Get The Best Auto Repair Quotes For Comparison Across Body Shops In Vancouver

Get The Best Auto Repair Quotes For Comparison Across Body Shops In Vancouver, updated 6/4/20, 1:41 AM

AutoBuddy has announced the launch of its anonymous auto repair platform for people looking for the best, fair and quality repairs in Vancouver and the surrounding areas of Canada. Visit for more information.

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Get The Best Auto Repair Quotes For
Comparison Across Body Shops In Vancouver
Would you like to be able to browse
a range of estimates for your vehicle
repairs in the comfort of your own
home? Do you wish you could
compare the prices you're offered
with other repair shops?
AutoBuddy has announced the
launch of its new vehicle repair
platform, which allows you to
receive fair and honest repair
quotes from local body shops.
AutoBuddy is based in
Vancouver, Canada, and has
recently launched its service,
which allows you to submit a
repair request to a range of
local body shops.
You can browse estimates
on the platform from the
comfort of your own home
before selecting the one
suitable for you.
To use the AutoBuddy
platform, you need to sign up
for the service and submit your
repair requests with photos and
additional information.
The anonymous quotes that
you receive through
AutoBuddy allows for a fair
and honest estimate for both
you and the body shops.
The AutoBuddy platform
benefits body shops by
encouraging a fair and
affordable market with its
anonymous quotes.
The service can help body
repair shops to gain new
customers by exposing them to
an extended customer base
without having to advertise
AutoBuddy developed the system
after running their own auto repair
shop and noticed flaws in the industry.
They wanted to create a way to
promote a fair, economic, and
adaptable marketplace for customers
and repair shops alike.
The Vancouver company offers expert
customer service and is dedicated to
getting you fair, quality estimates. Their
technicians also vet all of the repair
facilities before adding them to the
platform to ensure you receive quality
vehicle repairs.
for more information!