Best Free ERTC Eligibility Check & Tax Rebate FAQs Answered By Top Accountants

Best Free ERTC Eligibility Check & Tax Rebate FAQs Answered By Top Accountants, updated 9/8/22, 1:16 PM

Find everything you need to know about the ERTC program in one place. This new FAQ from top accountants includes a free tax rebate eligibility test and an easy application process to help you claim your pandemic relief funds. Visit to learn more.

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Best Free ERTC Eligibility Check &
Tax Rebate FAQs Answered By Top
If you kept staff on the payroll throughout all or part of the
pandemic, you may qualify for tax rebates through the Employee
Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) program.
This new guide launched by explains which
businesses are eligible for
tax credits and how you can
maximize your rebates.
It also includes a free
eligibility assessment that
you can complete in
approximately one minute,
by answering a few simple
The assessment requires no
proprietary business
information and is available for
all employers with fewer than
500 full-time W-2 employees
on average.
Determine if you qualify for
rebates even if you have already
received a loan through the
Paycheck Protection Program
(PPP) or were previously ineligible
for another reason.
You can find details in the guide about several amendments made to
the ERTC program that have expanded the eligibility and increased
the amount you can claim in tax rebates.
While individual rebates will vary, you may be able to claim as much
as $26,000 per employee that never needs to be repaid, and has no
restrictions on how it can be spent.
Visit to learn more, or
to take the free eligibility test.