Improve Your Organization’s Crisis Management Plan: Consult Conflict Resolution Expert

Improve Your Organization’s Crisis Management Plan: Consult Conflict Resolution Expert, updated 8/25/23, 4:30 PM


Are you struggling with maintaining your productivity levels? Is your organization or company suffering from unresolved conflict? Dr. Erika Wichro MD, MAS (LLM), MA, MPH can help! Visit for more information!

Dr. Erika Wichro City: Vienna Address: 15 Fuchsröhrenstraße Website Phone +43-664-9718148 Email

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Improve Your Company's Crisis
Management with This Conflict
Resolution Expert
You might not notice it,
but not having a crisis
management plan can
affect the security and
productivity of your staff.
Similarly, you may feel a little
overwhelmed and uncertain if
you do not develop a resilient
mindset. Dr. Wichro can help
you or your organization be the
best they can be!
The global crisis
management expert with
over three decades of
experience in clinical and
corporate settings offers
one-on-one consultancy
Internationally recognized
especially in conflict
resolution and
peacebuilding, Dr. Wichro's
service helps individuals
and organizations overcome
personal challenges.
Highlighting her
personalized approach,
Dr. Wichro’s one-on-one
consultations aid you in
reshaping the course of
your personal and
professional life.
For companies, this may include strategy planning and
capacity building, depending on the organization's long-term
These sessions are complemented by customized video masterclasses and
online modules curated to reinforce daily conscious decisions and foster
sustainable individual growth.
Find Out More At