
commission-payload.pdf, updated 5/28/22, 5:30 PM


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Commission Payload Gives You CPA Training
Commission Payload is a completely new innovation on CPA marketing because of two particular
1) Achieving maximum potential when it comes to CPA marketing conversion rates
2) Over delivering CPA marketing information to customers
Internet marketing gurus and newcomers should already be aware of the "Payload" brand.
Remember Google Payload? If I remember correctly, it sold over 7000 copies reaching a ClickBank
gravity of over 900 during it's product launch.
Why does this matter? So that you understand that you'll be receiving REAL VALUE here. With
everything I've seen (and I've not seen it all yet) jammed into Commission Payload, it's certainly
worth several thousand dollars. Let's just go right to the heart of the matter... This course is
literally packed with CPA marketing training and insider information that you just cannot get
anywhere else. So much NEW information on CPA networks and strategies guaranteed to turn you
into a CPA marketing expert in no time. To be honest, I owe my own success to CPA marketing.
My first exposure to the CPA world came when I bought Saj's Zero Friction Marketing info product.
WHOA! I always get something new out of that course when I watch his training videos over.
Commission Payload represents the reuniting of Saj and Alex so you know it will have twice the
punch. Containing 18 in-depth CPA training modules, Commission Payload is the latest
collaboration of Alex Goad and Saj P. Two tickets to Saj and Alex's upcoming Commission Payload
conference in Boston along with easily copied CPA marketing campaigns.
Here's just SOME of what Alex and Saj are covering in Commission Payload:
1. Complete easy to understand training on how to compete with CPA offers.
2. Learning how to spot the best CPA campaigns and offers.
3. How to identify and select only the most profitable CPA offers and campaigns.
4. Obtaining a 90% acceptance rate with your CPA network applications.
5. Using PPC and SEO for the maxiumum traffic push to your CPA offers.
6. Little known insider tactics when it comes to purchasing banner advertising, CPV, social
media ads, and media buys.
7. 8 easily duplicated customized CPA marketing campaigns.
8. Four seminars online from Alex Goad and Saj P.
9. 2 entries to an upcoming Commission Payload workshop in Boston... Don't worry if you
cannot make it because Alex and Saj will insure you get the digital equivalent of the
10. The exact CPA creatives, tactics, keywords, and strategems that both Saj and Alex use to
extract hundreds of thousands of dollars with their own CPA marketing endeavors.
With the combined efforts of Alex Goad and Saj P, you're essentially getting double the
information on CPA marketing! Think real hard before you pass up on a Commission Payload
purchase... If you want to be on an even playing field with other CPA marketers, now's your