Diamondback terrapins are turtles that inhabit estuaries along the east and Gulf coasts of the United States. They range from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to northern Mexico. Terrapins were harvested in the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s as a food source with a high demand leading to reductions in their populations across their range. In the 1930’s, terrapins became less desirable food sources and populations increased in areas with good habitat, but not much is known about populations in certain areas. What make terrapins so interesting are their markings, which are highly variable and prominent. Reasons for the variation include genetic diversity and some variations in their patterns could be linked to environmental conditions.
About Friends of County Parks
The Friends of the County Parks, established in 1988, is a group of concerned citizens joining together to promote financial and community support to the Hillsborough County Parks, Recreation, and Conservation Department. They develop public awareness of recreation as an important part of day-to-day life.
Funds provided by The Friends of the County Parks are used as a supplement to the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department budget and does not replace allocated tax dollars. These additional funds helps maintain, improve, and enhance services provided by the Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department. The Friends of the County Parks enjoys a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit exemption status.
Bycatch Reduction Devices
Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin)
live in brackish saltwater marshes, coastal bays
and lagoons
from Cape
Cod, MA, to
Corpus Christi,
TX. They are
named from
the concentric
markings and
grooves on
their shells.
Today, because of habitat loss, boat strikes,
and other human-induced stresses, terrapin
populations within the Chesapeake Bay are
under even greater pressure to survive.
The greatest threat to diamondback terrapins
is drowning in crab pots. Male and young
enter and
drown in
style crab
pots, as they
are air-
Terrapins are
attracted to the same bait used to attract blue
crabs. Terrapins may also enter out of
curiosity or because they are looking for a
safe resting place.
Recreational crab pots are typically set in the
same places males and juvenile female
terrapins live - shallow, near-shore waters
along creeks and marshes.
The blue crab
sapidus, is one of
the largest on-
going commercial
shellfish harvests
in the Chesapeake
Bay, and crabbing is a favorite pastime for many
Virginia residents as well.
In Virginia, it is illegal to collect
diamondback terrapins for commercial or
personal use
(see Virginia Department of Game and Inland
Fisheries Nongame regulations at
A bycatch reduction device (BRD) is a simple
and low-cost way to prevent terrapins and other
marine organisms, such as blue catfish which eat
blue crabs, from getting into your crab pots.
Attaching a BRD to each funnel opening will
prevent most terrapins and other unwanted
organisms from entering the pot.
Studies have shown that while effective at
preventing other animals from entering,
BRDs have little impact on the size and
number of blue crabs found in crab pots.
Rochelle Seitz
Diane Tulipani
Diane Tulipani
Timothy Russell
Matthew Wolak
Timothy Russell
Please help prevent unnecessary deaths of
diamondback terrapins and other animals in
your crab pots. By simply attaching BRDs
to your crab pots, you can help preserve the
diversity of animals within Chesapeake Bay
for a healthier system, while still enjoying
your blue crab catch.
To learn more about diamondback
terrapins and their conservation visit the
following websites:
VIMS Website
Virginia Department of Game and Inland
Diamondback Terrapin Working Group
The Wetlands Institute
MATES Project Terrapin
www.dtwg. org
Help prevent unnecessary deaths of
diamondback terrapins and other animals
in your crab pots. Simply attach BRDs to
all of your crab pots. Your participation
can help preserve the diversity of animals
within Chesapeake Bay for a healthier
system, while still enjoying your blue crab
To make your own set of 4 BRDs (1 ¾” x
4 ¾”), you will need for each crab pot:
Ÿ 11-gauge galvanized wire - 4 pieces x
14 ¾” length
Ÿ 24 hog rings [(2 to form each BRD + 4
to attach BRD to pot) x4]
Ÿ Marker
Ÿ Needle nose pliers
Ÿ Wire cutters (optional)
1. Take a single length of wire and,
measuring from one end, make a mark
with the marker at lengths 1 ¾”, 6 ½”, 8
¼”, and 13” from the end.
2. Using the pliers, bend the wire to a 90°
angle upward at each mark. The first
and last lengths of 1 ¾” will overlap
forming a rectangle of 1¾” x 4 ¾”.
3. Securely close the overlapping side with
2 hog rings.
4. Repeat for remaining 3 lengths of wire.
To install on the crab pot, position a BRD
within each funnel opening and securely
fasten to funnel with 4 cable ties per BRD;
place 1 cable tie at each corner of the BRD.
(c) 2009
Kelly Finan /
National Aquarium
Plastic BRDs are available for
purchase. For more information, go to:
Diane Tulipani