social media virtual assistant

social media virtual assistant, updated 7/12/24, 6:13 PM


A virtual assistant can help you stay consistent with your online content creation, posting, and overall presence. They can manage all your social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and Reddit.

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20 Tasks a Social Media
Virtual Assistant Can Do
For You
Hiring a social media virtual assistant will cut
down the time you spend on Your
social presence may even improve! Find out what
tasks they can take care for you, and why you
should consider hiring an entry-level social media
A social media virtual assistant can save you time and money
on doing important, but time-consuming tasks. And because
they’re wholly focused on your business, even beginning social
media virtual assistants can do a lot of good for you.
We’ll go into more detail on what social media virtual assistants
are with this guide. You’ll have a better idea of the exact tasks
they can perform, and at what cost. At the same time, we’ll
provide a list of places where you can find reliable help,
including a portal where you won’t need to worry about paying
excessive fees.
What is a social media virtual assistant
Even if you’re not fond of social media, and would rather not
deal with it at all, its effect on a business is undeniable. For SM
Bs, social media can mean life or death when it comes to
finding new leads and promoting their products or services. As
for big businesses, maintaining a presence on social media
broadens their avenue for customer services and marketing
Social media virtual assistants allow you to skip day-to-day
maintenance of your online presence. Plus, if the first sentence
in this section applies to you, they might even be more attuned
with what gets results on social media. They allow you to
maximize your two most important resources: your time and
You’ll find below common, time-consuming tasks a social media
virtual assistant can do for you. This list will hopefully give you
a better idea of how they can improve your workflow and
online presence.
20 tasks a social media virtual assistant can do
for you
1) Establish and run your social media profiles
Business owners who are wholly focused on running their
business might wonder which platforms suit their needs best.
At the same time, those who already have accounts may
wonder why they’re not gaining more followers.
A social media virtual assistant assesses which platforms can
actually benefit your business. Whether that’s Instagram,
Facebook, Twitter, or others, they’ll set up handles that will get
clicks. Any pre-existing accounts will also get a do-over, and
their day-to-day taken care of.
2) Develop a social media strategy
Part of the maintenance a social media virtual assistant will
take care of involves social media strategy. In the same way,
you can’t run a business without a plan, your online presence
can’t advance without a strategy.
Social media strategies outline goals for your pages, and the
steps your assistant will take to achieve them. Your social
media virtual assistant can even come up with those goals and
They can also aid you in crafting your brand, which platforms
to use, determine what value your social presence brings your
customer base, how to gain and nurture leads, the metrics to
determine your success, and what resources are needed to
carry this whole strategy out.
On the other hand, you can have a general plan, and your
assistant can fill in—and carry out—the details.