Improve Sleep Hygiene & Gain More Energy By Balancing Your Leaky Gut Naturally

Improve Sleep Hygiene & Gain More Energy By Balancing Your Leaky Gut Naturally, updated 8/26/22, 8:11 AM

Are you always tired no matter how many hours you’ve slept? Turns out, all these problems begin from your gut. Dr. M Kara helps you understand the importance of gut bacteria in your sleep quality and overall wellness. Learn more at

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Improve Sleep Hygiene & Gain More
Energy By Balancing Your Leaky Gut
Dr. M Kara launches his newest educational
campaign on the nuances of the gut-brain
The new campaign focuses
on recent studies that show
the close connection that
intestinal health has with
healthy brain function. 
According to researchers, gut
bacteria influence normal sleep
patterns by creating important
chemical messengers in the
brain, such as serotonin and
In his new educational
campaign, Dr. M Kara
focuses on people in their
30s who are having
difficulty sleeping. 
Dr. Kara believes in taking a
preventive approach by
looking into the relatively
unexplored world of gut
bacteria in improving sleep
The preventive medicine internist says that good nutrition can
prevent many illnesses, especially those that are caused by a
sedentary lifestyle. 
He recommends taking broad-range supplements
that restore a healthy microbiome, such as Vital
Learn more at