Investors Looking For New Opportunities In Toronto Can Join This VC Platform

Investors Looking For New Opportunities In Toronto Can Join This VC Platform, updated 11/25/20, 4:28 PM

A VC raising platform has been launched aimed at business owners and investors based in and around Toronto. The Sploda team explain they are changing the archaic system with a functional solution. You can find out more at

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Investors Looking For
New Opportunities In
Toronto Can Join This
VC Platform
Are you a business owner, start-up founder, or innovator? Are you an
investor looking for your next opportunity? If you belong to either of these
groups, this innovative Toronto-based VC platform can help you find what
you need!
The team behind the Sploda platform
explain that as you may be aware finding
alternative sources of funding has never
been more important for you as you face a
raft of challenges due to the pandemic and
global economic situation.
The team explain that prior to 2020 and the pandemic, 2019 was a
record year in terms of the amount raised by venture capital-backed
In case you are wondering, it totalled
$4.1 billion, which equated to a 16%
increase over 469 deals even
though activity was down by 11%.
Since then there been many challenges for you whether your company is
entering the market or your products are competing for visibility but there
have also been opportunities for savvy innovators and investors alike.
With vision, persistence, and
capital the team explain they
recognise you are adapting to the
new demands you are
This includes the technology opportunities created by the product
and service gaps created by local, national, and international
Sploda and its team explain the platform was
developed to ensure both parties, whether you
are a business leader or investor, use due
diligence to filter your lead flow and protect
yourself from spending your limited time on
traditional VC approaches.
This includes wining and dining, pitching and negotiating, writing
legal LOI’s and MOU’s while there is a possibility your deal could
be derailed in the final stages.
The team behind the platform understand
the difficulties and challenges you are
facing whichever side of the deal you are
on as they explain it was difficult for them to
find real investors when they were trying to
raise capital.
A spokesperson said: “In Canada, Toronto was the top city for venture capital
investment, which also means that by volume, Toronto wasted the most time and
money. Something was required to shake some common sense into an archaic
“ became the solution. Operating
in 28 countries, Sploda connects companies
of all stages (pre-revenue to profitable),
public and private, in all industries to verified
investors around the world,” they added.
Visit the link provided to find out more!