Arlington health insurance may not have any changes with latest comments on ACA ruling

Arlington health insurance may not have any changes with latest comments on ACA ruling, updated 11/16/20, 4:54 AM

Rick Thornton, a health insurance agent in Arlington, says a repeal of the Affordable Care Act with latest appointment might not happen if experts are right in latest assessment.

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Arlington health insurance may not have any
changes with latest comments on ACA
Arlington health insurance
won't have any dramatic
changes because of the
ongoing court battles over the
Affordable Care Act.
Y McCarthy, an ex-prosecutor, told
the show that he doesn't believe
there is a single vote to strike down
the Affordable Care Act on the
nation's highest court, despite
everyone thinking the contrary.
According to Fox News, McCarthy
added that the best thing about the
confirmation process is Barrett
herself, explaining that the more
she's center stage answering
questions, the better it is.
This is big news for Americans,
especially those who have health
insurance in Arlington who continue
to watch back-and-forth quips, and
arguments from both sides of the
Affordable Care Act legal battle.
Many people have said Amy
Coney Barrett will be the tipping
point for the ACA's demise if she
is confirmed as the next justice
on the nation's highest court.
While everyone is focused on
talking about the Affordable Care
Act, they have failed to recognize
that Barrett has not said
specifically that she will definitely
strike it down.
He says that Americans should
take this latest news seriously
and pay attention to how things
shake out with the court before
making any big decisions with
their health insurance.
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