
Hillsborough County Florida Conservation and Environmental Lands Management Department 

We manage more than 61,000 acres of environmentally sensitive wildlife habitat and corridors acquired through the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program (ELAPP).

Management responsibilities include:
Prescribed burning
Invasive species control
Wildlife inventory
Trail maintenance
Feral animal control
Habitat improvements for endangered and threatened species of plants and animals

ELAPP is a voluntary program established for the purpose of providing the process and funding for identifying, acquiring, preserving and protecting endangered, environmentally-sensitive and significant lands in Hillsborough County. It is a citizen-based program with volunteer committees involved in every key aspect of the program. ELAPP is not a regulatory program, but lands are identified for the program because of their environmental significance.

About HCConservation

Hillsborough County FL Conservation and Lands Management

We protect Hillsborough County's natural lands and wildlife through a system of conservation parks and nature preserves, including more than 63,000 acres of environmentally sensitive lands through ELAPP. We also provide unique outdoor recreational activities ranging from picnicking and camping to hiking and kayaking.

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When rain falls on lawns, forests and fields, the water not absorbed by plants filters through the soil before reaching
and replenishing Florida’s groundwater supply. Ninety percent of the state’s drinking water is supplied by groundwater.
When stormwater falls on pavement, buildings and other
impermeable surfaces, the runoff flows quickly and
can pick up trash, chemicals, silt and other pollutants.
Historically, storm sewer systems were designed solely
to allow runoff to drain quickly from developed areas and
prevent flooding.
Modern stormwater management systems are designed
not only to prevent flooding, but also to remove
pollutants, protect waterbodies, capture rainfall to
replenish groundwater, and prevent damage to property
and wildlife habitat.
Stormwater management systems come in a variety of
shapes, sizes and forms, but there are two basic types:
» Retention systems are designed to capture runoff
and allow it to seep through the soil. Swales, a
commonly used feature, resemble shallow ditches.
The grassy slopes filter sediments as stormwater
percolates into the ground.
» Detention systems – or ponds – are designed
to allow material to settle and absorb before
the stormwater is gradually released. Shoreline
vegetation around the detention system helps filter
sediments from the runoff.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(DEP) regulates activities that generate stormwater
runoff. Projects that alter the natural flow of water
or increase
the amount of
stormwater runoff
are regulated by
the department’s
Resource Permit
(ERP) program.
DEP also regulates
activities that have the potential to increase pollutant
loads to water bodies or to municipal separate storm
sewer systems (MS4s) as covered by the National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).
ERP stormwater permits:
» Are required for projects that alter land topography
to the extent that there is a significant increase in the
site’s stormwater runoff;
» Authorize the construction of a stormwater
management system; and
» Require the owner of the management system to
maintain it in perpetuity.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection - Stormwater Management
NPDES stormwater permits:
» Are required to treat stormwater runoff associated with construction
activities, industrial activities and MS4s;
» Require permittees to develop and implement a stormwater
pollution prevention plan or stormwater management plan;
» Require permittees to minimize and control pollution;
» Require the implementation of structural and nonstructural best
management practices; and
» Require periodic audits, inspections and monitoring to ensure
compliance with the permit.
Funding for Stormwater Improvement Projects
DEP also works to protect and improve water resources with programs
that provide grants and loans to local governments for projects that
address stormwater treatment improvements and reduce stormwater
nutrient pollution. Local governments can qualify to receive low-interest
loans for stormwater infrastructure through the Clean Water State
Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Stormwater treatment projects also may
be eligible for funding through the Clean Water Act Section 319(h)
Grant and the state's Total Maximum Daily Load Water Quality
Restoration Grant.
» The CWSRF provides low-interest loans to local governments
to plan, design and build or upgrade wastewater, stormwater
and nonpoint source pollution prevention projects, as well as
drinking water systems. The CWSRF has awarded approximately
$1.1 billion in funding for about 120 wastewater and stormwater
improvement projects during the past five years and awarded a total
of $4 billion in loan funds since its inception in 1989.
» Total Maximum Daily Load Water Quality Restoration grants fund
projects that reduce pollution from nonpoint sources and urban
stormwater. Eligible projects include stormwater treatment, erosion
and sediment control, and septic tank pollution abatement. Since
2002, the department has awarded more than $110 million in TMDL
grants, including $4.6 million awarded in fiscal year 2014-15.
» The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency annually provides grants
to each state to protect and restore watersheds affected by
nonpoint source pollution. Florida receives about $6 million annually
to help local governments with water quality restoration projects.
The department selects high-priority, local restoration projects to
fund with these dollars targeted to restore verified impaired springs,
rivers, lakes, and estuaries - those waterbodies that are known to
not currently meet Florida’s water quality standards. Since 2004, the
department has contracted over $51 million from the 319 grant to
local governments, nonprofits, and water management districts.
For more information, visit
Help Prevent Stormwater Runoff
You can help prevent the damaging
effects of stormwater runoff by
following these guidelines:
• Never dump anything down storm
• Clean up trash and yard waste in
your yard and gutters, and around
storm drains.
• Do not blow leaf litter and
grass clippings into the road or
stormwater systems.
• Direct rain gutters and
downspouts away from paved
• Use mulch, bricks, gravel or other
porous materials for walkways,
patios and driveways.
• Control soil erosion by planting
over bare spots in the landscape.
• Sweep debris off driveways and
sidewalks instead of using a hose.
Clean up oil spills and leaks on
• Keep drainage systems such as
ditches, swales and ponds clear of
debris and trash, including grass
clippings and branches. Report
clogged or damaged systems
or eroded slopes to your city or
• Do not fill stormwater ponds,
swales and retention systems. Any
reduction in treatment volume will
interfere with the pond’s ability to
hold stormwater runoff.
• Plant trees around the perimeter
of a pond on your property. Trees
filter the water and lower the
water table.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection