Magento 2 Store Locator

Magento 2 Store Locator, updated 7/10/24, 9:11 AM

Magento 2 Store Locator empowers your customers to easily find physical store locations nearest to them. This extension integrates seamlessly with your Magento 2 store, allowing you to display multiple store locations on an interactive map. Customers can search by address, zip code, or current location to quickly locate stores, and view details such as store hours, contact information, and directions. Improve customer convenience, drive foot traffic to your physical stores, and enhance the overall shopping experience with the MageAnts Store Locator Extension.

About MageAntsStore

MageAnts is your trusted partner of Magento Custom DevelopmentHyvä theme development solutions provider. Put your trust in us to create an online presence for you. Let us bring you into the digital age to embark on an incredible journey. Enhance your Magento store with our Magento 2 extensions & extend store functionality.

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Store locator – Magento 2
Supported Version: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 1
Table Of Contents
Preface ......................................……………………………………......3
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE .........…………..…..4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually ………………………………….......5
Backend Example ………………………………………………………...……...6

Extension configuration………………………………………………………...6
Frontend Example………………………………………………………………….10 2
Store Locator is perfect extension for the store owners who Have multiple store
in one site. And they want to display their all store in front end side. In this
extension admin can create multiple store and configure the extension. As per
configuration and store list in front storelocator page displayed.Where user can
find the store as well as find the distance from his current location to store. The
functionality we can discribe as follow.
- Admin can create multiple Store from backend.
- Google map is use for Display store and current location for the customer.
- Admin get latitude and longitude value on one click.
- In store creation time admin can also see the map for location of current creation
store on button click.

- Admin can set the store available product when creating a store.
- Admin can also setup the marker template for the store.
- In from store listing display in the left side of the locator page.
- Customer can find the current location to redius distance store available.

- In product page customer can also find the available store for the products on
one click. 3
There are two ways of installing extension in magento2.
2) Manually install extension.
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE (Recommended).
Follow below steps to install extension from the command line.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory.
If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management.
Step 4: Enter the following at the command line:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the admin
panel and switch to Stores → Configuration → Mageants → Store locator.
The module will be displayed in the admin panel. 4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory.
If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management Edit
app/etc/config.php file and add one line code: ‘Mageants_Storelocator’ →
Step 4: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the
admin panel and switch to Stores → Configuration → Mageants →
Store locator, the module will be displayed in the admin panel. 5
Backend example
After Installation of Extension login to magento admin panel to set
configuration of the extension.
As per below screen shot you can set all the settings here.
Extension configuration 6
To show Store List grid go to StoreLocator → Manage Store 7
Create a new store step
In Store list grid click on Add New Store button to create the new store. First in
Information tab fill up the store General Information like store name,
store status and store Image. 8
In Address tab Fill up the store details like store address, city, region,postcode
and country for store.
(Note : Please Enter full Address so we can get Latitude and
Longitude for the store from this address). 9 10
Frontend example
Below are some screen shot of Extension Functionality on Frontend Store
Locator Top links and store locator page.

Enter current location on current location field and click on “Find My
Location” button to get your current location on Google map. 11 12
Select the Search Radius and Radius Measurement the click on
search button to search store within your Radius.You can also see
Mark Circle area of your Radius on Google Map.You will also see the
filter left store list with distance from your current location see the fil
ter left store list with distance from your current location to store lo
cation. 13 14
Also Dealer can upload their store by Login their account and after uploading
dealer has to wait for admin approval, once admin enable the store from
the back-end it will shown on front-end on store list. To upload new store or edit
store on front-end goto Customer Dashbord -> Dealer -> Register as a
Dealer 15 16

On the edit or add new page dealer has to fill all the details and register their
own store. 17
Csv Description
Column Name -> Description
store_id -> Enter id where you want to update your data
sname -> Enter Store Name
storeId -> Enter front store id where you want to display
position -> Define Position of the store
address -> Enter address of the store
city -> Enter City of the store
country -> Enter Country of the store
postcode -> Enter area postal code of the store
region -> Enter state name or region of the store
email -> Enter e-mail id of the store
phone -> Enter phone number of the store
link -> enter Url link of the store
storeurl -> Enter Store Url
image -> Enter Path of the image
icon -> enter Path of the Store Icon
latitude -> Enter Latitude of the store
longitude -> Enter Longitude of the store
sstatus -> Enter Status of the store such as:- Enabled/Disabled
updated_at -> It is used to indicate time when store updated
created_at -> It is used to define time when store created
mon_open -> Define if store is open on monday (0,1)
mon_otime -> Define monday opening time
mon_bstime -> Define monday break start time
mon_betime -> Define monday break end time
mon_ctime -> Define monday closing time
tue_open -> Define if store is open on tuesday (0,1)
tue_otime -> Define tuesday opening time
tue_bstime -> Define tuesday break time
tue_betime -> Define tuesday break end time
ue_ctime -> Define tuesday closing time
wed_open -> Define if store is open on wednesday (0,1)
wed_otime -> Define wednesday opening time
wed_bstime -> Define wednesday break time
wed_betime -> Define wednesday break end time
wed_ctime -> Define wednesday closing time
thu_open -> Define if store is open on thursday (0,1)
thu_otime -> Define thursday opening time
thu_bstime -> Define thursday break time
thu_betime -> Define thursday break end time
thu_ctime -> Define thursday closing time
fri_open -> Define if store is open on friday (0,1)
fri_otime -> Define friday opening time 18
fri_bstime -> Define friday break time
fri_betime -> Define friday break end time
fri_ctime -> Define friday closing time
sat_open -> Define if store is open on saturday (0,1)
sat_otime -> Define saturday opening time
sat_bstime -> Define saturday break time
sat_betime -> Define saturday break end time
sat_ctime -> Define saturday closing time
sun_open -> Define if store is open on sunday (0,1)
sun_otime -> Define sunday opening time
sun_bstime -> Define sunday break time
sun_betime -> Define sunday break end time
sun_ctime -> Define sunday closing time
region_id -> Enter region id of the store
product_id -> Enter number of product ids of the store 19
Thank you!
if you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us at:
Your feedback is absolutely welcome! 20