Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent

Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent, updated 7/27/24, 7:19 AM


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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Abroad Gateway Services
Best Immigration Consultant and Visa Consultants in Chandigarh
Abroad Gateway offers Comprehensive Support for Study Visa
Student visa is the most common type of visa
that is applied by a great number of Indians
every year because it is the trend nowadays to
go abroad for higher education. Parents also
wish the same for their children so that they
have better life later. This more popular in the
North India, especially in Haryana and Punjab
which lead in the count of students going
overseas. This has resulted in the high number
of Visa Consultants in Chandigarh and Abroad
Gateway is the Best Study Visa Consultants in
Chandigarh. It provides comprehensive
support, from step one to the last, to all its
clients for study visa.
Their assistance begins with the □rst
counselling session that the client takes
from them. It is completely free of cost for
all. However, this does not mean that the
complete or accurate information is not
provided. Their competent visa counsellors
analyze the pro□le of the applicant and then
research to offer best courses in
universities of repute in the country of
After that, they also explain the complete
process and list of documents necessary
for the process in the language of the
clients so that they can understand it. They
also tell about the terminology that is used
for each step or department or document
so that there is no ambiguity due to that.
Once the program to study and the
university is □nalized, they commence with
the process of visa application that involves
□lling the form correctly and then arranging
the required documents in the manner the
visa o□cer expects them to be so that it
gets processed fast without any issues.
Abroad Gateway extends its support to
coach the applicant to clear the IELTS/PTE
or other tests which is the must for
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
application. Besides that, it also provides
complete assistance for education loan
processing, tickets booking and making the
foreign currency available to the student
when he or she lands in a foreign land. This
makes them the right owners of the tag of
Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh.
Ms. Shailja Sharma
14+ Years of Experience
Taught Thousands of Students to Get desired Bands in IELTS

Abroad Gateway - IELTS institute in Chandigarh & Study Visa Consultants
4.9 / 5
View all Google Reviews
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Best Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh - Abroad Gateway
The Immigration sector of Chandigarh is full of
consultants which offer their services to the
people who wish to migrate to other nations
for the sake of work or education or any other
purpose. There are a lot of services provided
by the Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh
to their clients depending upon the demand of
their pro□le and preferences they have. Please
□nd below the top services provided by them:
Counselling: The counselling session provided
by the Best Immigration Consultants in
Chandigarh is basically an information session
which is meant for telling the clients about the
positives and negatives points of their pro□le.
Based on that the counsellor advises the best
options for them to go abroad for their
purpose. They will be able to suggest the type
of visa one should go for based on the pro□le,
like one can go on the spouse visa with open
work permit if their spouse is going abroad to
study, they do not need to go as a student or
Permanent Residency visa. 
IELTS/PTE/TOEFL/Duolingo Coaching: The
good Immigration Agent in Chandigarh will
provide the coaching for any of the English
language test which is needed for the Student
visa and PR visa. They will tell you the
minimum scores required for the client as per
their pro□le and help them to achieve it.
Submission of Visa application: It is essential
to submit the application for the visa properly
so that it gets accepted by the embassy. The
immigration consultants are the experts who
know how to □ll the form and present the
documents with that for the visa o□cer’s
approval. It is the most crucial part of the
whole process.
Assistance for loan: Availability of funds is
one of the important aspects of visa
application but if you do not have it then in
some cases like student visa, you can apply for
the loan. The consultants do provide
assistance for that as well to make the
process simple and fast.
Travel Arrangements: The Immigration
Consultants in Chandigarh often help to plan
your travel for you as they have good
experience in that regard. Also, many of them
make the foreign currency available for their
clients too to have hassle free shifting from
home country to a foreign country.
Why Professional People Turn to Immigration Consultants in
Each year many working professionals in
Chandigarh migrate to developed countries in
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
search of better career and life for themselves
as well as their families. They are advised to
take the services of the Best Immigration
Consultant for this purpose due to some
speci□c reasons:
1. The process to apply for a work visa or
permanent residency visa is very complex
and intricate which is di□cult to
understand. When one decides to do it
themselves they are required to do a lot of
research about it, even then there is a lot of
possibility of not getting things clear. An
e□cient Immigration Consultant in
Chandigarh knows it all too well to make
you understand it in and out.
2. The professionals in many popular □elds
plan to shift their base because there are
more opportunities in that domain
elsewhere. A good visa agent is capable
enough to guide one to choose the country
or the city depending upon the scope in the
3. There are a lot of misconceptions and
myths about the immigration process and
more of them are circulated every now and
then, this creates a lot of confusion which
only an expert can clarify, that is why it is
imperative that the professionals in any
□eld must hire the Top Immigration
Consultants in Chandigarh who can give
correct information.
4. There is the need to clear the English
language pro□ciency tests like IELTS (GT) or
PTE or TOEFL to be able to migrate to an
English speaking nation. The Immigration
Consultants will arrange for the coaching
for their clients as per their schedule
(O□ine/online) so that they can clear it with
required scores.
5. A competent Immigration Consultant in
Chandigarh are resourceful enough to help
you out to □nd a job in the country where
you want to live while you are still in your
home country so that you do not face
issues to □nd a job after reaching there.
Although it is not mandatory to do that but
is always bene□cial.
□. People who plan to relocate to another
country need their family members to
accompany them or join them, for this it is
crucial that they use the services of the best
visa agent so that everything is processed
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Mr. Raj Sharma
14+ Years of Experience MBA, MPM
Certi□ed Trainer
2100+ Students Counselled

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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Ms. Madhu
5+ Years of Experience
800+ Students Counselled
MA – Math

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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Ms. Ankita
6 + Years of Experience
1200+ Students Counselled   
Master in Business Administration
Get Free Counseling from Student Visa consultants
Expert Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh For Student and
Tourist Visa
The mobility of Indians to foreign countries
has increased to a great extent in the past 2 to
3 decades and the visa consultants have had a
very big role to play in this because they have
largely been responsible in making the
transition for their clients easy and bene□cial.
The Best Immigration Consultants in
Chandigarh go an extra mile to ensure smooth
transition of their clients considering the
important factors in the home country as well
as at the new country. It will be worth
Book Now

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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
discussing their contribution in this regard, lets
dig deep into it.
The Top Immigration Consultants have
practical knowledge of all the nations they deal
with, be it their education system, culture,
societal norms, laws, rules & regulations or
anything else which is the added advantage for
the clients because they consider all these
aspects when they offer you the courses or
universities at a place. For instance; one of the
students immigrated through Abroad Gateway
stated that what she learnt in the three months
was way more than what she did in three years
of college in India as the university she was
suggested by the Student Visa Consultant was
absolutely Marvelous for her □eld.
The Best Immigration Consultants are
updated with the changes in the immigration
laws in the countries they apply visa for
because the countries keep changing them
from time to time, this is the reason migration
is a complex and intricate process for anyone.
The best solution here is hiring the top
immigration consultant who can handle
everything for you.
A pro□cient immigration consultant who deals
with student visa or PR understand the
practical issues faced by the Indians in any
foreign country. That is why they prepare their
clients to handle tough situations well so that
their transition is smooth. For example, it is
always advised to carry less cash while going
out to avoid losing it, it is always good to use
card. Also, they will tell ways to gel in the local
community so that it becomes easy for them
to make friends which is very important in a
new place.
How Student Visa Consultants Facilitate International Education
Pursuing the international education is the
dream of many of the youngsters in this
contemporary world but not every one of them
succeed in this pursuit. This makes taking
professional support extremely important for
the smooth processing of the student visa
education. There are ample of Student Visa
Consultants in Chandigarh which can facilitate
the process to pursue abroad education. Here
is how they do it for you:
1. Providing Career Counselling: The
competent Student Visa Consultants are
experts with extensive knowledge about the
courses in demand due to the jobs in
demand, therefore they are able to provide
correct career counselling to the students
who wish to have a thriving professional life
which is the ultimate goal of studying
2. Suggesting the Suitable Educational
Institutes: An e□cient visa agent will
suggest you the most apt educational
institutes based upon your decision after
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
the career counselling so that you get the
best options as per your interest.
3. Assisting in Preparation of Documentation:
The best Student Visa Consultants in
Chandigarh have through knowledge about
the paperwork needed to apply for student
visa and they help their clients in preparing
them in the correct format.
4. Helping out to get the Education or Student
Loan: Applying for the student education
loan is not a piece of cake and applicants
struggle a lot for this, thus the best Student
Visa Agents in Chandigarh provide
assistance to get the loan quickly and
5. Training to Improve English Language
Pro□ciency: Scoring well in one of the
English language skills test is very
important to become able to apply to get
the admission offer letter from a reputed
university, therefore the consultants also
help to prepare for them.
□. Writing the Statement of Purpose: The
universities need to be convinced that you
are the suitable candidate to whom they
can extend the offer to get enrolled in one
of their programs, for this students are
expected to write the SOP which needs to
be clear, precise and free of plagiarism. A
good student visa agent writes it
themselves if the students cannot as it
demands a certain level of expertise.
7. Acquiring the offer for admission from the
University: Once the result of the language
pro□ciency test is out and the documents
are ready, the visa agent applies to the
university with all the necessary information
to get the admission offer letter for you.
□. Submitting the Visa application: After
receiving the offer letter, the visa consultant
□lls-in the details in the visa application
form correctly and attaches the documents
in desired manner and submit it to the
embassy online.
9. Planning the Travel: The e□cient Study
Visa Consultants in Chandigarh help to plan
your travel by making necessary
arrangements like □ight bookings, arranging
accommodation etc.
10. Arranging the Foreign Currency: Also, if
needed they also get the currency
converted for you so that you have the
foreign currency to be used once you land in
the new country.
Abroad Gateway Success Stories


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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Most Trusted Visa Consultants in Chandigarh
Movement of people from their home country
to a foreign country is known as emigration
and there are various reasons for people
choosing to do so, such as better quality of
life, better employment opportunities, better
education and many more. To carry out the
whole process smoothly and successfully it is
essential that one takes the assistance of the
Visa Consultants in Chandigarh or any place
you live in. It is alright if you consult the
consultant in your city, however, the best
option is to hire the reputed immigration
consultant in Chandigarh as it is a well-known
fact that the city houses some of the best
consultancy □rms of the northern India.
Therefore, if the decision of migration is made
and you are all set to take the □rst step, you
must □nd out about the most trusted Visa
Consultants in Chandigarh so that you can
hire one for yourself. Here are few of them for
your reference, though it is suggested that you
pick the top notch:
Abroad Gateway
Rich□eld Immigration
Let us check why Abroad Gateway is
considered the most trusted visa Agent in
Client First: The most appreciated quality of
Abroad Gateway is that it always prioritizes the
clients before anything. Once you become its
client, it will leave no stone unturned to ful□ll
your dream of going abroad for whatever
reason you have. Each client is given personal
attention and every case is given due
Vast Knowledge & Experience: Nothing in this
world could be achieved without accurate
knowledge and appropriate skills, therefore the
team Abroad Gateway has extensive
knowledge about all types of visas and the
processes followed to apply for them for
various countries making it the most
successful visa consultant in Chandigarh. The
complete team has comprehensive knowledge
about each and every stage of the process and
that is why they are able to provide best
guidance to the aspirants. That is not all, the
team keeps itself updated with the changes
I Got my Student Visa with 5 years
of gap, all thanks to Abroad
Gateway Team for Smooth Process
Abroad Gateway is best IETLS
institute in Chandigarh with fee
which is very nominal.
Best student visa consu
Chandigarh and IELTS c
institute in Chandig
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
and modi□cations that keep on happening
from time to time which is mandatory to
deliver positive results.
Resourceful: Being a problem solver is the
great skill and quality that an immigration
consultant needs to be successful in the
industry. Due to complexity of the visa process
and ever changing policies and procedures, it
is crucial that your Visa Consultant in
Chandigarh is smart enough to maneuver
through the pits to take you to your □nal
destination of this journey. Understanding that,
this □rm has chosen experts of the □eld to
make a team of highly intelligent and smart
professionals who handle each case with great
care and enthusiasm.
Transparent: The team Abroad Gateway is very
clear and open about its actions making its
clients trusting it throughout the process, since
beginning till the end. As there is huge money
involved and □nancial transactions are to be
made to the authorities, it is greatly
appreciated by the clients that there is no
doubt or confusion regarding any payment or
action. This makes it the most trusted
immigration consultant in Chandigarh.
Maintains Con□dentiality: When it comes to
the matters related to personal details and
important documents, it becomes necessary
that a degree of con□dentiality is maintained
by people handling them. Thus, in this
organization only the individuals who have the
need to access such information are permitted
to look at it. Rest of the staff does not have the
access to them. In this era where there are
frauds committed to cheat people using their
personal details, this quality is much needed
and valued.
Multiple Services: This □rm provides extensive
services related to all the aspects of visa □ling,
beginning from clearing IELTS to applying for
the visa application. You can have assistance
to get loan for education and get the
statement of purpose written by expert writers.
If needed, they could help you make travel
plans as well so that you do not have to face
any issues even after getting visa.
That brings us to the conclusion that it is
extremely important to be trustworthy and
sharp to become successful in the
immigration industry. Therefore, without
wandering much, you should approach Abroad
Gateway for all your visa needs because it has
everything that you look for in the best visa
consultant in Chandigarh.
Other Services
Extended services to make your student visa voyage more conducive
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Study Visa Loan
Easy loan with less interest rate
Student Visa Scholarship
Less fee for scholar students
Student Visa SOP Writing
Professional way to   present students` SOP                                          
Tickets for Student Visa
Most economical □ights with comfort at peak
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Forex for Student Visa
Save Rupees and get more dollars with best rate
Abroad Gateway
Student Visa with Scholarship

2022 Winners
Scholarship for study visa is just a click away.. !
Scholarships of $1,50,000 available for students
Amanjot Kaur
University of East London, Business
Administration September 2022

Northern College, Information Technology,
May 2022

Vivek Dang
Northeastern University,
Computers, May 2
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Why Abroad Gateway
Our experience and knowledge will full □ll your dreams.
Experienced IELTS Trainers
3500+ student gained desired bands from  our certi□ed 10 years experienced IETLS trainers
Scholarship Program
Get guidance from Sr. Student Visa counselors for scholarships in colleges & Universities 
Experienced Counsellor
Highly experienced staff to deal in Study Visa, Spouse Visa, PR & Tourist Visa of all countries 
Apply Now
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Government Approved
Registered company to provide counseling for student visa, Spouse Visa, PR & Tourist Visa
Frequently Asked Questions (Faq)

1. What is a study visa?
Study visa is a legal permission from the embassy of a country that allows you to enter their country.
2. Do I need a study visa to study abroad?
3. How do I apply for a study visa?
4. What documents do I need to submit with my study visa application?
5. How long does it take to process a study visa application?
6. Can I work while studying with a study visa?
7. Can I extend my study visa?
8. What should I do if my study visa application is denied?
9. Can I travel to other countries with a study visa?
10. What are my obligations as a study visa holder?
Education Institutions
Experienced Student Visa Counselors will make your study Abroad dream come true
Study Visa
New Zealand
Other Services
Study Loan
SOP Writing
Other Courses
IELTS Online

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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent
Copyright Abroad Gateway © 2014 All Rights Reserved | Study Visa Consultants
Spouse Visa
Tourist Visa
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Head Office: SCO 45, Level I & II, Sector 42-C, Chandigarh, 160036
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SCO 6, Hollywood Plaza, VIP Rd, Zirakpur,
Punjab 140603
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Main Chownk, Village Masoodpur, SCO 77,
Vasant-kunj, New Delhi
Pune O□ce
12, □rst □oor, Wadhwani Plaza Near Vishar E-
Square, Pimpri, Pune
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Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh & Top Visa Consultant Agent