How to Generate the Most Leads on edocr

How to Generate the Most Leads on edocr, updated 11/25/24, 3:45 PM

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Keywords, lead generation, conversion: It’s all marketing jargon that you just can’t seem to wrap your head around. edocr wants to help your company create a strategy that enhances your document views and generates interest in your company.

With edocr, your documents are getting:


Lead Generation


The best performing documents on edocr are the ones that have public privacy settings. Their owners allow the public to download, print, and even embed their documents on third party sites. Want to know how to optimize your documents to get the best viewership possible?

top of page rankings

About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

Get publishing now!

Tag Cloud

How to Generate the Most Leads on edocr
As a small business, it can be difficult to get your name out there. You want
people to know who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them.
But, it’s not that easy in the digital age. You’ve got competitors not just
across town but across the world, vying for your prospects’ attention.
So, how do you stand out? How do you catch their attention and keep them
interested in your product and service? The first step is to grab their
attention. They need to know you exist and why your product or service is
better than the rest. The second step involves building trust. Finally, you
need to maintain that relationship.
Now, for the purpose of breaking things down, let’s focus on getting their
attention first. After all, they can’t do business with you if they don’t know
who you are.
The Importance of Search Engine Optimization and Keywords
Let’s start with the basics. What is a keyword? A keyword is a specific word
or phrase that enables search engines to find your content. When you
search for a topic on a search engine, bots from sites like Google, Yahoo!,
and Bing all use formulas to crawl webpages looking for relevant content.
What’s so great about edocr? Well, it uses a unique technology to extract
text from your document and company bio. From this information, a tag
cloud is created. These automated keywords are then used as primary tags
when a search engine crawls a page looking for specific variables in its
All of a sudden, you are getting more and more views on your page.
Remember, the more you diversify keywords within your content, the more
likely you are to be at the top of page rankings. This topic alone could take
up a series of blogs. Make sure to add your location information and other
terms that may be added to a search that would make you unique and
relevant. Do some of your own research if you want to develop a solid
content strategy. Wordstream has a great article on keyword optimization
that will take a deeper dive into the basics with you.
Turning Visitors Into Leads
Ok, so we’ve optimized your content. Now once you attract the right
audience, how do you turn them into customers? Step two involves building
trust. What does this mean exactly?
Well, with so many options available in the digital marketplace, your
customer has to not only like your product or service, but trust your company
as well. To build trust, you want to ensure your business is a thought-leader
in the industry. Vertical Measures has a great blog on thought leadership
that can help you get started.
You don’t want to always talk about yourself. When you think about it,
how many advertisements do you actually pay attention to? Between
radio, television, online banners, emails, billboards, and more… how
much of that actually sticks? I can guarantee that the ones that you
remember are ones that spoke to you not at you.
This is why companies must create content with a purpose. How? Get to
know your potential customers and give them information that they need.
Whether it’s an article about something trending in the industry or a PR
event that showcases your involvement in the community, you need to
consistently make an effort to build trust with your prospects.
Customers will select a product or service based on a variety of variables.
Once you understand what your customer is looking for, you can more
accurately target them with genuine messaging that helps them find a

Getting the Most Out of Your Views
The third step is maintaining a relationship. One way to do this is with
consistent content, shareable information and insightful ideas. Keep your
audience up to date on breaking industry trends with thought leadership
articles. Share your knowledge on the subject to show your prospects you
know what’s going on.
Keep them up-to-date on various channels to gain more visibility. With
edocr, you are sharing your content with a whole new audience. However,
you may be asking yourself, “How do I get my target audience to interact
with me?” Here at edocr, we’ve seen a trend in the documents that get the
most views. Take a look at the three that are most popular on edocr today:
● Buffalo Wild Wings Menu
● Toddler Learning Binder
● GMPTE Bus Maps
● Live 'feature' feed for daily updates of popular documents
You may be asking yourself, “Is it really the content? They are so diverse.
How can I get people to view, download or embed my documents?” The first
step is checking your privacy settings. Is your account the only one that can
print or download your documents?
The three documents above were viewed thousands of times this year
because they were all embedded on multiple websites. The companies that
posted the documents opened their privacy settings to allow others to
embed the document on third-party sites. These three documents were
downloaded and printed several times because their owners were willing to
share their content with a new audience.
Before taking a leap of faith and releasing all of your content, make sure you
have an updated profile. You want to ensure that when people are seeing
your documents, they know who posted them and how to get in touch with
Finally, don’t forget to embed your content into your own website. Views can
come from a variety of different sources. Whether it’s on the resources page
of your website or a social platform like edocr, make your content well-
rounded by posting it in different spots on the web.
So, what are you waiting for? Create your edocr account today and start
converting those leads.