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Pakistan - The Regional Business Hub
International Trade
& Industry Fair Asia
In conjunction with
27-29 March 2010 at Karachi Expo Centre
4th Power & Alternative Energy Asia 2010
Int’l Exhibition & Conference
Supported by:
Board of Investment
Govt. of Pakistan
Ministry of Industries
Govt. of Sindh
City District
Govt. Karachi
Water & Power
Development Authority
Private Power &
Infrastructure Board
Ministry of
Water and Power
Alternative Energy
Development Board
Organized by:
The Global
Association of the
Exhibition Industry
Paris - France
M e m b e r
w w w . u f i . o r g
The Premier Power & Alternative Energy Show
The 4th Power & Alternative Energy Asia 2010 Exhibition will be the biggest specialized event in Pakistan,
covering power generation, transmission and distribution, development of newer sources of energy & evergy
saving technologies. The Exhibition welcomes leading manufacturers and suppliers’ of equipment and
services for the sectors: electric, hydroelectric, thermal, natural gas, nuclear & solar power supply systems,
electricity transmission networks, manufacturers of energy saving equipment and technologies, safety,
construction, repair & maintenance organizations etc.
Being held in conjunction with International Trade & Industry Fair - ITIF Asia 2010, the Exhibition will not
only be the premier meeting place for International power & alternative energy producing organizations
who are interested to invest in the conducive market of Pakistan, but also the largest forum for discussing
the real issues concerning energy.
Pakistan - The Regional Business Hub
Pakistan - the land of numerous unexplored opportunities has recently
earned a good name in the international market for being a vibrant and
progressive developing country in the world. The Government of Pakistan
has adopted a liberal investment policy to attract maximum foreign
investment, where foreign investors can hold up to 100% equity in several
economic sectors. As a result, the foreign direct investment in the Country
has increased substantially over the past few years, thus differentiating
Pakistan from many other countries of the region. Also, the vital indicators
of Pakistan's economy have shown extra-ordinary improvement such as
enhanced GDP and GNP, increased foreign exchange reserves, skyrocketing stock market performance, stable
Pakistani currency and improved balance of payments, with per capita income crossing US$925.
Pakistan's economy is gaining more strength with each passing year, underpinned by a buoyant private sector.
The world is witnessing the real GDP of Pakistan maintaining a steady growth at one of the fastest rates in the
history of the Country and among the highest in the economies of the world. The international trade is increasing
owing to revolutionary changes in tariff structures and better international relations. Power demand is growing
both at industrial as well as consumer levels. The foreign exchange reserves are maintained at a respectable level.
Major investments are underway on power generation, developing newer sources of energy to meet the increasing
demands in the Country, power transmission & distribution, infrastructure, telecommunication, housing, ports
and communication & information technology etc.
The current pace of development in Pakistan is no miracle but is the result of a dedicated and continuous effort
by the Government of Pakistan through implementing policies for deregulation, liberalization and privatization.
Electrical Power Generation
The Country’s energy demand had grown at an annual consumption growth rate of 4.8% in the past five years but now
it is expected to grow at 8 to 10% per annum till the end of current decade. Therefore, need exists for a high and sustained
growth in energy supply and infrastructure capacity of 7 - 8% per annum to support the steady growth in the Country’s
GDP. Hydel power being most inexpensive, needs utmost attention.
Power & Alternative Energy Sectors of Pakistan
Pakistan has abundant energy resources, which need to be harnessed through an institutionalised strategy for optimum
utilization. The Government has set out an action plan to achieve exploration and maximum utilization of indigenous
resources like oil, gas, coal and alternative sources like solar and wind energy etc. Maximum participation of the private
sector in this regard is encouraged.
Alternative / Renewable Energy
Biomass Potential
In Pakistan this source of energy has not been utilized for power
generation in the past. The growing urbanization and changes
in the pattern of life has given rise to generation of increasing
quantities of wastes and its now becoming another threat to
our environment. In recent years, waste-to-energy technologies
have been developed to produce clean energy though the
combustion of municipal solid waste in speacially designed power
Hydro Power
The energy of water has been harnessed as early as the Antiquity
through the water mill. Nowadays, this energy is used in hydroelectric
power stations to generate electricity. Its working principle is simple:
water drives turbines, which in turn drive alternators. Hydro energy
is a renewable source of energy based on the natural rhythm of the
water cycle. It generates about 15% of the power generated in
Power Sector of Pakistan Key Statistics
Total Generation Capacity
19,222 MW
Electricity Distribution Network
360,000 Km
34.4 % Transportation
34.2 % Industrial
23 % Residential
Sectoral Share of Energy Consumption
3.1 % Commercial
2.6 % Agriculture
2.7 % Government
43.8 % Natural Gas
39 % Oil
Fuel Share of Energy Consumption
11 % Hydroelectricity
5.2 % Coal
1 % Nuclear
Total Supplies to the Energy Mix
48.12 Million TOE
Average Growth in Energy Consumption
4.8 % per annum
The tapping of solar energy resources economically &
commercially has become inevitable with the increasing
price of oil.
The Exhibition will discuss the direct and indirect benefits
of hydropower, its synergy with other renewable
energies, ways of improving economics through prudent
planning and the use of advanced technology for design,
construction and refurbishment of our energy potentials.
Power Sector Scenario of Pakistan
Hydel Potential of Pakistan
Pakistan is endowed with a hydel potential of approximately 41722
MW, most of which lies in the North West Frontier Province, Northern
Areas, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. However, an abundant
hydel potential is still untapped which needs to be harnessed.
The total installed capacity of the hydropower stations in the country
is about 6595 MW, out of which 3767 MW is in NWFP, 1698 MW in
Punjab, 1036 MW in AJK and 93 MW in the Northern Areas.
Coal Potential of Pakistan
The presence of coal deposits in Pakistan was known before
independence, but its economic value was highlighted in 1980 when
large reserves of coal were discovered in the Lakhra and Sonda areas
of Sindh Province. The discovery of another huge coal deposit of
175.5 billion tonnes in an area of 10,000 sq. km in Tharparkar District
of Sindh has provided a quantum increase in the coal resources of
Pakistan. After this discovery, Pakistan is now the 6th richest nation
of the world in respect of coal resources. The total coal reserves are
estimated at 185.5 billion tonnes
Natural Gas
Natural gas is currently the world’s most important source of energy.
Natural gas is the world’s second most important fossil fuel. The
investment associated with gas procurement is projected to increase.
Pakistan has signed a multi-billion dollar contract for procuring gas
through pipeline from Iran, while another from Turkmenistan is
poised to be signed after a bit calm in Afghanistan.
Wind Energy Potential
Pakistan has a considerable potential of wind energy in the coastal
belt of Balochistan and Sindh and as wel as in the desert areas of
Punjab and Sindh. This renewable source of energy has howerver, not
so far been utilized significantly. The Wind Data of all Pakistan has
been collected from Pakistan Metrological Department and analyzed
by AEDB. As per the collected data, the coastal belt of Pakistan is
blessed with a God gifted wind corridor that is 60 Km wide (Gharo
~ Kati Bandar) and 180 Km long (up to Hyderabad). This corridor has
the exploitable potential of 50,000 MW of electricity generation
through wind energy.
Solar Thermal Energy Potential
Pakistan lies in an area of one of the highest solar insolation in the
world. This vast potential can be exploited to produce electricity, which
could be provided to off-grid communities in the nothern hilly areas
and the southern and western deserts. Applications other than electricity
production such as solar water heaters and solar cookers also have
vast applications.
"Government of Pakistan is putting greater emphasis on Renewable Energy and has set a
target of 10% renewable energy or 2700 MW in the Country's energy mix by 2015”
• Foreign Companies seeking
Joint Ventures
• Foreign & Local Investors /
• Trade Delegations from
Various Countries
• High Level Government
• Policy and Decision Makers
• Foreign Missions and Consul
• Business Magnates of
• Top Executives and
Professionals from Local
• Opinion Leaders &
• Power Generation /
Contractors & Consultants
• Project Managers
Visitors’ Profile
• Minor /Major Hydel Power
• Wind Power Engineering
• Hydrogen Power Engineering
• Geothermal Power
• Solar Power Engineering
• Nuclear Power Engineering
• Bioenergetics
• Natural Gas
Energy Sources
Email: URL:
Pakistan’s # 1 Event Organizers
Ecommerce Gateway Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd
C-17 KDA Scheme-1, off: Karsaz Road
Tel: (92-21) 111-222-444, 3453 6321 Fax: (92-21) 3453 6330
Tel: (92-51) 111-222-444, 282 3796 Fax: (92-51) 282 3797
Tel: (92-42) 111-222-444, 3755 2567 Fax: (92-42) 3755 2697
Power & Alternative Energy Asia Secretariat
EC Gateway
M e m b e r
Shell Scheme Stalls
(min 9 sqm) : US $ 300 per sqm
Bare Space inside Halls
(min 18 sqm) : US $ 250 per sqm
Outdoor Exhibit Space
(min 80 sqm)
: US $ 75 per sqm
Event Details
: Power & Alternative Energy Asia 2010
Int’l Exhibition & Conference
: Annual
Exhibition Dates
: 27-29 March 2010
Exhibition Timings
: 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
: Karachi Expo Centre
Exhibit Area
: More than 4000 sqm
No. of Participating
Countries expected
: 20
Major Participating : Japan, Russia, China, South Korea, UK,
Countries expected
Singapore, Turkey, Netherlands, USA,
Germany, France, Italy, Ukraine, UAE
Expected no.
of trade visitors
: Over 50,000
4th Power & Alternative Energy Asia 2010 Exhibition
Advanced Power Systems, etc.
Aerials & Antenna
Air Compressors
Air Conditioning  Chillers And Heat Exchangers
Air Curtains And Filters
Air Purifications And Cleaning Equipment
Alarm Systems
Asbestos, GRP, Fibre Glass
Auto Recloser
Automation & Control Systems
Batteries & Battery Chargers
Bearing And Gears
Billing and utility technology
Biomass Systems
Boiler Plant/Instrumentation
Boilers and auxiliary equipment
Bolts, Nuts & Chains
Cable Fault Locator
Cable Handling and Laying Equipment
Cable Jointing & termination
Cable Labeling
Cable Protection and Support
Cable Testing Equipment
Cable Trays
Cable-conductor products
Calibration Systems & Guages
Capacitor Banks
Cast Resin Transformers
Ceramic & Other Power Insulator
Certification Services
Circuit Breakers
Compressor and Turbine blades
Conduits & Fittings
Conversion and storage of electrical energy
Conversion methods to heat and power, Bio-fuels
Cooling And Heating Equipment
Copper Rod and Wire
Corrosion Control System
Covers Upvc Pipes
Crimping Sockets
Current Transformers
Desalination Systems & Equipment
Diesel Engines
Differential Relays
Distance Relays
Earth Leakage Protection
Earthing / Lighting Equipment & Accessories
e-business solutions, supply chain and logistics
Electric drives
Electric generators : turbogenerators and
Electric Motor Repair Equipment
Electric motors
Electrical cabling and substation technology
Electrical control unit equipment
Electrical Meters
Electrical Testing & Certification
Electrical Wiring Accessories
Electricity digital markets
Electricity utilities
Electronic sensors
Emergency Lighting
Emission Monitoring Equipment
Energy Conservation Products
Energy efficiency
Energy Management and Services
Energy Measurements
Energy Meters – Consumer connection equipment
home service meters
Energy Savers
Environment Consultancy
Environment protection
Environmental Control System
Environmental Research, Science & Tech
Equipment for power transmission lines
Equipment inspection and repair
Explosion Proof Lighting & Switchgear
Facility and asset management
Fan And Exhaust Systems
Fault Recorders
Fiber Glass Products
Field Instrumentation
Filtration Equipment (Air, Water , Gas Etc.)
Financial Services
Fire Safety Systems
Firefighting Equipment & System
Flame Arrestors
Flow Meters/Detectors
Fluid Management Systems
Fuel Handling & Injection System
Fuel suppliers
Fuses/Fuse Switches/Fuse gear
Galvanizing Products
Garbage Trash Disposal And Recycling
Gas & Power Equipment
Gas Analyzers
Gas Blenders
Gas Compressors
Gas Detectors
Gas Engines
Gas Exploration
Gas Insulated Switch Gear
Gas Meters Test & Measurement
Gas Turbines
General Gas Services -Exploration/Production
General Renewable Energy Services
Generating Sets
Generation technologies
Geothermal power engineering
Hardware Tools & Tackles, Gaskets
Hazardous Waste Collection Management
HDPE, PVC GI Stainless
Heat & Power integration, products & system, Co
Heat Recovery
Heat-exchange equipment
Heating Equipment
High-voltage equipment of distribution and control
Home Appliances like Refrigerators, Air
Conditioners, Dishwashers, TV, PC
Horizontal Drilling Equipment
Hrc Fuses Links 
Hydraulic & Pneumatic
Hydraulic structure
Hydro-Electric Power Plant
Hydrogen & Fuel Cells
Hydrogen power engineering
Hydrogeology. Ground water prospecting and
Independent Power Producers
Industrial And Power Automation
Industrial Belts
Industrial Chemicals And Products
Industrial Electronics
Industrial Linings
Industrial power engineering
Industrial Relays
Industrial ventilation systems
Infrastructure Providers
Infrastructure Provisions
Insulation Materials
Irrigations System
IT. Hydroinformatics
Junction Boxes
Labeling and Identification
Laboratory Equipment
Lamps - Discharge & Special Lamps
Land Regeneration/Redemption
Leak Detection Equipment
Level Detection & Control
Lifting Equipment
Lighting Fixtures - Industrial & Residential
Lightning Protection
Limit Switches
Low-Energy Buildings
Low-voltage equipment of distribution and control
Lubricant / Grease
Lubricants - Industrial
Magnetic Cores
Magnetic Devices
Magnetic Wire
Main Panel & Distribution Boards
Maintenance Services
Major Oil Operating Companies
Management and Maintenance Services
Media / Publishing services
Meter Cabinets
Metering devices
Micro Tunneling Equipment
Minor hydro-power engineering
Mobile Modular & Conventional Substations
Motors/Starters/Control Gear/Protection Relays
Noise Control Equipment
Outdoor Lighting
Overhead Line Equipment Materials  / Hardware
and Accessories
P.O.U. Filters
Package transformer substations
Panel Instruments
Pipe Support
Pipeline And Coating Items
Pipes and pipeline fittings
Plant Monitoring
Plastic tubes, Rods & Sheets
Pneumatic Tools & Tackles
Pocket Substations
Pollution Control System & Products
Power Monitoring & Supplies
Power plant design
Power switches
Power Transformers / Distribution / Instrument /
Voltage /Current Transformers.
Pressing / centrifuges
Pressure Gauges
Pressure Vessels
Private Power Utilities
Protective Coating Items
Pumps, Compressors and Filters
Purification installations
Recycling (Solid, Liquid, Vapor)
Recycling Products (Wood, Paper, etc.) &
Refrigeration Equipment
Refuse Disposal System
Relays - Control & Protection
Remote sensing
Rust Proofing Equipment
Safety Equipment
Sandblasting Equipment
Security Systems
Signaling Equipment
Sludge separation
Sludge utilization
Software Packages
Software Packages for related inds.
Solar & Wind Energy Products
Stand-alone sources of energy
Steam turbines, electric-power, combined-cycle
and gas turbine units
Street Lighting & Poles
Survey Equipment
Switchboards & Switchgear
Switchgear Products, Low & Med Voltage
Synchronizing Equipment
Systems Engineering
Technologies of energy efficiency and energy
Testing & Inspection  Services
Trade Associations
Training Aids & Courses
Transmission Equipment
Tubes, Turbines
Turnkey Installations
Ultrasonic Systems
Under floor Duct & Trunking
Uninterruptible Power Systems
Valves & Fittings
Valves and gauges
Voltage Stabilizers & Regulators
Watt Meters
Wind Turbines
Wire Manufacturing
Wiring & Accessories
Exhibits Profile


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