Learning consultant urges professionals to get ready for AI in Talent Development.

Learning consultant urges professionals to get ready for AI in Talent Development., updated 4/28/21, 5:17 PM

Margie Meacham, better known as ‘The Brain Lady’ has released AI in Talent Development: Capitalize on the AI Revolution to Transform the Way You Work, Learn, and Live, covering the converging fields of neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Go to https://www.learningtogo.info to find out more.

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Top 100 Neuroscience Blog Can Help You Train
Your Brain For Happiness & Health
LearningToGo wants to share the latest from the true frontiers of
neuroscience with you and help you train your brain with it.
Artificial Intelligence is all around us, in our banking,
our online shopping, even our streaming services for
Yet learning professionals in general have been
slow to use the tools that are readily available for
other purposes
The first step is to start thinking
differently and make incremental
changes where we can.
If last year has taught us anything,
it is the hard lesson that everything
changes. Including our roles in
AI in Talent Development: Capitalize on the AI Revolution to
Transform the Way You Work, Learn, and Live is now available on
While it is impossible to completely predict the
future, one thing we know for sure – there are
going to be many changes in the digital
workplace. Luckily, our brains are uniquely
adapted to change and are rewiring themselves
In an era of fake news, overblown claims and unproven
results, Margie Meacham prides herself on the scientific
integrity and peer-reviewed credibility of her work and her
results. She invites you to discover the difference by
engaging with her at learningtogo.info
LearningToGo offers customized educational chatbots,
instructional design, and learning strategy.
Our experts combine the latest,
validated discoveries in neuroscience
and AI to develop improve cognitive
function and work-life success.
Thanks to the emerging partnership of
neuroscience and AI, we are uncovering
the hidden code of what makes us who we
are, and what can make us truly great. Let
Learningtogo guide you on this journey.
Go to
to find out more.