Alcohol Addiction: How Does It Affect Mental Health and How Do You Prevent It?

Alcohol Addiction: How Does It Affect Mental Health and How Do You Prevent It?, updated 5/15/21, 1:54 PM


Addiction, by itself, is a form of mental disorder. There are many that suffer from mental or psychological problems due to alcohol addiction, while others' alcohol use aggravates other conditions they already had before.

Read on to learn more about the psychological effects of alcohol addiction and treatment options.

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Alcohol Addiction: How
Does It Affect Mental
Health and How Do You
Prevent It?
B L O G | H A V E N H O U S E R E C O V E R Y C E N T E R
According to research conducted by
the UK-based Mental Health
Foundation, the physiological and
psychological effects of alcohol in
people suffering from mental health
issues are two times greater than that
of the general population. Statistics
also show that alcohol dependency
increases one’s risk of developing
mental or psychological disorders.
Alcoholism and Mental Health:

The link between alcohol addiction
and mental health should not come as
a surprise. Dozens of studies can
prove that alcohol influences the
brain by changing its chemistry.
Certain parts of the brain are affected
by drinking spirits.
It produces a euphoric feeling by
acting on the mesolimbic or reward
pathways in the brain to release
dopamine. This feel-good sensation
can cause one to abuse alcohol.

Brain mass is also reduced for an
alcoholic. There are fewer neurons
along the prefrontal cortex, causing
changes in emotions and personality.
Short-Term Effects of Alcohol:

Psychological effects can be seen
immediately in people who have
acute alcoholism.
Some of these are:


Minimal alcohol consumption can
disrupt a normal sleep pattern. With
drinking, it might be easier to fall
asleep. However, as soon as the body
starts processing the alcohol, deep
slumber becomes poor quality sleep.
Loss of Control:

The psychological effects of
alcoholism start once it is absorbed
into the bloodstream. Too much
drinking can affect one’s
coordination, so it is easy to lose
control of your motor functions.
Impaired Judgment:

Certain parts of the brain take charge
of impulses. However, with
alcoholism, these are over-ridden,
causing delays. That makes it hard to
determine the positive and negative
consequences. This leads to poor
Confusion or Disorientation:

Losing inhibitions is one of the
psychological effects of alcohol. This
prompts people to use this substance
excessively. However, this can also
cause confusion, delusions, and
Mood swings:

Alcohol also changes the endocrine
system. This leads to constant mood
swings and bouts of depression.
Long-Term Mental Effects of

In the long run, the physical and
mental effects of alcohol are
magnified to a greater extent.
These are:


Excessive drinking can be a form of
escape for some people. However,
once sobriety sets in, depression is
more likely to occur. The need for
drinking spirits surfaces, and this
becomes habitual.
Depression is very common and a
known mental side effect of drinking
too much. In fact, a third of people
suffering from mental depression are
alcohol dependent.
With depression and alcohol
addiction, depression seems to come
first. Evidence suggests that kids
suffering from depression develop a
desire to drink. Suicide is also mostly
driven by severe depression.
Personality Changes:

Intoxication can create negative
emotions. It likewise affects moral
standards, not only because of the
psychological effects of alcohol but
also because it alters the body's
serotonin levels.
This chemical transmits mood signals
to the brain.
This particular mental issue is one of
the many ways that alcohol addiction
affects your relationships with family
and friends.
Alcohol Use Disorder:

People with A.U.D. have a continuous
desire to drink, even going as far as
drinking alcohol in the workplace.
How to End the Mental Effects of
Alcohol Addiction:

How do you put an end to the mental
or psychological effects of drinking?

The best way to get treatment of the
psychological issues related to
alcoholism is to address alcohol
addiction head on.
The psychological effects of addiction
set a pattern that can be hard to pull
yourself out of, and this is why it is
important to seek aid in institutions
that are equipped to help you help
At Haven House Recovery Center, we
approach addiction from a spiritual
perspective. Our Christ-centered
programs are in conjunction with
clinical practice guidelines. We help to
change our residents for the better by
helping them grow spiritually
through recovery.
Our strong belief is that to succeed in
overcoming addiction, one must
combine the spiritual component
with other programs like education,
individual sessions, group morning
meetings, and peer accountability.
We also have thrift stores that offer
work therapy opportunities for our
recovering men. These help them
learn and develop new skills, practice
discipline, value hard work, build
relationships, and work toward a
common goal. This program will help
them to become contributing
members in their communities as
soon as they graduate.
As with all changes, the beginnings
are always the hardest. If you are
looking for a Nashville recovery
center to assist you in battling alcohol
addiction, feel free to call Haven
House in Hartsville too!
Santa Rosa beach, FL
(850) 622-3774
Hartsville, TN
(888) 622-3702