The Transformation Leaders Hub has released a potentially controversial Podcast featuring Steve Baker highlighting the 3 things organisations do wrong when delivering change. Previously seen as best practice, these can in fact be the cause of failure. The Podcast can be found at
Podcast : Three ways to ensure your
change initiatives FAIL!
The podcast examines the high and
low points of delivering behavioural
change, highlighting how a number
of areas that have historically been
touted as best practice, can in fact
be the cause of failure.
Equally, the traditional top down
style of management can be
counter-productive and Steve
offers up a new perspective on
coaching that has been proven to
in the most challenging situation
This episode of the Inside Track -
Business Transformation
Journeys Podcast is slightly
different than previous shows, in
that the discussion is not with a
corporate transformation leader.
Instead the discussion is with Steven
Baker OBE, who has been
responsible for transforming
performance in extremely
challenging situations such as with
war zones, prisons and schools
focused on 'excluded' children.
The aim of our podcast is first and
foremost to inform and provide a
different perspective on the issue of
delivering organisational change
and on the way to manage
performance within a team.
For many, the ideas will be
counter intuitive, but they
have been proven to work in
the most challenging of
Given that 70% of transformational
change programme fail, we
believe that it is more important
than ever, that leaders remain
open to new ideas/ approaches
and adapt their style accordingly."
This podcast clearly highlights the
reasons why many of the
traditional ways of managing
change no longer work or at best
are ineffective in delivering long
term sustainable change.
The Transformation Leaders
Hub (#TLH) is a community
for Project, Programme,
Change & Transformation
Management professionals.
#TLH vision is; to provide support, guidance
and create a global community amongst
project, programme, change &
transformation professionals and to provide
a platform for them to share their ideas,
approaches, skills and experience direct to
organisations undergoing transformation.
Join #TLH today
change initiatives FAIL!
The podcast examines the high and
low points of delivering behavioural
change, highlighting how a number
of areas that have historically been
touted as best practice, can in fact
be the cause of failure.
Equally, the traditional top down
style of management can be
counter-productive and Steve
offers up a new perspective on
coaching that has been proven to
in the most challenging situation
This episode of the Inside Track -
Business Transformation
Journeys Podcast is slightly
different than previous shows, in
that the discussion is not with a
corporate transformation leader.
Instead the discussion is with Steven
Baker OBE, who has been
responsible for transforming
performance in extremely
challenging situations such as with
war zones, prisons and schools
focused on 'excluded' children.
The aim of our podcast is first and
foremost to inform and provide a
different perspective on the issue of
delivering organisational change
and on the way to manage
performance within a team.
For many, the ideas will be
counter intuitive, but they
have been proven to work in
the most challenging of
Given that 70% of transformational
change programme fail, we
believe that it is more important
than ever, that leaders remain
open to new ideas/ approaches
and adapt their style accordingly."
This podcast clearly highlights the
reasons why many of the
traditional ways of managing
change no longer work or at best
are ineffective in delivering long
term sustainable change.
The Transformation Leaders
Hub (#TLH) is a community
for Project, Programme,
Change & Transformation
Management professionals.
#TLH vision is; to provide support, guidance
and create a global community amongst
project, programme, change &
transformation professionals and to provide
a platform for them to share their ideas,
approaches, skills and experience direct to
organisations undergoing transformation.
Join #TLH today