Get Top Industry Advice From This Halifax NGO Leadership & Fundraising Podcast

Get Top Industry Advice From This Halifax NGO Leadership & Fundraising Podcast , updated 12/23/20, 11:49 PM

Learn how to make your non-profit organization smarter with AI technology - call the Halifax based fundraising platform Fundmetric to find out more about the Opt-In podcast teaching the charitable leadership skills you need! Go to to find out more!

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Get Top Industry Advice From This Halifax
NGO Leadership & Fundraising Podcast
Fundmetric Inc., a fundraising platform
for NGOs based in Halifax NS, has
recently launched the Opt-In Podcast, a
monthly podcast interviewing seasoned
experts on how to effectively raise
charitable funds and resolve common
industry obstacles.
The informative episodes are available
for free through Fundmetric’s site and
cover essential advice on topics such
as how to save an NGO, adapt to the
global pandemic, become donor-
centric, and convert to digital systems.
Each episode of the Opt-In
Podcast involves an interview
with an industry expert, such as
the CEO of CARE Canada
Barbara Grantham and Jada
Hoerr from the Midwest Food
Fundmetric is a full service
fundraising platform that helps
NGOs browse their data, create
effective donor prediction
models, and launch successful
online campaigns.
They have a team of AI
specialists that provide the
essential data collecting
infrastructure that non-profit
organizations need to become
fully digitally enabled.
Their fundraising platform and
newly launched podcast are
designed to support NGOs with
smarter lists, AI predictions, donor
management, data capture, and
marketing campaigns.
It hosts conversations with leaders from a
diverse range of organizations, including the
United Way of Kern County, the OSU
Foundation, the Centre for Addiction and
Mental Health Foundation, the Canadian
Mental Health Association, the Jewish
National Fund, and the Breakfast Club of
The Opt-In Podcast is
updated monthly and can be
downloaded and enjoyed on
Spotify, Apple Music, and
In addition to working for admirable causes
such as ending child hunger, the Opt-In
leaders offer their expertise on overcoming
common NGO problems, such as dealing
with industry changes, the global health
crisis, and reputation issues, in addition to
modernizing dated systems.
Fundmetric is the Halifax NS
charity fundraising expert offer a
free online podcast for NGO
leaders - call them today at 1-800-
231-6396 to find your charity
fundraising solutions today!
Go to to
find out more!