Get The Best Condo/HOA Management Resources At This Chicagoland Virtual Expo 2021

Get The Best Condo/HOA Management Resources At This Chicagoland Virtual Expo 2021, updated 5/17/21, 2:02 PM

The Chicagoland Virtual Condo, HOA, And Apartment Expo dates have been released by Cooperator Events. This event, on May 26 - 27, 2021, will benefit all those in the industry who are located in the Chicagoland area. Learn more at

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Get The Best Condo/HOA Management
Resources At the Chicagoland Virtual Expo
Cooperator Events has announced their
upcoming premier Chicagoland Virtual Condo,
HOA, and Apartment Expo. The much
anticipated virtual event will take place on May
26 - May 27, 2021, and will be filled with
product demos, educational webinars, and
online networking with vendors eager to talk.
By announcing the dates of this event,
Cooperator Events will provide vital
resources that will benefit all who work in
this industry, such as Property Managers,
Board Members, Apartment Building
Owners, Shareholders, and Real Estate
Professionals in Chicagoland.
This one-of-a-kind virtual Expo platform is
the closest participants can get to physically
attending this sort of event. Cooperator
Events has set up the platform in a way that
is easy to navigate, and all information,
seminars, webinars, chat rooms, and so on
are readily accessible.
Upon entering the platform's main Lobby,
one can access other virtual rooms: the
Exhibit Hall, Demo Stage, Main Stage, and
Networking area. In these rooms, a wealth of
the latest information in the industry can be
found through seminars, product demos, and
advice from industry experts.
A few of the experts who will be
exhibiting are specialists in Property
Management, Property Management
Software, Energy Efficiency and
Conservation, Architects, Engineers,
Insurance, Pest Control, Laundry
Services, Attorneys, and many more.
A helpful feature included during the live online
expo show and found in the platform's resources
link is a virtual briefcase. Here participants can
save resources, links, webinars, or other
documentation. The briefcase contents will be
saved during the show and up to 24 hours after
for download.
The current pandemic has
temporarily brought in
person Expo events to a
CooperatorEvents has worked
hard on finding a way to
continue this necessary
service and has found the
perfect means through the
virtual world.
All that is offered at the
Chicagoland Virtual Condo,
HOA, and Apartment Expo
comes completely free of
charge to all who attend. 
Just by attending the
Chicagoland 2021 Virtual Expo,
you will be able to win booth
giveaways as well as qualify for
prizes by visiting virtual booths
and attending the seminars.
Go to
https://www.chicago.yre to find out