Utility Bill Auditing & Negotiation Service Enables Car Dealerships To Reduce Operating Costs

Utility Bill Auditing & Negotiation Service Enables Car Dealerships To Reduce Operating Costs , updated 3/24/24, 8:40 PM

Get in the fast lane to big savings with Recession Resister. Their utility bill auditing platform will ensure your dealership lowers your costs and boosts your profits. Start reducing your bills today at https://recessionresister.com/

Recession Resister City: Portland Address: 11923 NE Sumner St Website: https://recessionresister.com Email: support@recessionresister.com

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Utility Bill Auditing & Negotiation Service
Helps Car Dealerships Cut Costs
Recession Resister's utility bill auditing platform has been
designed to bring down the cost of your car dealerships
overheads, like energy.
They can offer both expert bill
negotiation services and an
annual energy auto-switching
service, which will allow your
dealership to continuously access
the best available rates.
They are also partnered with
several smart technology
providers and can provide you
with energy efficient devices like
HVAC systems that can cut
electricity costs by 15-30%.
Beyond energy, Recession
Resister’s team will also
renegotiate your • gas,
water, waste management,
pest control, security,
payroll, and
telecommunications bills.
They will also audit
previous bills looking for
any mistakes or
overcharges that have
resulted in your
dealership paying more
than you should.
They said, "We’ll audit years’ worth of bills for you, finding overcharges and
mistakes. If we don’t find you any refunds or reduction opportunities, you don’t pay
us a thing."
With Recession Resister's no-save, no-pay business model, they are
confident they can offer you a risk-free, quick and direct way to reduce your
operating costs.
Start reducing your bills today at