
Additional Royal Sovereignty The Order recognizes its history of additional
independent Royal Sovereignty of the Templar Principality of Antioch, inherent in both its
Magistral and Ecclesiastical Succession as the heraldic and canonical patrimony of the Order:
(1) The Principality of Antioch was established as a Crusader vassal state in 1098 AD;
(2) The Crusader Principality of Antioch was acquired by the Templar Kings of Jerusalem
as its Royal Protectors in 1119 AD;
(3) The Principality of Antioch became a Templar Principality in 1129 AD with enactment
of the Temple Rule empowering the Order take over the Crusades, and thus take over
the former Crusader vassal states;
(4) The Order possessed and governed the Templar Principality of Antioch for 131 years,
until it was conquered by the Mamluk Sultan Qutuz ca. 1260 AD, leaving the Order
with residual vested rights of heraldic patrimony, as the deposed nobiliary authority
possessing Fons Honourum of non-ruling sovereignty of the historical Principality;
(5) After the suppression of the Knights Templar in 1312 AD, primacy of the historical
Templar Principality of Antioch reverted back to the King Fulk line, as the provisional
line of succession pending later restoration of the Order (Canon 120, 2, Canon 121,
Canon 123);
(6) The Order reestablished Magistral Succession of the original Grand Mastery from the
King Fulk line in 2013 AD, and reestablished Ecclesiastical Succession from the
Independent Church Movement in 2015 AD, thereby fully restoring its own Fons
Honourum of the inherent Royal Sovereignty of the historical 12th century Templar
Principality of Antioch.
Let it never be forgotten, and never be denied, that by God's Truth, these documented
facts of the historical record establish the authentic factual and legal bases for direct
Magistral Succession and Ecclesiastical Succession, each possessing inherent sovereignty and
carrying additional sovereignty of the founding Grand Mastery of the Order, as the legitimate
historical institution of the original Knights Templar, possessing multiple and alternate
sources of independent sovereign statehood under customary international law.
Article 6 Sovereign Magistral Statehood
Sovereign historical institutions "of differing constitutional and social systems" possess
"recognized privileges and immunities", "since ancient times". International law requires
that "States shall not discriminate" against a historical form of sovereignty, and such "rules of
customary international law continue to govern". (UN Diplomatic Relations, Preamble,
Article 47.1; UN Consular Relations, Preamble).
The status of a historical sovereign "subject of international law" is "binding" upon all States,
regardless of recognition, by "customary rule of international law" (UN Law of Treaties,
Articles 3, 38). Such sovereignty carries the inherent capacity for diplomatic relations (UN
Consular Relations, Articles 3, 1(d), 17.1) as a non-territorial state (UN Diplomatic Relations,
Articles 1(i), 3.1(a)).
Diplomatic status is invoked with all privileges and immunities by presenting "Credentials"
as issued (UN Diplomatic Relations, Article 13), exempt from accreditation or embassy
registration (UN Diplomatic, Articles 1(i), 3.1(a)), without requirement of a consular post
(UN Consular Relations, Articles 3, 1(d), 17.1), regardless of recognition (UN Law of Treaties,
Articles 3, 38). Crown Officers do not engage in commerce, retaining full immunities (UN
Consular, Article 57). Immunities fully apply by the fact of sovereignty alone (UN
Diplomatic, Articles 22-36; UN Consular, Articles 40-57). High Officials of the Grand
Mastery and Government hold absolute immunity regardless of scope of functions (ICJ
Congo v. Belgium, Articles 51-55).
Official Governmental Capacity The Order is a non-territorial Principality of
statehood as a sovereign subject of international law, exercising official authorities, rights
and functions in a governmental capacity, asserting its sovereignty in both internal and
external affairs. Governance of the Order is conducted through executive, legislative and
judicial functions of its relevant analogous bodies, within the framework of the present
Constitution as the sovereign public law of the Order.
Sovereign Magistral Statehood The form of governance of the Order is and
shall remain a Sovereign Magistral system of constitutional statehood, operating as a
parliamentary Principality. The secular and governmental affairs of the Principality are
administered by the Grand Master as Head of State, providing for Sovereign governance of
the Order. The religious and cultural affairs of the Order are administered by the Grand
Master, providing for Magistral governance of the Order.
Constitution as Public Law The present Constitution, as the fundamental body
of public law defining the sovereignty and governance of the Principality, constitutes its
binding multilateral contract and covenant, between the Order, its Subjects, and all third
parties of the general public and the international community, governing all relations of the
Order with its Subjects, foreign nationals of other states, and other nation states.
Exercise of Sovereign Rights The Order hereby affirms and asserts its
inalienable and independent sovereign rights to govern its own internal affairs as a
Principality, enact and enforce its own laws, apply its own legal jurisdiction, determine and
conduct its diplomatic and external foreign affairs and relations with other Nation-States,
and to develop and defend its own political, economic and cultural life, in accordance with its
own traditions and innovations.
Article 7 Territorial Status & Sovereignty
The Order is inherently a non-territorial Principality of statehood as a sovereign
subject of international law, possessing its own Fons Honourum from royal, sovereign and
ecclesiastical authority. It possesses multiple, separate, alternate and cumulative bases for
legal legitimacy of independent sovereignty, by force and effect of ancient principles of
customary international law which remain active and enforceable in modern times. It
therefore holds juridical status of a ruling Principality in its own right, without need for any
permanent territory.
Historical Territory of Antioch The Order holds the honour of being the former
governing sovereign authority of the historical Templar Principality of Antioch since 1129
AD, for 131 years until the territory was conquered by the Mamluk Sultan Qutuz ca. 1260 AD.
It therefore holds juridical status of a deposed non-ruling sovereign of the Principality of
Antioch, irrespective of territory.
Nationality of Cultural Templarism The Order serves as the governmental
entity providing state infrastructure and representing the cultural traditions embodied in
medieval and modern Templarism internationally. It thereby holds enhanced status as a
Nation-State subject of international law, advancing the interests of the Nationality of
cultural Templarism. It therefore holds juridical status of an historical institution
representing its own distinctive socio-cultural Nationality, irrespective of and without need
for territory.
Independent of Geographic Territory The sovereign statehood of the Order,
and its legitimacy under international law as a modern non-territorial Principality, as a
deposed non-ruling sovereignty of a historical Principality, and also as a Nation-State
representing a cultural Nationality, does not require nor depend upon control or possession
of any particular geographic territory.
No Claim to Territory of Antioch The Order does not make any claim to the
former territory of the Templar Principality of Antioch in modern Syria, as it is satisfied to
possess perpetual Fons Honourum authority as a deposed non-ruling sovereign from that
historical connection.
No Claim to Territory of Jerusalem The Order does not make any claim to the
former territory of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, nor to the territory of the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem, as it is satisfied to permanently possess the substance and heritage of Templarism
which it preserved from its archaeological excavation of the historical Temple of Solomon
during its formative years.
Sovereign Land of the Principality All land, buildings or other real estate
property in any host country which are owned by the Order, which are either (1) owned
through a foundation or trustees on its behalf, or (2) owned by members of the Government,
are legal Territories of the Order, subject to its Constitution and laws, in addition to the laws
of the host country. Any real estate property directly owned by the Order as a Principality as
sovereign property, or used as diplomatic residence, Consular or Embassy premises of
diplomatic missions of the Order, and any ships officially bearing the flag of the Order in
international waters, are legally its sovereign Territories, which are governed solely and
exclusively by the full legal force and effect of its Constitution and laws.
Titular Princehood of Antioch The Fons Honourum for the historical Templar
Principality of Antioch remains and shall remain permanently vested in the Grand Mastery of
the Order. A titular Prince of the Principality of Antioch ("Prince of Antioch") may be created
by the unanimous (100%) vote of the Grand Mastery, by provisional assignment and
delegation of Magistral Fons Honourum for the Principality of Antioch.
To preserve the historic titular role of the Prince of Antioch as an integral part of
Templar heritage, the exercise of Fons Honourum by the titular Prince of Antioch shall be
subject to ratification by the Grand Mastery. The royal station of Prince of the Templar
Principality of Antioch shall be subject to revocation by reason of Treason against the Order,
or Hostilities against Peace against any foreign nation, or on other grounds established by the
Laws of the Order.
The Grand Master of the Order shall hold the title of Lord of Qalat Salahadin of the
Templar Principality of Antioch, in honour of the friendship between Richard the Lionheart
and Salahadin, the Templar knighthood ceremony given to Salahadin ca. 1190 AD, and the
Treaty of Ramla of 1192 AD.
Article 8 Sovereign Nationality
The Order is a non-territorial sovereign Principality representing its Nationality of
cultural Templarism, and thus is not a "country" of "citizenship", but rather a Nation-State of
Templar Nationality. A person who is a part of the Order under its sovereign authority is
thus a National holding its Nationality.
Nationality Separate from Country Citizenship Nationality of the Order as a
sovereign Nation-State is separate from and supplemental to any other country-based
citizenships which may also be held by all Subjects.
Nationality Separate from Titles of Order The granting of Nationality of the
Order to any person is separate from and does not require the holding of any Title of Nobility,
Chivalry, Office or Government of the Order or Order of Honour. Conversely, the granting of
any Title, Office or Honour does not require the holding of Nationality of the Order.
Presumption of Nationality for Government Every member of the
Government of the Order, and every family member thereof, has the inalienable right to be
part of the Order, and presumptively holds its Nationality.
It is the privilege of every person qualified in accordance with the Laws enacted under
this Constitution to be a Subject of the Order. The granting and revocation of Nationality
shall be determined in accordance with the Laws of the Order.
The Order cherishes its special affinity with people of tribes, clans, traditional orders,
historical institutions, and other royalty and nobility, who struggle to preserve and exercise
their original sovereignty, freedom and human rights, people who share significant cultural
identity and heritage with the Knights and Dames of the Temple of Solomon, and all people
who struggle to assert and defend their human rights under international law. Such people
are given priority and special consideration to be granted Nationality of the Order.
Nationality of the Order held by a Subject may be revoked by reason of Treason
against the Order as a nation state, or Hostilities against Peace against any foreign nation, or
on other grounds established by the Laws of the Order. Maintenance of continuing
Nationality may be subject only to reasonable requirements of periodic renewal, in
accordance with the Laws of the Order.
Article 9 Status of Subjects of the Order
Subjects of the Order Subjects of the Order are those people who:
(a) are Grand Officers, or family members thereof, of the Grand Mastery of the Order;
(b) are Crown Officers, or family members thereof, of the Government of the Order;
(c) have been granted any Title of Nobility, Chivalry, Office or Government, or Order of
Honour, by the Order;
(d) have been granted Nationality of the Order, in connection with any other form of
participation in or affiliation with the Order;
(e) have been ordained as Clergy in the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon of the Order, or
have otherwise been granted communion under its ecclesiastical authority.
Principle of Governance The essential principle of Sovereign Magistral
governance is not to "rule over" Subjects of the Order, but rather to sustain, uphold and
represent them, giving all Subjects the benefits, advantages and protections of the rights and
privileges of the Principality as a sovereign subject of international law. This is the necessary
function of the state, to enable and empower Subjects to contribute their best skills and
capabilities in furtherance of the missions of the Order for the collective benefit of all
Duties of Subjects of the Order For protection of the essential principle of
Sovereign Magistral governance for the common good, in defense of the collective rights of all
Subjects, fidelity to the Order and loyalty to the Grand Master and Government are
fundamental political and civil duties of all Subjects.
No Conflict with Country Citizenship With respect to any Subject holding
obligations of citizenship in a foreign country, no allegiance to the Order shall be interpreted
nor applied to conflict with allegiance to the foreign country.
Ecclesiastical Authority of the Principality
Article 10 Bases of Ecclesiastical Authority
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon honours our priestly
ancestors from the most ancient times, from the beginnings of recorded history, and those
combined traditions of the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek which converged as the collective
heritage of the Temple of Solomon, and which continued through the Ancient Priesthood of
Solomon of the Order. The Order honours our European ancestors who established and
preserved both Magistral succession and Apostolic succession of Ecclesiastical authority from
the Ancient Priesthood since 1118 AD. The Order honours that most ancient Priesthood,
which persisted into the modern era through surviving Templars, and was re-vested in the
Order during nine years from 2007-2016 AD, consisting of the Pontificate of the original
canonical denomination of Ancient Catholicism of early 1
century classical Christianity.
The Order of the Temple of Solomon recognizes its history of priestly succession as the
basis for legitimacy of independent Ecclesiastical authority, as the embodiment and direct
continuation of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon of the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, as
a separate and distinct religious institution. That history of succession of priestly legitimacy
consists of the following historical, juridical and ecclesiastical facts:
(a) Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek The Order carries the most ancient Magi
Priesthood of Melchizedek, embodying the Djedhi Priesthood of Egypt, through and in
the form of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, from the following primary seven
sources of priestly Magistral succession perfected by doctrinal succession: (1) the
original Biblical Melchizedek Magi Kings from 10,068 BC; (2) the ancient Persian
Magi Knights from 10,068 BC; (3) the ancient Egyptian Djedhi Magi Priests from
5,500 BC; (4) the ancient Sumerian Magi Fisher Priests from 3,500 BC; (5) the
Essenes ca. 250 BC through the Holy See of Antioch ca. 33 AD; (6) the original Al-
Banna Magi Sufi Order from 825 AD; and (7) the original Syrian Hashashin Sufi Order
from 1080 AD.
(b) Ancient Priesthood of Solomon The Order carries the Ancient Priesthood of
Solomon, embodying the original Gnostic tradition, from the following additional
seven sources of priestly Magistral and doctrinal succession perfected by Apostolic
succession: (1) the Nazarene Essene Priesthood of Jesus from ca. 33 AD; (2) Saint
Mark the Apostle; (3) Saint Thomas the Apostle; (4) Saint Mary Magdalene the
Gnostic Apostle and Disciple of Jesus; (5) Saint Thecla the Gnostic Apostle and
Disciple of the Apostle Peter; (6) the Essene Patriarchate of Antioch of the Cathars
from 1054 AD; and (7) Saint Bernard de Clairvaux the Patron Saint of the Knights
Templar from 1129 AD.
(c) All 14 sources of priestly and ecclesiastical authority constitute direct lines of initiatory
and doctrinal succession from Apostolic traditions, all perfected and further supported
by subconditione consecrations of canonical Apostolic Succession (Canon 845).
Let it never be forgotten, and never be denied, that by God's Truth, this history
constitutes the authentic factual and juridical basis for independent Ecclesiastical authority
of our Order as a religious institution under fundamental principles of Canon law, and as the
full and legitimate embodiment of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon of the Magi Priesthood
of Melchizedek, carrying the Pontificate of the denomination of Ancient Catholicism.
Article 11 Status as a Religious Institution
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon carries Ecclesiastical
authority and sovereignty for the most ancient Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek from ca.
10,068 BC, through the Djedhi Priesthood of Egypt ca. 5,500 BC, through the Ancient
Priesthood of Solomon ca. 1,400 BC, through the Essenes ca. 250 BC, as recovered and
restored from the Temple of Solomon from 1118 AD. The Order carries additional
Ecclesiastical authority and sovereignty for the Essene Patriarchate of the Holy See of
Antioch from ca. 33 AD through the Cathars from 1054 AD. These lines of Magistral
Succession and Ecclesiastical Succession together constitute the unique and original 1
century denomination of Ancient Catholicism, as the authentic substance, heritage and
juridical patrimony of the original 12
century Order.
Religion of World Heritage The Order, as the direct continuation of the original
historical institution of the Knights Templar, thus exclusively possesses juridical status under
Canon law and customary international law as an independent religious institution of world
heritage, inherently vested with Pontifical authority as a classical Church in its own right,
carrying original and primary Fons Honourum for the denomination of Ancient Catholicism.
Inherent Pontifical Authority The Grand Master of the Order shall serve as
Pontifical Prince High Priest (Princeps Pontifex Magnus Sacerdotem) of the Ancient
Priesthood of Solomon, as the source of the denomination of Ancient Catholicism, together
with all accumulated lines of Apostolic succession vested in the Grand Mastery. The Grand
Master possesses the inalienable right to give Pontifical Assent to all official actions of the
Order exercising or supporting its own Ecclesiastical authority in governance of its religious
Inter-Faith and Non-Denominational The collective religious and ecclesiastical
heritage of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon embodies the universal esoteric principles,
sacred sciences, spiritual doctrines and sacred wisdom underlying all genuine world
religions, which are the foundations of Christianity unifying all Christian denominations.
Therefore, the Order holds its ecclesiastical affairs to be both inter-faith and non-
Ecumenical Cooperation The Order shall practice and support ecumenical
cooperation between denominations and religions, while upholding and promoting the
principle that ecumenism should never be misused for blending, diluting nor undermining
the heritage, traditions or teachings of the respective faiths. Ecumenical activities and
projects of the Order shall remain dedicated to protecting and defending the authenticity of
other venerable denominations and religions in their own right, preserving their own distinct
culture and theology.
Religious Culture of the Order While maintaining inter-faith, non-
denominational and ecumenical compatibility, the primary cultural character of religious
activities of the Templar Priesthood shall generally be expressed in the historically authentic
traditional Gnostic forms of 1
century Ancient Catholicism of the 12
century Independent
Church Movement.
Separation of Religious Aspects Subjects of the chivalric or governmental
aspects of the Order are not required to participate in the religious or ecclesiastical aspects of
the Order (Temple Rule, Rules 65, 66, 67, 279, 630). The institutions for exercise of
ecclesiastical authority within or affiliated with the Order shall thus remain separate from its
secular functions, to provide an optional spiritual supplement to enhance the chivalric
activities of the Order.
Practice of the Templar Priesthood The Ancient Priesthood of Solomon must
be preserved as the original monastic tradition of the medieval Knights Templar, and the
founding cornerstone of the Order since its inception, as the source of its legendary and
authentic "warrior monk" character of its unique chivalric culture. The Templar Priesthood
shall be practiced as a Gnostic mystery school of initiatory study and training in spiritual
monasticism, esoteric mysticism and sacred sciences (Canon 217; Canon 218, Canon 229, 2,
Canon 248; Canon 279; Canon 815). It shall be treated only as a supplement to mainstream
religion, for the purpose of enhancing the spiritual dimension of established religion, and
shall not be considered a separate religion.
Use of Ancient Priesthood Titles Initiates of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon
shall hold the original Pharaonic Egyptian titles for each of the seven levels, designated by the
authentic Egyptian words with alternate English translations for such titles, as evidenced in
the historical record and established by scholarship approved by the Grand Mastery. Duly
ordained and consecrated Clergy of the Ancient Catholic Church are authorized to use the
corresponding Pharaonic Egyptian title equivalent to one's status within the seven levels of
classical Apostolic Clergy, as an optional alternative or supplemental title.
10. Use of Equivalent Christian Clergy Titles Initiates of the Ancient Priesthood of
Solomon who choose to dedicate themselves to the Apostolic practice of canonical classical
Christianity, who complete seminary studies to acquire the requisite knowledge, and become
incardinated into the Ancient Catholic Church, may use the corresponding Catholic Clergy
title equivalent to one's Pharaonic Egyptian title.
Titles of Ecclesiastical Nobility, based upon the Templar Fons Honourum from
the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, may include the following:
(a) Pontiff Prince (Princeps Pontifex), designated "of the Temple of Solomon", as
High Priest (Magnus Sacerdotem) of the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, which shall
always be held by the Prince Grand Master. An Emeritus Prince Grand Master retains
the ecclesiastical titles of Pontiff Emeritus of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, and
shall be created a hereditary Prince of the Temple of Solomon;
(b) Prince or Princess, designated "of the Temple of Solomon", an ecclesiastical title
which may be granted by the unanimous (100%) vote of the Grand Mastery, to a
person of exceptional virtue, cultural leadership and preservation of heritage, by
provisional assignment and delegation of Ecclesiastical Fons Honourum of the Pontiff
Prince. The grant of titular Prince or Princess of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon
may be either for life, or may be created as hereditary by succession;
(c) Vidame (reserved for male heirs, subject to approval by the Grand Chaplain), secular
guardian protector of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon and the denomination of
Ancient Catholicism as the ecclesiastical institutions and juridical patrimony of the
Article 12 Patronage of Ancient Catholic Church
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon hereby enshrines in this
Constitution its most sacred and profound Holy obligation to preserve and support the
tradition of canonical Apostolic classical Christianity, especially and primarily through the
original 1st century denomination of Ancient Catholicism, as the underlying foundations of all
denominations of Christianity.
In its traditional chivalric role as Defenders of the Faith, the Order shall perpetually
continue its essential mission of serving as guardians and protectors of the 12th century
Ancient Catholic Church, as the Pontificate unifying the 12th century Independent Church
Movement, the resulting 19th century Old Catholic Movement, and the derivative 20th century
Liberal Old Catholic Movement and Reformed Old Catholic Movement.
Templar Patronage of the Church To maintain the inter-faith character of the
chivalric aspect of the Order, and its Constitutional separation of religious and secular affairs,
the Ecclesiastical functions of the Order are delegated to the Ancient Catholic Church, in the
form of Patronage. Acceptance of such delegation and Patronage shall be manifested by the
Church acceding to the present Constitution of the Order, as the juridical and canonical
foundations for the autonomous Apostolic Charter of the Church.
Election of Supreme Pontiff The Supreme Pontiff (Summus Pontifex) of the
Ancient Catholic Church shall be elected under its Apostolic Charter by its autonomous
College of Bishops, but if such is in abeyance, then by the Grand Mastery of the Order (Canon
120, 2, Canon 121, Canon 123). Upon election, the Supreme Pontiff shall be canonically
incardinated into the personal prelature of the Grand Master (Canon 266, 1; Canon 268, 2;
Canon 294; Canon 295, 1) as the Fons Honourum of the denomination of Ancient
Catholicism, and installed and enthroned as Pontiff of the Ancient Catholic Church. The
Supreme Pontiff shall serve as the Pontifical Prelate of the Church, and Head of the Pontifical
Curia and College of Bishops, exercising autonomous primary authority over all canonical
and ecclesiastical matters of the Church.
Grand Master as Coadjutor Pontiff The Grand Master, as Pontifical Prince
High Priest (Princeps Pontifex Magnus Sacerdotem) of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon
as the Fons Honourum of the denomination of Ancient Catholicism, shall serve as the
Coadjutor Pontiff (Coadiutores Pontifex) under the Supreme Pontiff (Summus Pontifex) of
the Ancient Catholic Church, in the capacity of the Sovereign Pontiff (Princeps Pontifex)
representing the statehood of the Church as a sovereign subject of international law. (Canon
403, 3; Canon 405, 2; Canon 409, 1; Canon 413, 1)
Pontifical Role in Templar Governance The Supreme Pontiff (Summus
Pontifex) of the Ancient Catholic Church shall hold a seat on the Grand Mastery of the
Templar Order, serving as Grand Canon of the Order, as chief advisor to the Grand Mastery
on all canonical and ecclesiastical matters of the religious affairs of the Order.
Through the arrangement of the provisions of the present Article of the Constitution,
the Ancient Catholic Church shall be vigilantly protected and supported by the Templar
Order, as Guardians of the Church and Defenders of the Faith. The Order shall thus serve as
an external framework of security and infrastructure for practical support of the Church, as a
companion "Sister State".
Governance of the Principality
Article 13 The Sovereign Grand Master
The full title of the sovereign Head of State of the Order is the "Prince Grand Master".
The Head of State is a "Prince" under protocols of royalty and nobility by Magistral
Succession from a royal line of King Fulk, under canonical protocols by Ecclesiastical
Succession, and also by princely status inherent in the sovereignty of the Order as a
Principality of statehood. The Head of State is also a "Grand Master" under protocols of
chivalry as the highest position within the Order. The alternatives of "Sovereign Grand
Master" or "Sovereign Head of State" may also be used. The traditional short form,
embodying all of these titles, is otherwise simply "Grand Master". The proper courtesy style
of address, exclusive to the Grand Master, is the title "Most Eminent Highness" ("M.E.H.").
The Grand Master holds Fons Honourum and Jus Honourum authority which
constitutes the right to grant dynastic, sovereign and ecclesiastical Titles of Nobility,
Chivalry, Office or Government of the Order, and to establish and grant Orders of Honour.
This right is protected as a rule under historical and customary international law.
The Grand Master possesses the right to give Magistral Assent to all official actions,
the right to make Magistral Proclamations compelling any official actions, and the right of
veto power over any official decisions. In the sphere of sovereign jurisprudence, those rights
include the powers of pardon and clemency. In the sphere of diplomacy, they include the
right to personally ratify all treaties with other nations.
The Grand Master possesses the inalienable right to general governance over all
sovereign, geopolitical, political, juridical and civil affairs of the Order and its Subjects.
The Grand Master has only one obligation, to conduct all Magistral acts and courses of
general governance upon the advice and consultation of the Grand Mastery.
Election of the Grand Master The position of Grand Master is held for life.
Upon a vacancy of the Grand Master position, the Grand Commander shall immediately
stand in to exercise full authority of that role, serving as Acting Grand Master until such time
as election of the successor can be arranged (Temple Rule, Rule 204). The Grand Mastery
consisting of all Grand Officers shall serve as the council of electors (Temple Rule, Rules 206,
207). The Grand Master shall be the qualified Candidate who has the most votes, and whose
election is finally ratified by the simple majority (more than 50%) of the Grand Officers
(Temple Rule, Rules 202, 216, 218, Omne Datum Optimum).
Candidates for Grand Master Candidates for election as successor to the Grand
Master shall be nominated by the Grand Officers (Temple Rule, Rule 216). Candidates must
be a professed Knight or Dame of the Order, who has taken the Vow of Chivalry and sworn to
live by the Temple Rule and the Templar Code (Omne Datum Optimum). Candidates must
be qualified by a strong character fearless of adversity, a determination to uphold and
preserve traditional principles, a passion for Justice, an unshakeable spiritual Faith, and
academic skills to effectively navigate and apply historical and legal facts and theological
Priority of Candidates Priority of favourable consideration shall be given to
qualified Candidates, in order of precedence, as follows: (a) any person nominated by the
former Grand Master in a written instrument previously delivered to the Grand Mastery; (b)
one who has served as a Grand Officer of the Order; (c) one who has sufficient seniority and
demonstrated achievement as a Knight or Dame and Crown Officer of the Order; (d) one who
has active leadership experience in a legitimate historical Order of Chivalry or Royal House.
Deferred Succession In the event that a nominated Candidate is preferred by the
majority of votes, but is not yet sufficiently available to fully assume the responsibilities of
Grand Master, and such Candidate wishes to postpone but not decline succession, then the
election may be completed, while active succession may be deferred. In such event, the
Grand Commander shall serve as Acting Grand Master, in co-regency together with the
elected Grand Master, until such time as succession may be completed.
Article 14 The Government
The Government is the national advisory body and secular lawmaking body of the
Order, serving as its Parliament, responsible for guiding the policies of its internal and
foreign affairs.
The Government consists of all Grand Officers plus all Ministers of Parliament,
inclusively and collectively, all symbolically presided over by the Grand Master.
The Sovereign may appoint, or the Grand Officers may elect, one member to serve as
Chairman, and that Chairman may appoint one member to serve as Vice Chairman, leading
the Government on behalf of the Grand Master.
Qualification of Grand Officers Grand Officers must be qualified by a
significant level of studies and practice in a Priesthood or Clergy of an appropriate or relevant
religion, as well as having professional skills, expertise and qualifications in one or more
areas related to the functions and purposes of the Government, such that they are capable of
the highest level of stewardship of many millennia of the heritage and future of the Order as a
historical institution.
Qualification of Ministers Ministers of Parliament must be qualified by
previously holding Title of Nobility, Chivalry, Office, Government or Order of Honour of the
Order, or being an initiate of the Templar Priesthood, as well as having professional skills,
expertise and qualifications in one or more areas relevant to the functions and purposes of
the Government.
Appointment to Government Office Candidates for membership in the
Government may be nominated by the Grand Master or any Grand Officer or Minister of
Parliament. To be appointed to service of governmental office, a Grand Officer or Minister
must be approved by a simple majority (more than 50%) vote of the Government, followed by
official ratification and royal appointment by the Grand Master.
In the event of abeyance of any positions in the Government, the Grand Master may
appoint any appropriate and capable Crown Officers of any Office of State to exercise the
same powers and duties of a Grand Officer or Minister. In the event of abeyance of positions
of Grand Officers or Ministers such that remaining occupied positions are insufficient to
effectively operate the Order, any members of the family or trustees of the Grand Master may
exercise the powers and duties of Grand Officer or Minister.
The exercise of powers and duties of a Grand Officer or Minister position in abeyance
shall be by temporarily occupying the needed positions, indefinitely, for so long as may be
needed to arrange appointment of new Grand Officers or Ministers of the normal
qualifications, subject to the requirement that the Government must continually and
periodically make good faith efforts to arrange for new qualified appointments of members of
the Government.
Protocols of Voting by Government Officers The Government shall
collectively endeavour to seek unanimous consensus in determining matters of governance,
at all times to the extent such may be possible. All Government Officers are required to
maintain open channels of communications with sufficient responsiveness to actively
facilitate effective governance of the Order through deliberations and voting. Any apparent
refusal to respond, or any response apparently declining to vote, shall be deemed as
abstaining from such vote on that matter (Canon 751). In any case when an Officer abstains,
such abstention shall be deemed as delegating discretion to the Grand Justiciar to vote for
that Officer by proxy as a coadjutor (Canon 404, 1; Canon 406, 1).
10. Governance by Voting Shall be Unimpeded Matters of governance of the
Order shall not be delayed nor impeded by any non-responsiveness, nor by any failures of
timely response. Any proposal may be enacted, provided that the requisite quorum of
Government Officers who may vote have all been summoned with meaningful notice of the
subject matter for consideration (Canon 166). In the event that a majority do not respond,
the measure must be confirmed by the Grand Justiciar or Grand Commander and ratified by
the Grand Master (Canon 179, 1, 3), but cannot consist of any innovation in fundamental
principles or governance of the Order (Canon 335).
Proxy Delegation of Voting is Permitted Grand Officers and Ministers of the
Government are permitted to delegate or instruct an authorized proxy trustee, who shall be
legally empowered to vote or affix signatures on behalf of those officials who delegated or
instructed the proxy trustee. Such authorized proxy trustees shall also be permitted to
represent groups, categories of blocks of the Grand Mastery or the Government, or the Order
as a whole, if and when so legally empowered by an authorizing instrument.
Article 15 Titles of Nobility, Chivalry & Office
The Grand Master holds the power of Fons Honorum, the source of authority and the
right to grant official and sovereign Titles of Nobility, Chivalry, Office or Government of the
Order, and to create, establish and grant special Orders of Honour.
Titles of Nobility of the Order include, in descending order of hierarchy:
(a) Sovereign Prince, as Grand Master (inalienable by constitutional succession);
(b) Prince or Princess (inalienable by hereditary succession, reserved for lawful heirs
of the Sovereign Prince or Emeritus Grand Master);
(c) Duke or Duchess (must be with territorial designation of an appropriate selected
historical site or territory within the Principality of Antioch);
(d) Marquis or Marquise (may optionally be with territorial designation of an
appropriate selected historical site or territory within the Principality of Antioch);
(e) Count or Countess;
(f) Viscount or Viscountess;
(g) Baron or Baroness;
(h) Hereditary Knight or Dame of the Temple of Solomon (may use the post-
nominal abbreviations HKTS or HDTS respectively).
The Nobility Titles of Duke, Marquis, Count, Vidame, Viscount and Baron are
presumed by default to be designated by ("of") the surname, but may optionally be
designated by an appropriate selected historical site or territory within the Principality of
Titles of Nobility may be granted as either "hereditary" or "non-hereditary" (life
without succession), as determined by the Grand Mastery and ratified by the Grand Master,
and the nature of such grant shall be indicated on the Letters Patent issued by the Order.
Titles of Nobility granted as "hereditary" are intended to be held in perpetuity, and
subsequently passed on through hereditary succession by qualified sanguine or legal heirs or
successors legally appointed by the holder of the Title, and otherwise in accordance with
traditional and historical protocols of royalty and nobility, provided that male heirs have
priority, whereby female heirs hold valid title and pass to subsequent male heirs, and
hereditary descendants have priority over heirs by marriage or adoption.
Title of Nobility granted as "hereditary" may not be revoked, except by reason of
extreme dishonourable or adverse conduct such as Treason against the Order as a nation
state, or Hostilities against Peace against any foreign nation, as determined by a special Court
of Honour convened by the Grand Mastery. Any such revocation is presumed as intended to
apply only to the current holder, but the title may pass to the next heir only subject to
approval by the Grand Mastery and ratification by the Grand Master. A title may be
permanently revoked and barred from all heirs, in the event of additional excommunication
on the ground of aggravating circumstances, declared by the Magistral Decree of the Grand
Titles of Nobility granted as "non-hereditary" are intended to be held "for life",
without hereditary succession, but may be revoked for any dishonourable or adverse conduct
as determined by a special Court of Honour convened by the Grand Mastery.
Titles of Chivalric Service consist of the following levels of active service in the
chivalric aspect of the Order:
(a) Knight or Dame of the Temple of Solomon, for professionals chosen by the
Grand Mastery for demonstrated merits and accomplishments upholding and
representing the traditions of the Order and collectively leading its humanitarian
missions. The age for becoming a Knight or Dame is 21 years, with exceptions by
special dispensation by the Grand Master. (Knights and Dames Templar may use
the post-nominal abbreviations KTS or DTS respectively);
(b) Knight or Dame of the Order of Saladin, for Muslims who are dedicated to the
ancient Code of Chivalry in the tradition of General Saladin, admitted for
participation in general membership activities and events as Brothers and Sisters
among Templars, through parallel membership in the autonomous affiliate
"Knights of the Order of Saladin" under Sovereign Patronage of the Templar Order,
who may also hold various secular Titles of Office within the Templar Order.
(Knights and Dames of Saladin may use the post-nominal abbreviations KOS or
DOS respectively);
(c) Donat of Devotion, for Patron sponsors contributing substantial financial
donations to support the humanitarian missions of the Order, in full participation
of membership as Templar Brothers and Sisters, but without any requirement of
active service;
(d) Temple Guardian, for prominent members of major achievements or capabilities
which carry inherent benefits to the Order, engaged in active service supporting the
missions of Knights and Dames, dedicated to infrastructure development and
guardianship for preservation of Templar heritage;
(e) Sergeant or Adjutante Templar, for primary general membership of the Order,
in active service as skilled professionals directly assisting and supporting the
missions of Knights and Dames. The age for becoming a Sergeant or Adjutante is 17
years, with exceptions by special dispensation by the Grand Master;
Squire or Lady in Waiting, for children not yet of age for full participation, who
are considered to have chivalric character and are expected to thrive as titled
Knights and Dames in the future, either children who embrace the chivalric culture
of their parents, or who demonstrate an independent passion for history and noble
pursuits. A Squire or Lady in Waiting must participate with a parent, legal
guardian, or selected mentor approved by a parent, who must be a titled Knight or
Dame. The age for becoming a Squire or Lady in Waiting is 13 years, with
exceptions by special dispensation by the Grand Master.
Titles of Chivalry are held only "for life" without hereditary succession (hereditary
Knighthood falls under Titles of Nobility), but may be revoked for any dishonourable or
adverse conduct as determined by a special Court of Honour convened by the Grand Mastery.
Offices of Chivalric Order include, in descending order of hierarchy:
(a) Grand Master, as Commander in Chief of the Order as a chivalric institution, also
serving as Pontifical Prince High Priest (Princeps Pontifex Magnus Sacerdotem) of
its Ancient Priesthood of Solomon (inalienable by hereditary or constitutional
(b) Grand Prior(ess) ("Provincial Master"), supervising authority for a geographic
region ("province") of the relevant Grand Priory, which can be designated for a
regional, national or multinational territory, or named for its international non-
territorial mission;
(c) Prior(ess) ("Master"), supervising authority for a local area of the relevant Priory,
which can be designated for a local or regional territory, or named for its non-
territorial mission;
(d) Chancellor, a special Crown Officer representing the Grand Mastery as a
supervising governor and Judiciary administrator, overseeing assigned projects or
missions of the Order, often heading a Chancery as a portfolio of one or more
Ministries of the Government;
Justiciar, lawyer and legal advisor for the Order or any subdivision, also Judge in
charge of resolving complaints or disputes involving members of the chivalric
aspect of the Order, and administering disciplinary measures;
(f) Commander, active mission director for a local Commandery as an autonomous
outpost facility and base of operations under the Grand Mastery or the sponsorship
of a Grand Priory;
(g) Almoner ("Treasurer"), a treasurer and traditional "keeper of the vault", managing
the financial operations and economic affairs of the Order or any subdivision;
(h) Chaplain ("Priest"), ordained as a Priest (or Priestess) under the ecclesiastical
authority of the Order, as an ecclesiastical scholar serving in ministry or priesthood,
administering spiritual and religious rites and ceremonies, and mentoring members
of the Order in spiritual pursuits;
Preceptor, supervising academic educator, as a leading instructor for traditional
nobiliary knowledge and chivalric skills training, often heading a Preceptory as a
local training facility, or overseeing a network of Preceptories in multiple territories;
(j) Marshall of Court, in charge of organizing and administering the proceedings of
activities and events of the Order on behalf of the Nobiliary Court of the Grand
Mastery, and charged with conducting active public relations and membership
recruiting for the Order or any subdivision;
(k) Turcopolier, a native or ethnic Arab, in the role of a cultural advisor for Middle
East affairs, and as an assistant supporting the Templars in general membership,
traditionally serving under a Marshall, but with temporary command authority over
Knights when acting as a scout, and over Sergeants when at arms;
Chamberlain of Court, in charge of management and administration of a
residential, monastic, diplomatic or working facility of the Order or any subdivision,
on behalf of the Nobiliary Court of the Grand Mastery;
(m) Steward, a representative of the Grand Mastery, facilitating missions or operations
of the Order, assisting and supporting other chivalric officers, serving as diplomatic
caretaker of visitors, and as a trustee for custodial stewardship of archives,
materials or artifacts of heritage of the Order;
(n) Sentinel, a representative of the Grand Mastery, as a watch-keeper monitoring
subjects, events or trends by open-source means, reporting on any adverse
developments or strategic opportunities which can affect the interests or missions
of the Order for humanitarian purposes, and supporting other chivalric officers to
ensure the ethics, authenticity and integrity of the Order;
(o) Herald, also Master of the College of Arms, a qualified expert in all rules and
protocols of royalty, nobility, chivalry, heraldry and genealogy. This office is under
the authority of the Marshall;
(p) Armorer, in charge of procurement, management and distribution of all approved
regalia, insignia, equipment and ceremonial tools for the officers and members of
the Order or any subdivision, and all display items that represent the Order in any
manner. This office is under the authority of the Marshall;
(q) Registrar, in charge of registering and managing records and documents related to
membership, policies
and decisions of
the Government,
communications and records related to the Order or any subdivision;
Titles of Office are granted only to a qualified individual with sufficient expertise to
serve in the relevant Magistral Office, as determined by the Government.
Titles of Office are intended to be held for life, without hereditary succession, for as
long as the person is willing and able to perform the official functions of the Office, but may
be revoked for any dishonourable or adverse conduct as determined by the Government.
12. Offices of Government include, in descending order of priority:
(a) Prince Grand Master as Sovereign Head of State of the Order as a sovereign
subject of international law, for all secular and operational governance (inalienable
by constitutional succession);
(b) Grand Regent, provides assistance and oversight on matters of policy, ethics and
governance of the Order as a historical institution, guiding the policy considerations
of the Grand Mastery; Traditionally, should be a person who is a source of
supplemental Sovereign or Ecclesiastical Patronage or Protection of the Order; The
title of Grand Regent may be distinguished by a designation of territorial heraldic
patrimony, or of a related or supporting historical institution;
(c) Grand Chancellor, senior special Crown Officer representing the Grand Mastery,
as the Chief Minister of State, supervising governor and Judiciary administrator,
overseeing the Chancery of all foreign affairs and diplomatic relations, and other
assigned projects or missions of the Order as a portfolio of one or more Ministries
of the Government;
(d) Grand Justiciar, senior lawyer and legal advisor for the Government, managing
legal strategies, overseeing, coordinating and supporting legal work by Justiciars of
all subdivisions; Chief Judge in charge of resolving complaints or disputes
involving members of the chivalric aspect of the Order, and administering
disciplinary measures;
(e) Grand Commander, second highest authority, chief advisor, chief administrator,
chief of mission strategies, and acting substitute for the Grand Master as needed;
(f) Grand Almoner, chief treasurer, managing all financial and tangible assets of the
treasury of the Grand Mastery, including real estate properties, and upholding and
enforcing contracts related to such assets or deeds and easements on such
(g) Grand Seneschal, senior advisor and project manager for both Grand Master and
Grand Commander, coordinating general internal operations for effective
functioning of the Order, providing strategic and operational development of the
Order for its public relations and contributions to society;
(h) Grand Marshall, chief administrator supporting the Nobiliary Court of the Grand
Mastery, directing and coordinating projects and missions of the Order, overseeing
the Marshalls of all subdivisions, serving as the chief of protocol administering the
proceedings of ceremonial events, generally in charge of public relations and
membership recruiting campaigns to support humanitarian missions of the Order;
(i) Grand Canon, chief advisor to the Grand Mastery on all canonical and
ecclesiastical matters, exercising the ecclesiastical authority vested in the Grand
Mastery as its Coajutoris Pontifex, serving as the Pontifical Prelate and Head of the
Curia of the Ancient Catholic Church; Must be a canonical Bishop of Apostolic
lineage from a classical Church;
(j) Grand Chaplain, senior Priest for internal ecclesiastical affairs of the Order,
overseeing its appointed Chaplains of all subdivisions, supporting spiritual and
religious activities within the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, representing the
Order's religious denomination of Ancient Catholicism;
(k) Grand Preceptor, senior academic and educational director for all historical,
theological and cultural research, publications, teaching materials and training
programs of the Order, developing strategies and policies for its internal
educational functions
(l) Member of Parliament, an alternative title for all Grand Officers and Ministers
of an Office of State, describing their role on the parliamentary Government (may
use the post-nominal abbreviation "MP");
(m) Minister with Portfolio, a Magistral Secretary of any sphere of governance,
including of any related Ministry, as may be necessary or appropriate from time to
(n) Minister without Portfolio, a Magistral Secretary not assigned a portfolio of any
sphere of governance, permitted to sit on the parliamentary Government as a voting
Minister of Parliament;
(o) Ambassador, either "at large" for general international relations, or assigned to
lead a diplomatic mission for a designated territory;
(p) Diplomatic or Consular Officer, either as a direct diplomatic appointment as a
diplomatic agent or consular official, or as support staff for any diplomatic mission
of the Order;
(q) Crown Officer (Magistral Officer), appointed, assigned or delegated by the
Prince Grand Master to perform any function of secular governance or
administration of the Order as a sovereign subject of international law, as may be
necessary or appropriate from time to time, whether holding a Title of Office or as a
general Magistral Officer performing specific official functions.
Grand Officer positions in the Government are traditionally intended to be held "for
life" (without hereditary succession), but may be revoked for any dishonourable or adverse
conduct as determined by a special Court of Honour convened by the Grand Mastery.
Otherwise, a Grand Officer position may be vacated in the event of a prolonged period or
pattern of inactivity or insufficiency of meaningful contributions to operations of the Order,
upon a unanimous (100%) vote of the remaining Grand Officers ratified by the Grand Master.
While the status of Grand Officer is generally held "for life", the Grand Master may
reassign the portfolio of any Grand Officers, thereby modifying the descriptive Title of Grand
Officers, in accordance with operational needs of the Order (Temple Rule, Rule 35), upon the
advice and counsel of the Grand Mastery.
Orders of Honour are granted at the will and pleasure of the Grand Master.
All holders of a Title of Nobility, Chivalry, Office or Government of the Order, or Order
of Honour, are expected to serve as "good will ambassadors" and representatives to any and
all other organizations within their purview (Temple Rule, Rule 37).
Award of any Title of Nobility, Chivalry, Office or Government of the Order, or Order
of Honour, may be granted by the Government, with the assent and ratification by the Grand
Revocation of any Title of Nobility, Chivalry, Office or Government of the Order, or
Order of Honour may only be performed by the Grand Master or his designated Crown
In the event that any foreign law prohibits, purports to invalidate, or requires a
Subject to renounce any Title of Nobility, Chivalry or Order of Honour of the Order, such
requirement or renunciation may be valid only within the boundaries of jurisdiction of that
country, but shall not be recognized by the Order, and through the Order as a sovereign
nation state the Title or Order shall continue to be fully valid in all nations whose laws do not
prohibit such honours. Citizens of countries which prohibit accepting "chivalric knighthood
titles" may be able to accept a Title of Office, in accordance with the foreign law.
Article 16 Secular & Religious Affairs
The Order, as a historical institution, incorporates and embodies secular governance
and chivalric heritage as a Principality, in addition to its Ecclesiastical authority, and
traditionally maintains a degree of separation between secular or chivalric matters and
religious affairs.
Application of Principles of Divine Law Notwithstanding the distinction
between secular and religious affairs, the Grand Master, the Government and all other Crown
Officers are empowered to apply customary doctrines of Canon law and established
principles of Divine law in the interpretation of any laws, and in the making of any official
policies, acts or decisions of the Order.
Cultural Character of Christianity The Order retains its original cultural
character as a historical institution of predominantly Christian traditions, and thus may
practice or promote general expressions of Christian Faith in the conduct of its activities of
Royalty, Nobility and Chivalry, or any and all related ceremonial practices by traditional
Freedom of Religion for all Subjects Notwithstanding the traditional spiritual
and religious affiliations of the Order as a sovereign historical institution, all Subjects of the
Order retain the inalienable right and absolute freedom to practice any religion of their
choosing, which shall never be infringed by its secular or chivalric governance, and thus
participation in its traditional religious affairs shall be purely optional and voluntary (Temple
Rule, Rules 65, 66, 67, 279, 630).
Non-Discrimination in Secular Affairs The Order as a sovereign Principality
shall not discriminate against any religious Faith of genuine spirituality, nor against any
denomination of any religion, in any aspect of its secular or chivalric affairs or governance,
including in the granting any secular Offices of Government or secular Orders of Honour.
Sovereign Laws & Acts
Article 17 Purpose & Scope of Laws & Acts
All Juridical Laws and Regulatory Acts of the Order shall be made only for the primary
purpose to protect and defend the rights of its Subjects, and to assert and uphold their civil
rights and human rights under international law throughout the world community.
Any enacted legislation of the Order may include either the word "Law" or "Act" in its
title, alternatively and interchangeably, as may be considered appropriate in the
grammatical, stylistic and political context of each title. Whether a particular legislation is
legally classified as a Juridical Law or a Regulatory Act is determined by whether its
substance is juridical or regulatory in nature, in accordance with the descriptions of this
Article 18 Juridical Laws
Juridical Laws may be made for the purpose of establishing the terms and conditions
defining rights, obligations, prohibitions or liabilities in any sphere of conduct or activities
subject to sovereign secular governance.
No Law of the Order shall serve nor be applied to in any way restrict or inhibit the
conduct or activities of Subjects in their personal or economic lives, nor to unreasonably or
otherwise unduly interfere with their commercial or professional activities.
Article 19 Regulatory Acts
Regulatory Acts of the Order may be made for the sole purpose to provide Licenses
granting rights to conduct activities that affect the public welfare, of the type which are
customarily regulated by license or permit by most nations.
The types of Licenses provided by a Regulatory Act may include, but are not limited to,
sovereign and international driving permits for motor vehicles, registration of property such
as motor vehicles, boats or ships that can be used or operated in other countries based upon
the foreign sovereign registration, sovereign legalization of marriage or divorce, license to
practice a specialized profession, establishment of an educational institution, and sovereign
charter and registration of a corporation or organization.
Regulatory Acts may require only fundamental standards of qualification, safety or
quality control, only to the extent necessary for the Licenses to hold sufficient weight to be
accepted in the international community. Acts may require a reasonable degree of non-
intrusive oversight, a venue for complaints, and sanctions or revocation of Licenses for
proven violations.
Regulatory Acts shall not serve to limit individuals in the exercise of their rights or
practice of their professions, but must reasonably serve to empower them and enhance the
value of their contributions to the common good. No Act shall serve nor be applied to hinder
or interfere with authorized activities, nor to unduly influence the exercise of independent
discretionary judgment in the course of practice of a specialized profession.
Licenses provided under Regulatory Acts may be granted to external individuals or
entities as well as to Subjects of the Order.
Sovereign Charter and registration of a corporation or organization, having the
character of an incorporation document of a legal entity issued by a state authority, may be
issued by the Order, with or without a related Regulatory Act.
Article 20 Enactment of Sovereign Laws & Acts
Drafting of a proposed new Law or Act of the Order may be made upon the initiative of
a qualified Grand Officer or Minister of Parliament of the Government, by a committee
formed from the Government, by a contracting institution or qualified group of experts
appointed by the Grand Master or the Government, or by any of the above in combination.
For the effective enactment of any new Juridical Law or Regulatory Act of the Order,
the Government must approve the proposed legislation by a two thirds (66%) vote. Such
enactment is subject to mandatory ratification by the Grand Master, who may either exercise
veto power, or ratify the legislation as duly enacted and having full and binding legal force
and effect.
Article 21 Sovereign Revenues with No Taxation
As a constitutional framework for the enactment and interpretation of sovereign
Juridical Laws and Regulatory Acts of the Order, insofar as such may be related to matters of
sovereign revenues and taxation, the following principles shall apply:
No Taxes and No Tax Reporting In accordance with the founding principle of
the Order to uphold, expand, promote, assert and protect the rights and freedoms of its
Subjects, no Law nor Act of the Order shall levy any taxes on income or property, nor on
transfer or inheritance of wealth or property, nor on personal, professional or commercial
activities of Subjects. Furthermore, no Subject shall be required to file any reports on any
income or property, neither annually nor otherwise.
Granting of Tax Exempt Status Charters issued by the Order for incorporation
of organizations designated as "non-profit" or "not for profit" shall have the absolute effect of
granting the legal entity Tax Exempt status, such that any and all philanthropic gifts, grants
or donations to such organizations should be treated as universally Tax Deductible by
international standards.
Royalties Only for Sovereign Privileges The Order may levy customary
Royalties only in connection with the use of sovereign property, resources or privileges of, or
patronage or endorsement by, the Order, subject to private sovereign contractual
agreements, or as may be established by its Regulatory Acts.
Non-Profit Revenues of the Order Revenues for the charitable and
humanitarian operations of the Order are primarily generated through non-profit
fundraising. All such funds shall be managed and administered through a non-profit
Foundation of the Order, or through an independent third-party non-profit organization
authorized by the Grand Master.
Non-Profit Use of Funds All revenues generated or received by or for the Order
shall be used for the types of non-profit activities and humanitarian operations which are
customarily treated as universally Tax Deductible by international standards.
Article 22 Treason & Hostilities against Peace
As a constitutional framework for the enactment and interpretation of sovereign
Juridical Laws and Regulatory Acts of the Order, insofar as such may be related to matters
involving offenses affecting constitutional rights, the following principles shall apply:
Treason Against the Principality Treason is committed when a Subject takes
any hostile or destructive action intended to undermine the lawful rights and interests of the
Order as a sovereign Principality. Such hostile actions include any conspiracy, incitement,
advocating or promoting, or any threat or action towards:
(a) information warfare, economic warfare, sabotage of infrastructure, seeking to
undermine the sovereign status or diplomatic relations of the Order under international law,
(b) violating civil or human rights of, or causing physical harm to, the Grand Master, any
member of the Government, or any Crown Officer of the Order, or any member of their
families, (c) espionage relating to any sovereign state secrets or potentially affecting the
personal security of any Grand Officers, Ministers of Parliament or Crown Officers, (d)
dissemination of false misrepresentations of fact to mislead public opinion for the purpose of
advocating or promoting any unlawful acts, or for the purpose of subversion or
destabilization of peace or public order, or (e) otherwise aiding or protecting any foreign
nation or non-nationals in committing such hostile actions.
Hostilities Against Peace The Order recognizes that its true history is
authentically rooted in: nation building and promoting peace, not hostilities against foreign
peoples; defending and upholding individual rights, not violating the rights of others;
chivalric service as defenders, peace-keeping forces, and developers of infrastructure in
foreign lands, not as aggressors. In keeping with this tradition, and to preserve the peaceful
role and standing of the Order in the international community, it shall not be permitted for
any Subject of the Order to commit hostilities against any Nation-State. The offence of
Hostilities against Peace is committed when a Subject:
(a) performs, advocates or promotes any act against any foreign Nation-State that
would be Treason if committed against the Order, or (b) engages in any illegitimate military,
paramilitary, governmental or quasi-governmental hostilities against any Nation-State which
would contravene or undermine established principles of international law.
Administration of Justice
Article 23 Sovereign Authority for Magistral Courts
Magistral Courts The Grand Master or the Government of the Order, by
inalienable right as a sovereign Principality of statehood, may establish Magistral Courts for
the administration of justice, in both civil and criminal matters, on both common law and
statutory claims. Such Magistral Courts shall have official authority to conduct
investigations, issue and enforce subpoenas and summons, issue and enforce judgments, and
to exercise all other official powers traditionally and customarily within the authority of
Courts of Law of a Nation-State, in all matters within the jurisdiction of the Order under its
sovereign Laws. Such Magistral Courts may be established under sovereign authority of the
Order as a Principality, to operate in any location on any territory.
The Government shall enact Rules of Judicial Procedure as a Juridical Law governing
any Magistral Courts which may be established by the Government.
Court of Honour A Court of Honour shall be a formal adjudication by customary
practices of Chivalry, for matters relating to the honour and integrity of any Subject who is
challenged or accused on ethical or moral issues, to determine worthiness for entitlement to
holding chivalric or nobiliary honours. The standards of conduct used for such
determination shall be the Code of Chivalry of 1066 AD, Temple Rule of 1129 AD, Templar
Code of 1150 AD, and Code of Canon Law.
A Court of Honour shall be administered by the Grand Justiciar, or by another Crown
Officer delegated by the Grand Justiciar or appointed by the Grand Master, serving in the
role of a Marshall presiding over the hearing. The presiding Marshall shall assemble an ad
hoc tribunal consisting of titled Knights or Dames or other Nobility, and shall provide an
opportunity for the Subject to be heard, and to submit written statements and evidence in
one's defense. The Marshall shall issue a written Disposition citing the findings of fact,
reasons and conclusions of the tribunal. The Disposition of a Court of Honour is subject to
appeal to the Grand Mastery.
Article 24 Authority for International Courts
Appointment of Court of Record As an alternative to directly exercising
sovereignty by a Magistral Court, for more independent and indirect exercise of such
authority of the Principality, the Grand Master may appoint any independent, non-profit,
international organization, operated by the independent Judiciary profession, to serve as the
authorized official Court of Record for the administration of Justice. Such appointment may
be on a case-by-case basis, or related to any particular Juridical Law or Regulatory Act, or for
all matters arising under the Acts and Laws of the Order collectively.
Delegated Administration of Justice An appointed Court of Record shall
administer Justice on the basis of delegation of state functions to such Court as an
independent government contractor, conducting binding arbitration. Such Court shall be
solely responsible for the interpretation, application, adjudication and enforcement of the
sovereign Laws and Acts of the Order. All petitions, motions, responses and evidence are
filed directly with the independent Court. All findings, orders and judgments issued by an
appointed Court of Record shall be enforceable as private binding arbitration awards under
international law.
Acceptance of Rules of Court When appointing an authorized Court of Record,
the Government shall approve and accept the established Rules of Procedure and other Rules
of Court of the independent Court of Record as the basis for its appointment and
authorization to interpret and enforce the Acts and Laws of the Order.
Adoption of Independent Judgments Whenever arbitration awards are
independently issued by any appointed Court of Record for any claim or dispute, the Order
shall automatically adopt the independent judgments as official sovereign judgments of the
Order itself as a Principality. Such adoption shall serve to supplement the independent
judgments, giving them additional weight of sovereign authority as official governmental
determinations under international law. Notwithstanding the supporting sovereign
endorsement, independent judgments issued by the Court of Record shall be enforced
autonomously by the issuing Court under established mechanisms of international law.
Ratification of Sovereign Judgments When judgments are issued by a
Magistral Court of the Order, the Grand Justiciar may submit such judgment for review and
ratification by an independent appointed Court of Record, which may adopt the order as an
arbitration award, to be enforced autonomously by the Court of Record under established
mechanisms of international law.
Separation of Criminal Judgments Elements of judgments by a Court of
Record involving penal criminal liabilities, which are distinct from monetary arbitration
awards, shall be issued as separate Court Orders. Orders ruling on penal criminal
convictions and sentences may be additionally enforced by the Order through diplomatic
channels and by the exercise of its sovereign rights as a Principality of statehood under
international law.
Article 25 Bases of Sovereign Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction for Sovereign Territories The Order has subject matter
jurisdiction over all things involving or occurring on any legal Territories or sovereign
Territories of the Order as defined in this Constitution, and has personal jurisdiction over any
persons who engaged in conduct or actions on the premises of such Territories.
Jurisdiction for Sovereign Subjects The Order has personal jurisdiction over
all Subjects, and subject matter jurisdiction over all things affecting the rights and interests
of its Subjects.
Jurisdiction for Sovereign Privileges The Order has personal jurisdiction over
any non-nationals or non-Subjects applying for or receiving any rights, advantages or
Licenses under any Regulatory Acts of the Order for the purpose of benefitting from the
sovereign status of the Order. It also has subject matter jurisdiction over all things involving
or arising from such rights under its Acts.
Jurisdiction for Hostile Engagement The Order has personal and subject
matter jurisdiction over any non-nationals who take any hostile action intended to cause any
harm or damage to, or otherwise undermine, the lawful rights and interests of the Order as a
sovereign institution or any of its Nationals or Subjects as individuals. Such hostile actions
include, but are not limited to, unlawful interference, espionage, information warfare,
economic warfare, sabotage, violation of due process rights, civil rights or human rights, and
disregard or violation of diplomatic privileges and immunities, that are committed in any
jurisdiction on any territory.
Jurisdiction for Constructive Consent Any appointed Court of Record has full
jurisdiction over any person or entity whose actions give the Order jurisdiction, and over any
subject matter arising therefrom, by legal effect of this Constitution being a public law, thus
constituting a binding public contract and covenant issued and accepted by constructive
public notice to all persons. Therefore, by committing any act in violation of the rights
provided by this Constitution or of the Laws and Acts of the Order enacted under this
Constitution, a person or entity thereby contractually manifests constructive consent to both
jurisdiction of adjudication and also enforceability of any resulting binding arbitration
awards by an independent Court by the means provided under international law.
Article 26 Fundamental Principles of Justice
All Judges, whether of a Magistral Court or Court of Honour of the Order, or of an
appointed independent Court of Record authorized by the Order, shall have the full status
and protection as a Crown Officer exercising his capacity as a government official. All
Judges, whether or not they may also be Subjects of the Order, are guaranteed full privilege
and immunity in the free exercise of their independent professional discretion in
adjudicating cases and issuing judgments, and shall be strictly protected from any type of
undue influence, political or other pressure in any form.
It the fundamental and essential function of any Magistral Court of the Order, or any
appointed Court of Record authorized by the Order, to uphold the rule of law, by strict
adherence to the mandatory principle and core responsibility of applying the relevant
provisions of enacted or customary law to the facts of a case as demonstrated by the evidence,
in the context of due process of law honouring relevant constitutional rights.
Article 27 Appellate Principles for Administration of Justice
Appeals on judgments of an appointed Court of Record must first follow any process
for appeals provided by the independent Court of Record in accordance with its established
rules and procedures under the applicable Rules of Court used to adjudicate the case. Under
international principles of binding arbitration judgments, appeal rulings by an independent
Court shall be presumed final. Notwithstanding, after an appeal ruling by the Court of
Record, a petition for higher appeal may be made to the Grand Mastery of the Order, which
may accept or decline to consider the petition, at its sole discretion.
Appeals on any judgments from a Magistral Court of the Order are made by petition to
the Grand Mastery, which shall fully and duly consider and rule upon appeals from the
Magistral Court, in accordance with its enacted or customary rules for administration of
In the event of rejection by the Grand Mastery of a petition to appeal a binding
arbitration award or analogous judgment of an appointed Court of Record, or on any adverse
ruling by the Grand Mastery after considering a petition to appeal a judgment of either a
Magistral Court or independent Court of Record, one final highest appeal may be made by
petition to the Grand Master, who may accept or decline to consider such petition, at the sole
and independent discretion of the Grand Master.
Fundamental Rights of Subjects & Nationals
Article 28 Constitutional Bill of Rights
The Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon recognizes and holds sacred
the principle that all rights of individuals are God-given fundamental rights, which are
inherently part of the necessary balance of life under natural law, subject only to God's Law
as the laws of the Universe which apply to our worldly lives. Therefore, such rights are held
to fully exist, and held to require that they be upheld as mandatory before God, regardless of
whether they purport to be granted by any nation as enacted law, and regardless of whether
they are recognized by being enumerated in any Constitution, convention or declaration of
international law.
In accordance with the timeless principle of God-given fundamental rights, the
present Constitution enumerates only certain rights which are commonly and traditionally
referred to by Nation-States, and shall not be construed nor applied to preclude nor abrogate
any other rights of individuals which are recognized under Canon law or customary
international law.
The Order, by its Laws, Acts and all royal and official policies, activities and actions,
shall serve as a conduit, steward and guardian under God, to respect, promote, uphold,
defend, protect and enforce the personal rights of its Subjects as individuals.
The Order, to the extent practically possible, in particular by and through its sovereign
Laws and Acts under the present Constitution and its diplomatic relations in foreign affairs,
shall vindicate the individual rights of its Subjects against unjust attack or infringement, and
in the case of injustice done, shall vindicate the rights of dignity, reputation, freedom and all
other rights of its Subjects, to the extent possible by exercise of its sovereign powers and
Wherefore, in accordance with the above principles of moral law and doctrines of
juridical law, the Order as a Principality of statehood specifies the following rights which
most benefit from Constitutional clarification, without excluding any other rights not
described in the present Constitution:
Equality Under the Law All individuals, as human natural persons, shall be held
equal before the law, while giving due regard and consideration of any disabilities,
differences of physical or mental capacity, and social function.
Freedom to Travel The basic human right of freedom of travel shall not be
infringed. All persons have the right of freedom of movement to, from, between and among
nations and states, subject only to reasonable visa requirements on the sovereign territories
of respective nations, without discrimination as to any political, religious or national
affiliation of travelers.
Freedom of Transportation The basic human right of freedom of transportation
shall not be infringed. All persons have the right of freedom to transport themselves and
others from place to place upon and throughout God's Earth, by all means of transport
including animals and motor vehicles, on all territories in all jurisdictions of all nations,
subject only to reasonable public safety requirements on the sovereign territories of
respective nations.
Freedom of Multinationality The fundamental right of freedom to hold multiple
residences, citizenships and nationalities shall not be infringed. All persons have the right to
hold official status from multiple countries or nations, voluntarily by personal choice and
individual preference of lifestyle, according to cultural affinities. All persons have the right to
choose in which national jurisdictions to establish personal and family life, and in which
jurisdictions to establish business or professional activities, in accordance with the
ambitions, desires, life and professional strategies of each individual.
Freedom of Speech The fundamental right of freedom of speech, the ability to
freely express the opinions and ideas of one's conscience, shall not be infringed. All persons
have the right to express themselves verbally, in writing, and in audio, visual and printed
media, regarding all manner of political opinions, religious persuasions, social or cultural
affiliations, and for all other lawful purposes. Provided, however, that protected "speech"
shall not include the communication of any ideas consisting of the following: (a) hate speech
inciting adversity against any cultural, ethnic, religious or national group, (b) unlawful false
defamation of any person or group, (c) any form of incitement towards violence, (d)
advocating or promoting any act of Treason, or (e) advocating or promoting any act of
Hostilities against Peace.
Freedom of Religion The basic human right of freedom of choice, affiliation and
expression of religion shall not be infringed. All persons have the right to believe in, fully
practice, and profess their faith in any religion of their personal preference, having full
freedom of conscience, subject only to reasonable and non-intrusive requirements of public
order to avoid infringing the lawful rights of others.
Right to Live in Peace The basic human right of freedom to live in peace and
conduct one's private and professional life in the pursuit of happiness, without undue state
interference, shall not be infringed. All persons have the right to be left to lead their lives
freely and independently, without any intrusion, hindrance, harassment or interference by
any government or state-sponsored actor, subject only to reasonable and non-intrusive
requirements in the public interest for the common good.
Right to Make a Living The basic human right of freedom to work, to make a
living, to receive and enjoy full and unhindered access to and benefits from the economic
fruits of one's labour, and to provide for one's family shall not be infringed. All persons have
the right to practice their chosen trade or profession, on the basis of qualifying education and
experience, subject only to reasonable and non-intrusive standards of conduct for respecting
the rights of others in the public interest.
Right to Ownership of Property The basic human right to freely acquire, own,
protect, keep, access and use one's property, through one's own efforts or merits, shall not be
infringed. All persons have the natural right of private ownership and full and unhindered
use of one's tangible property, and the inalienable right to transfer, bequeath and inherit
property over many generations, and no government shall usurp, deprive, undermine nor
interfere with those rights.
10. Right to Inviolability of Personal Space Any residential dwelling or place of
abode, and also any private workshop or facility used for practicing one's trade or profession,
as well as all personal effects and belongings on or around the person, his place of dwelling,
private workshop or means of transport, shall be inviolable. All persons have the basic
human right of privacy and inviolability of their personal space and effects. Accordingly, no
such places, spaces nor property shall be forcibly nor unreasonably entered or searched, nor
any items seized, except in accordance with enacted Law or Act. Provided, however, that any
lawful search or seizure must be strictly upon the basis of demonstrable probable cause to
believe the involvement of a serious crime likely to cause severe harm or damage to
individuals or the public interest, and upon the basis of a warrant issued by a qualified
objective Crown Officer for the administration of Justice.
Right to Integrity of Institution of Family The institution of Family is the
natural primary and essential unit and the core foundation of society, which embodies and
uniquely provides for the most fundamental human needs for emotional and social support,
comfort and companionship in home life, and the meaningful conduct of one's private life.
The institution of Family is therefore held sacred as the necessary basis of social order that is
indispensible to the welfare and prosperity of the Order as a Nation-State, without which the
common good cannot be achieved. The Order recognizes the most ancient God's Truth, that
the succession of generations, social and moral education, individual private traditions, and
inheritance over generations, all primarily provided by the institution of Family, is the core
foundation for longevity of the Order, preservation of its contributions to the collective
heritage of humanity, and continuation of the historical missions of its ancestors. Therefore,
all persons have the basic human right for the institution of Family to be sacrosanct,
inalienable and inviolable. Accordingly, the Order as a Principality shall exercise all its
sovereign powers and authorities to its fullest abilities, to protect the integrity and authority
of the institution of Family, and defend those rights against any attack, obstruction,
infringement or subversion.
Right to Due Process of Law No person shall be deprived of any right, freedom,
liberty or property, without due process of law. The fundamental right of due process of law
shall not be infringed. Due process consists of (a) substantive disclosure of all accusations,
witnesses and evidence against the person, (b) full and fair hearing by competent
adjudicators, (c) meaningful opportunity for rebuttal on disputed facts and to present
evidence in defense against all accusations, (d) due weight, and full and proper consideration,
given to all exculpatory facts and evidence, and (e) objective application of law to the relevant
facts as established by all available evidence.
Right to Presumption of Innocence Every person shall be presumed innocent
until proven guilty by means of due process of law. The fundamental right to presumption of
innocence, by a Magistral Court, an appointed Court of Record, or equally in the forum of
public opinion, shall not be infringed. The burden of proof must be upon the complainant in
a civil matter and upon the prosecutor in a criminal matter, and no person shall be held liable
unless that burden of proof has been met by the merits of facts established by the substance
of evidence.
Rights of Foreign Non-Subjects All non-nationals and non-Subjects shall
generally be given equal protection of the Laws and Acts of the Order, and afforded the same
rights as provided to Subjects of the Order under the present Constitution. Notwithstanding,
based upon the established traditional principle of reciprocity under international law, any
non-subject who has violated the rights of a Subject thereby waives and cannot claim those
same rights which he has violated, and any non-subject who is a citizen of any foreign nation
which violates or does not recognize such rights cannot claim the benefit or protection of
those rights which his country violates.
Amendment of the Constitution
Article 29 Enactment of Constitutional Amendments
Amendments to the present Constitution, whether in the form of a variation, addition
or repeal of any provision, may be made only in accordance with this Article.
The Grand Mastery conveys this reminder from the founding ancestors of the Order to
our future generations, that the present Constitution embodies the collective experience of
approximately 900 years of protocols and traditions of royalty, nobility and chivalry,
incorporating a balance of customary international law, common law, Canon law, ancient and
medieval history, modern jurisprudence and governance, and must always be maintained in
accordance with the highest expertise in those combined bodies of knowledge.
Drafting of a proposed Amendment to the Constitution may be made upon the
initiative of a qualified Grand Officer, by a committee formed from the Government, by a
contracting institution or qualified group of experts appointed by the Sovereign Government
or Grand Master, or by any of the above in combination.
For any Amendments to the present Constitution which are purely technical in nature,
either (1) reflecting advances in legal or historical scholarship resulting in updates, which are
limited to improved or clarified descriptions, without affecting any substantive rule or policy,
or (2) codifying de facto practices or procedures already unanimously approved by the Grand
Mastery, which were fully adopted and implemented in practice, and which do not change
any underlying substantive principles, such Amendments may be enacted by approval of the
Grand Justiciar with ratification by the Grand Master.
For any Amendment to the present Constitution affecting a substantive rule or policy
or any underlying constitutional principle, the Grand Mastery must approve the proposed
Amendment by a unanimous (100%) vote, which is subject to mandatory ratification by the
Grand Master, who may either exercise veto power, or ratify the Amendment into effect.
Enactment & Ratification
The present Constitution of 2016 is hereby fully enacted and ratified, in accordance with
Article 29 herein, by the following legal acts of the Government and Grand Mastery:
Enacted by the Government:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Excellency
Viscount Michael Henry Dunn
Grand Commander as Chairman of the Government
Approved by the Grand Justiciar:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
The Right Honourable
Count Judge Mario Farquharson
Grand Justiciar as Vice-Chairman of the Government
Ratified by Magistral Assent of the Grand Master:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Most Eminent Highness
Prince Matthew of Thebes
Sovereign Grand Master as Head of State
Sovereign Magistral Order of the Temple of Solomon
Endorsed by the Ecclesiastical Protector:
____________________________________ 03 March 2016
His Holiness Pontiff
Cardinal Khern S. Oliver
Grand Canon of the Temple of Solomon
Supreme Pontiff of the Ancient Catholic Church