Achieve Better School Results With This Book For Principals And Teachers

Achieve Better School Results With This Book For Principals And Teachers, updated 9/9/20, 11:14 PM

A book has been launched to help school principals improve their institutions. Principals with Impact 5 Leadership Roles to Improve Schools by Dr Lloyd Jaeger offers practical advice and guidance. Find out more at or

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Achieve Better School Results With This
Book For Principals And Teachers
Are you a practicing school principal or
aspiring principal? Do you want to foster
collaboration and development at your school
for your teachers and students? Do you want
to improve the performance of your institution?
If you have answered 'yes' you need to read
this specialist book!
Principals with Impact: 5 Leadership
Roles to Improve Schools by Dr
Lloyd Jaeger is based on the
concept that every American family
and their children deserve an
effectively led results-driven school.
The newly launched book by Dr Lloyd
Jaeger provides a replicable guide and
practical toolkit designed to help you
transform staff collaborations, propel
student growth, and fulfil the promise that
all families and children deserve a school
dedicated to achieving results.
His practical book offers you a
roadmap for success and
empowers you to create an
environment of continuous
improvement for your teachers
and students alike.
He utilizes case studies and proven
principles to encourage bold
thinking and actions that support
you to find new ways to train your
teachers and improve your
students' learning outcomes.
The book is designed to support
you whether you are a practicing
or aspiring principal, or a teacher
who wants to understand learning
techniques that could improve
your school.
As you may know, as a
school principal a critical
role is shared.
You are responsible for
fostering and supporting the
growth and development of
both teachers and learners.
Principals with Impact
highlights five essential school
leadership roles for
accomplishing these outcomes
in any school grade, level, or
A spokesperson said: "As founder and
president of Learning & Leadership Services,
Dr Jaeger continues as a frequently sought-
after consultant in the areas of goal setting,
curriculum alignments, instructional design,
coaching for teachers and school principals,
staff supervision and evaluation."
Visit the links provided in
the summary to change
your school today!