This Springfield Vermicompost Expert Produces 100% Natural Earthworm Castings

This Springfield Vermicompost Expert Produces 100% Natural Earthworm Castings, updated 8/19/20, 9:43 PM

A Springfield vermiculture company has launched all-natural worm casting products and online resources for growers who want to ensure their plants' survival during summer. Find out more at

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This Springfield Vermicompost Expert
Produces 100% Natural Earthworm Castings
Are you worried that your
plants might not survive the
heat of summer? This
vermiculture expert has the
perfect natural product for you.
Simple Grow Soil has
launched its products and
services for gardeners and
home growers.
It offers 100% pure worm
castings to growers who
want an organic alternative
to commercial fertilizers.
The company's main product
is Simple Grow Soil Builder,
an all-natural worm casting
brand that is available in
different sizes.
The company has also
published The Ultimate
Guide to Worm Castings.
It is an online resource that
offers you information on the
science and benefits of worm
Worm castings, also known
as vermicast, are a type of
organic fertilizer that are
sourced from the manure of
They provide several benefits
to plants, such as nutrients,
soil aeration, moisture
retention, pest resistance, and
disease protection.
What sets Simple Grow Soil
Builder apart is the quality of
their castings. It harvests its
products from a variety of
African nightcrawlers.
These worms consume more
nutritious organic matter
found in the soil, making them
a better source of high-quality
Find out more at