Increase Your Bench Press Strength & Build Your Upper-Body: Expert Guide

Increase Your Bench Press Strength & Build Your Upper-Body: Expert Guide, updated 5/12/23, 7:58 AM

If strengthening your upper-body is something you’ve always wanted, but you’re not sure how or not seeing significant results with your current efforts - this guide from Fitness Fahrenheit may just be what you need. Visit to read the guide in full.

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Increase Your Bench Press Strength
& Build Your Upper-Body: Expert
Bench press, like any other workout routine, requires targeted
approach to see results. If you’re stuck and you want to bust
through your plateau, keep reading.
This guide from Fitness
Fahrenheit covers several
topics, from pre-workout to
proper workout techniques &
recovery modalities, to help
make your bench press more
The guide features a
proven 10-week pyramid
workout scheme you can
incorporate into your
program to increase your
strength levels.
Fitness Fahrenheit pointed out that
progressive overload, a concept
that involves increasing the
amount of weight you lift
incrementally, is vital to improving
your strength.
The guide recommends
adding small weights, like
those 2.5-pound weights,
which can quickly
compound and aid in
strength gain.
Mixing up your rep speed is a good way to break through
plateaus. The guide recommends including 3 to 4 sets of slow
reps in your routine for two weeks.
Other practical tips covered in the
guide include various techniques
for forcing your body to go past
the failure limit in a working set,
such as the rest-pause method.
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