Old School New Body PDF Book Exercises Workout F4X

Old School New Body PDF Book Exercises Workout F4X, updated 1/24/22, 1:25 AM


The Old School New Body PDF Book is a complete workout system that was designed by Steve and Becky Holman, founders of the F4X program. It includes muscle-building exercises that are specifically designed to help you lose fat, gain muscle and increase your metabolism, so you can get fit and stay healthy for years to come. Actually, the Old School New Body book (PDF) is the most comprehensive fitness program available today for middle-aged people, with a specific strength training routine that has been used by thousands of people to change their lives for the better. The F4X workout provided inside Old School New Body PDF is a total-body fitness program that you can do anywhere, at home or in the gym. It includes four levels of workouts for men and women over 35 - 40 to help you lose weight, build strength, get fit, and stay young. Steve and Becky Holman's book "Old School New Body PDF" is not about working out harder, it's about working smarter. If you are looking for a new body in less time and with less effort, look no further! Download the book right now.

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Old School New Body PDF Book
Exercises, and Workout (F4X)
Old School New Body PDF book with Steve and Becky Holman's exercises,
and workout is the original F4X youth-enhancing and body shaping system
for men and women. As the authors say, "Old School New Body workout is
the result of being surrounded by the best fitness trainers and athletes who
have ever lived, getting to see their methods first-hand".
Click here to download The Old
School New Body PDF Book >>>
The Old School New Body workout (F4X) has revolutionized the world of
fitness and training exercises. Most fitness books are about hard training,
and “grinding” it out. However, in recent years there has been research
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showing that an older crowd should avoid the kind of intense physical
activity that would lead to drastic wear and tear.
A much better approach would be to take a step back from the high-impact
workouts and learn how to exercise correctly with lighter movements
without risking injuries or undue pain for joints.
The Old School New Body PDF book was written so that you could remain
active right into your golden years and stay healthy as you age!
Hardly any fitness guides are comparable to Old School New Body. Most
fitness books discuss only hard training and grinding.
Truly revolutionary in its approach!
The information in this book has been tested and proven by thousands of
satisfied customers.
So Let’s see what Old School New Body PDF is all about…
1) Old School New Body PDF book is a very credible program of exercises
that has stood the test of time. After selling thousands of copies, it’s still as
popular as ever. That’s proof that this type of workout (F4X) works.
The author, Steve Holman, used to be the editor for the Iron Man magazine.
Steve and Becky Holman are fitness authorities with very impressive
credentials and the experience to back them up.
You can’t go wrong with their workout program.
2) The structure of the program is based on solid training principles. You
get a mix of both resistance workout and cardio. Lighter weights are used,
but more reps are done to exercise the muscles.
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This makes it easier for people in their forties and fifties to cope with the
exercises. As they get stronger, they can increase the poundage.
3) Each Old School New Body workout is about 30 minutes long.
Since the workouts are not high intensity interval training, they need to be
slightly longer to get good results.
The good news is that you only need to train 3 times a week.
4) A diet plan is provided to help you hit your macros and micros. All you
need to do is follow the plan, and you’ll be good.
It’s not restrictive and unlike the keto diet, you’ll not need to constantly
monitor your ketosis.
5) The biggest advantage of The Old School New Body PDF book is that it
was made for older people.
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Once you’re past 35, your body starts to ache more and take longer to
recover. You don’t have the energy to train like you used to when you were
That’s ok… and you shouldn’t try to either. You’ll just injure yourself.
The F4X method presented in the Old School New Body workout (PDF) will
give you a solid foundation and restore your strength and stamina until you
reach a stage where you can train harder and better.
6) The positive testimonials from satisfied customers is proof that the F4X
method works effectively.
You just need to stick to it for the necessary time.
Click here to download The Old
School New Body PDF Book >>>
7) Besides the main Old School New Body book (PDF), you’ll receive some
complementary guides on muscle building, sex, happiness, etc.
This information can be considered particularly valuable, and the program
aims to make you an all-rounded individual who excels in all areas of life.
8) You can test F4X exercises for 2 months without any risk.
Of course. like any fitness program, consistency is necessary.
Even if it’s just 3 days a week, you’ll still need to follow through without
skipping any one day.
You’ll need to ensure that you’re disciplined and stay on track.
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The good news is that it’s only 90 minutes a week.
Should you download the Old School New Body book (PDF)?
A resounding yes. Most fitness programs take a one-size-fits-all approach.
People in their late thirties and above struggle to keep up with training
protocols that are more suitable for a younger crowd.
Very often, the older crowd feels discouraged when they can’t keep up with
the demands of these high paced, high intensity workouts.
They believe that they’re lazy or not giving their best.
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In reality, they’re just older and need to train differently. Steve and Becky
Holman understand this, and have created fitness routines that are better
suited for an older crowd.
Once you build a solid foundation with the exercises presented in the Old
School New Body program, you’ll get fitter and stronger…
And may even be able to take on the workouts that younger people are
But to get there, you need to start with Old School New Body program…
and the best moment is now.
Click here to download The Old
School New Body PDF Book >>>
© All rights reserved. This review has been created by GCPublishing. Images: Pixabay