Real Voice Actors Create High-Quality Audiobooks From Your Published Work

Real Voice Actors Create High-Quality Audiobooks From Your Published Work, updated 1/11/24, 9:40 AM


Ready to turn your published work into an audiobook? Write My Wrongs (888-231-0680) offers professional audiobook conversion services, now providing you with the opportunity to work alongside real voice actors on your project. Visit for more details.

Write My Wrongs Co City: Emeryville Address: 3801 San Pablo Ave Website Phone +1-888-231-0680 Email

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Real Voice Actors Create High-Quality
Audiobooks From Your Published Work
Phew! You've finally published your book -
After all that hard
work, you may feel
like it's time to kick
back and relax.
But hang on. . .don't you want
to hear your meticulously
crafted words read
gorgeously by a professional
voice actor, as well as see
them on the written page?
Sure you do.
Which is why you
should get in touch
with the publishing
pros at Write My
Wrongs to start your
audiobook conversion
The company auditions potential narrators, works with you to find the perfect
fit, and provides you with full control over your audiobook development from
start to finish.
As the audiobook market continues to boom, the services help convert your
written work into an audio format, so you can distribute it through Amazon,
Audible, and iTunes.
Go to to
find out more.