Benefits of Getting Listed in Local Biz Christchurch New Business Directory in Canterbury NZ

Benefits of Getting Listed in Local Biz Christchurch New Business Directory in Canterbury NZ, updated 5/28/20, 1:04 AM

Local Biz Christchurch is celebrating the launch of their new Business Directory Listings service in Christchurch NZ, by offering Free Featured Listings. Further information can be found at

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Benefits of Getting Listed in Local Biz
Christchurch New Business Directory
In a slightly different approach to
launching Local Biz Christchurch, a
Business Directory in Christchurch
New Zealand, we have decided to
offer Free Featured Listings, and this
is expected to take place 1st June
Where most businesses tend to just
launch and keep quiet about it, I have
decided Local Biz Christchurch will
be a little more generous and creative
with the start of my new Business
Directory Listings service.
This launch celebration is
just one of the many ways
it does so.
Local Biz Christchurch wants
to help by providing you with
another opportunity to get your
message out there, and in the
way you want to be seen.
I believe it is another opportunity
for local Christchurch businesses
and residents to people to feel
proud of the businesses they own
or the business they work for.
Covid-19 taught us one thing and that is
businesses are not just money-making
entities, they are communities and
families who depend on each other and
care for one another.In the same vein we
support local community focused, local
To date it has served over 100
listings and customers' and has
become recognized as the cities
first local directory that focuses on
business and is not full of PPC
and PPV advertising.
It can be found on the
Internet near Christchurch
While Local Biz Christchurch may not
be the only business with this kind of
offering, local residents are choosing
Local Biz Christchurch because we
continue to stay current, we are paying
for our own promotion which promotes
You can get more information
about Local Biz Christchurch
and the new Business Directory
Listings service can be
discovered at
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