administrative virtual assistant

administrative virtual assistant , updated 7/17/24, 8:47 PM


A virtual administrative assistant is an independent contractor who provides administrative services to clients while operating outside of the client's office. A virtual assistant typically operates from a home office but can access the necessary planning documents, such as shared calendars, remotely.

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What’s The Difference In Hiring A Virtual
Assistant Vs. A Remote Executive Assistant?
Not all assistants are created equal.
Deciding between hiring a virtual assistant and a administrative virtual
assistant is a challenge due to their distinct roles and expertise.
The difference comes down to the complexity of tasks they can handle,
the trust you can place in them, and cost. Let’s break it down.
A Virtual Assistant Vs. An Executive Assistant:
The Difference
A virtual assistant typically provides low-cost solutions to easy, one-off
tasks whereas a will effectively manage your schedule,
inbox, and other complex or sensitive tasks (while proactively looking for
ways to add value and enhance your efficiency).
Why Administrative Assistants Have The
Potential To Energize Your Team
Maybe the thought of finding, training, and delegating work to an
administrative assistant sounds like a hassle — and one that won’t
benefit your team enough to be bothered with it. Or maybe you’re simply
indifferent to the idea.
But a recent study by The Alternative Board might surprise you: the
average entrepreneur spends 68.1% of their time working in their
businesses on daily tasks and only 31.9% of their time
working on their business.
In other words, you’re likely pouring most of your energy into admin
tasks like answering emails or scheduling appointments instead of
setting long-term goals and strategic planning. That’s not to say that
administrative tasks aren’t important, but they’re keeping your business
from growing. You become task-focused instead of growth-focused.
A skilled administrative assistant can easily increase your productivity by
Most executives and busy professionals know they should be delegating
tasks like these. The trouble is, it can be a lot of work to figure out where
to start.
Your choice between ‘virtual assistant vs executive often hinges on the
complexity and nature of the tasks you need help with. Virtual assistants
typically handle routine clerical tasks. administrative virtual assistant
are often involved in more strategic planning and confidential matters.
And the ultimate kicker is actually knowing what hiring options are
available for finding a great administrative assistant. They don’t know
whether they should turn to an executive assistant service or hire a full-
time employee.
The Two Key Factors In ChoosingAssistants
Before you decide between a virtual assistant or a remote executive
assistant, there’s a bigger decision to make. It has to do with your
potential personal assistant’s experience level and employment status.
Experience Level
Remote work and the gig economy have exploded in popularity. That
means thousands of people are opening their doors for business and
declaring themselves some kind of professional assistant.
Whether they call themselves virtual assistants or remote executive
assistants, the question for you is one of experience. Some may have
extensive experience supporting C-level executives at Fortune 500
companies, and others might be fresh to the workforce and looking to
get started.
The role of an executive assistant is a mix of complex tasks and
personal tasks their executive needs. They might handle complex
research, scheduling, travel arrangements, and client communication.
These are not skill sets you can pick up overnight.
When choosing an assistant, their experience level is a critical
Read more: How Much Experience Should Your Executive Assistant