Top 10 Productivity-Killing Document Management Practices

Top 10 Productivity-Killing Document Management Practices, updated 7/19/16, 3:08 PM


Do your document processes need a tune-up?

With up to 60% of employee time being spent on document management, it’s important to make sure your company is providing the most streamlined processes possible.

How is your office doing?
Check out our list of top 10 document lifecycle problems to see if your processes are running smoothly, or if you could use a little tune-up.

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Accusoft provides a full spectrum of document, content and imaging solutions as fully supported, enterprise-grade, best-in-class client-server applications, mobile apps, cloud services and software development kits (SDKs). The company’s HTML5 viewing technology is available to the enterprise as PrizmDoc, in cloud-based SaaS versions, and in a version optimized for SharePoint integration.

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Top 10 Productivity-Killing
Document Management Practices:
How Does Your Office Rate?
With 60% of office time being spent on document management*,
it’s important to make sure your company has streamlined processes
that maximize employee productivity.
We’ve put together a list of the top 10 time-wasting practices employees
engage in during the document lifecycle.
How does your company rate?
Check all boxes that apply and see where you land on the document lifecycle spectrum.
❏ Computer desktop is cluttered with
downloaded documents
❏ Trouble finding needed files in the
downloads folder
❏ Occasionally work on the wrong
version of a document
❏ Printing out PDFs to mark them
up because you don’t have the full
version of Acrobat
❏ Wasting time manually searching
through documents for keywords
and phrases
❏ Saving files to services like Dropbox
because they’re too large for email
❏ Walking paper-based files around for
review and approval
❏ Printing, manually filling out, and
scanning documents
❏ Sharing files both inside and outside
the company without any security
controls set
❏ Downloading outside applications to
view documents in the browser
How did you do?
If you checked 5 or more boxes, you could use a little help with your document
lifecycle processes. The good news is that there are ways to automate and
streamline many of the repetitive processes that businesses use.
Here are some resources and tools to help you get started:
The Benefits of Moving
Enterprise Content
Management to the Cloud
Identify and Simplify
the 4 Phases of a
Document Lifecycle
Eliminate Unnecessary
Software Licensing Fees
With an HTML5 Viewer
Discover how PrizmDoc
can improve your
document processes
Accusoft provides document processing services to help streamline your office
and enhance your current document management software. Our flagship product,
PrizmDoc, is a powerful, scalable suite of APIs and JavaScript that use HTML5
standard technologies to convert, view, search, annotate, and redact documents in
dozens of formats in a zero-footprint viewing client.
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